Recently, Internet-famous instant noodle stalls have been popping up on the streets across the country. The stall owners are usually beautiful ladies. An ordinary food cart is filled with various literary and artistic sentences, attracting the attention of many young people with

Recently, Internet celebrity instant noodle stalls have been popping up on the streets across the country. The stall owners are usually beautiful ladies. An ordinary snack cart is filled with various literary and artistic sentences, attracting many sentimental people. Young people's eyes.

An instant noodle pot, a small stove, a few packs of instant noodles, and a few eggs are enough to open the business. The cost does not exceed 500 yuan, but the return rate is very high. A bowl of instant noodles costs as little as 10 yuan, and a little more The ingredients cost 15 yuan or 20 yuan, but there was still no shortage of customers.

A girl from Northeast China set up a stall at a night market in Henan to sell instant noodles. Because of her good looks, she quickly became a local celebrity instant noodles. Her parents were very worried about her, so she left everything in Northeast China and took her two younger brothers with her. , the whole family of four was guarded throughout the process.

As a convenience food, instant noodles have always been considered to be junk food without nutrition. Under simple conditions, it does not need to be cooked. It can be eaten just by soaking it in hot water. Because of its good taste, it has always been loved by young people who do not want to cook.

Nowadays, this kind of food that does not require cooking has really become the new favorite of young people in night markets. I really admire the imagination of young people. You can eat at home for just a few dollars, but you have to spend more than ten dollars to go to the night market. Of course, many people think it is worth it to eat it. How can the instant noodles cooked by a good-looking lady taste the same as those cooked by yourself?

This northeastern girl’s name is Chen Daotao. The literary sentence on the snack cart is: If life is just like the first time we met, come and cook instant noodles. Needless to say, these two instant noodles with a saw like this are sold for 30 yuan for 10 yuan, and there are many male customers who are happy to eat them.

The young lady is indeed very good-looking, with neat short hair. Facing the guests, he always has a slight smile on his face, and keeps helping the guests cook the noodles with his hands and feet. There are not many types of instant noodles, they are all commonly eaten, with ham, eggs or a little lettuce.

A young girl with such a beautiful face and good looks set up a stall alone in the night market. She is also an Internet celebrity stall. There are a lot of male customers who come to eat every day. Her parents are far away in the Northeast. She is very worried and has left everything in the Northeast without hesitation. I came to Henan to accompany my daughter.

My daughter was cooking noodles in front of the stall, and my parents stood aside and watched. During their free time, the three of them looked at each other and smiled knowingly. The scene was very warm and pitiful to the hearts of parents all over the world. Now her two younger brothers have joined the guarding team, and the whole family of four has been guarding her throughout the whole process, making it easier for the girl to cook instant noodles.