Many friends like to eat dumplings stuffed with leeks, because leeks themselves have a strong fragrance. No matter if they are paired with any other ingredients, the taste will be very fresh and delicious. However, when preparing leek fillings, many people tend to make mistakes a

Many friends like to eat dumplings stuffed with chives, because leeks themselves have a strong fragrance. No matter how they are paired with any other ingredients, the taste is very fresh and especially delicious. However, when preparing leek fillings, many people tend to make mistakes and put in the wrong seasonings. This results in the leek lacking in flavor, unable to stimulate the fresh aroma, and smelling like rotten vegetable leaves.

When preparing the leek filling, be sure to remember to "put 3 in and 1 out". If you follow this method to mix the filling, you can use it to make dumplings, pancakes, or make pie , the taste will not be bad, it is very delicious. If you like to eat leeks, you might as well learn how to make it and cook it for your family!

[Steps to prepare leek filling]

1. Pick the leeks you bought first. There is some black mud at the roots, so wash them thoroughly, remove all the yellow and rotten leaves inside, and clean the leeks. Don't cut it after that. You should put it in a mesh sieve in a cool and ventilated place and let the leeks dry naturally. During the drying process, you should constantly turn them over to ensure that the moisture around them is all gone. be evaporated and dried completely before cutting the leeks.

2. When cutting leeks, you should pay attention. Cut off the top section and throw it away, because there is some black soil, which is not easy to remove. There are still many very fine parts. After cutting it off, it will be more Hygienic, then cut the leeks into fine pieces. The finer the cuts, the better.

3. Put the chopped leeks into a large, clean and water-free basin. At this time, pour the peanut oil in first, and stir while pouring the oil. Until the peanut oil is all around the leeks, you will smell it. The strong fragrance of chives.

4. At this time, add other side dishes to the leeks, such as marinated pork or scrambled eggs. Chop them into pieces and mix them with the leeks. Then add salt and chicken essence and mix evenly. , this way the leek filling is ready, it is very simple and hassle-free, and the seasonings added are also very simple.

5. When adjusting the leek filling, remember "3, put 1, don't put", which refers to vegetable oil, salt and chicken essence. With these three seasonings, the leek filling will be delicious. In addition, do not add five spices when adjusting the filling. Fen is a seasoning because leeks themselves have a fresh fragrance. Dumplings filled with leek fillings are fresh and delicious. If five-spice powder is added, its taste will be greatly reduced, which will greatly affect the freshness of leeks.

[Cooking Tips]

When preparing the leek filling, in addition to adding these three seasonings, the order in the process of adding the ingredients is also very important. The first step is to put the vegetable oil first, and then add the oil. Stir until the oil coats the surface of the leeks. This will effectively wrap the leeks and prevent the soup inside the leeks from being marinated when the salt is added. This will ensure the fragrance of the leek filling. It can also prevent soup from coming out of the leek stuffing, killing two birds with one stone.

In addition, if you want the dumplings stuffed with leek to be delicious, choosing leeks is the first step. Be sure to choose leeks that are light green in color but not particularly old. Take a look at leek root . If it is red in color, it is particularly fresh, like this Leeks are the most delicious, so be sure to buy more of them when you come across them.