In 2016, after experiencing failure in opening a Taobao store and unexpectedly gaining popularity for her self-guided self-portraits of ancient food videos, Li Ziqi joined the thousands of short video entrepreneurs. This seemingly frail girl looks like a veteran in the video, cli

In 2016, after experiencing failure in opening a Taobao store, but her self-guided and self-guided ancient style food videos unexpectedly became popular, Li Ziqi joined the thousands of short video entrepreneurs. This seemingly frail girl looks like a veteran in the video, climbing mountains and trees, chopping firewood and fishing, with nimble movements and omnipotence. As of December 2019, she has 7.35 million subscribers on the overseas YouTube website, which is close to the number of American CNN (CNN) subscriptions on the platform; even though her videos do not have English subtitles, the average number of views is Well over 5 million, the number of video views on the entire network has now exceeded 3 billion, and the number of Weibo fans has exceeded 10 million. However, Li Ziqi is not an Internet celebrity, nor does she have long legs. How did she become a well-known Internet celebrity just by relying on ancient food videos?

First of all, the brand image of "Li Ziqi" is unique. It is unique in the current self-media market environment, and the differentiated brand image is attractive. Her uniqueness is embodied in the fact that her videos show an pastoral life with an ancient style, which is far from our lives in the deep cities. It can instantly attract the attention of the viewer, and then evolve into curiosity, envy, appreciation, etc. mood.

In terms of emotional rendering of the video, Li Ziqi conveys a feeling of tranquility and leisure by collecting very concrete things such as the melodious birdsong, the smoke from the mountains, the thin dew on the leaves, and the frosting on the freshly picked fruits. In the short video posted by Li Ziqi, the delicacies have a strong ancient flavor, such as peach blossom jam, autumn pear paste , etc.; the shooting scene was in the countryside, which not only showed the natural appearance of the food, but also the cooking utensils she used were very unique. Antique colors.

The content she posts not only covers food, but also traditional Chinese skills, such as papermaking and wood movable type printing. Accurate and unique content positioning can help Li Ziqi create brand differentiation.

Secondly, multi-channel marketing has greatly increased the exposure of Li Ziqi’s brand. Li Ziqi not only uses short videos and Weibo as a means of communication, but also extensively co-brands with other IPs. In August 2018, Li Ziqi joined hands with the Forbidden City Food to jointly create the palace's "Su-made sauce"; in May 2019, a product signing event jointly signed by Li Ziqi and "National Treasure" was held in Beijing, attracting netizens to call the joint mooncakes "beautifully fried" ”. By co-producing products with historical IPs such as the Forbidden City and "National Treasure", Li Ziqi has strengthened her ancient and beautiful brand image.

Finally, leverage ancient culture to shape the fan economy. Since Li Ziqi reached a cooperation with Forbidden City Food in August 2018, Li Ziqi's Tmall flagship store has officially opened. When it opened, the store had nearly 650,000 fans; 10 minutes after it started selling, ginseng honey, herbal tea , Su Zao sauce Sales data soared rapidly, exceeding 10,000 each.

The operation of Li Ziqi’s Tmall flagship store is Li Ziqi’s first exploration into e-commerce. After obtaining the first batch of sales data, Li Ziqi’s product line continues to expand around the core of “oriental traditional cuisine”. After 3 years of shaping his personal IP, Li Ziqi finally gained huge traffic and brand effect , which was realized during the brand's dividend period: fans will have trust in the brand stores founded by the Internet celebrities they follow. The halo is very easy to convert, and can even achieve the purpose of "precision fan marketing" better than celebrities.

Li Ziqi is deeply involved in the fields of ancient food and pastoral life, which makes fans have a strong sense of identity with Li Ziqi’s own ancient beauty. It is easy to build a bond between the brand image and fans’ trust. The product has characteristics and the brand has a tone. , is attractive. In addition, fan marketing can also create a sense of psychological superiority for users and create emotional belonging and identity labels for fans.

Li Ziqi’s popularity is inseparable from her seriousness and professionalism. However, without the support and marketing promotion of Hangzhou Weinian Technology Co., Ltd., it would be difficult for Li Ziqi to spread her brand image on a large scale.

In addition to good products, deeply rooted branding and well-timed marketing promotions are also extremely important. They can not only properly convey the pastoral and quiet beauty to fans, but also integrate the products into it through content creation. This is what finally made Li Ziqi Become a big brand with widespread influence. The marketing methods of Li Ziqi brand have unique innovations, which can be said to be a marketing model that leverages ancient culture.

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