As summer approaches, we can clearly feel that the temperature is gradually rising. Hot weather can easily make us irritable, lose interest in anything, and even lose our appetite for food. In fact, there are many dishes suitable for eating in summer in our lives. These dishes ar

As summer approaches, we can clearly feel that the temperature is gradually rising.

Hot weather can easily make us irritable. We are not interested in anything, and we even have no appetite for eating.

In fact, there are many dishes suitable for eating in summer in our lives. These dishes are fresh and refreshing, which can relieve the irritability brought by summer to us and whet our appetite.

Next, let’s talk about those dishes that are very suitable for us to eat in summer, so that you can have a full appetite in the hot weather. Do you like any of them?

1, Bitter Melon Scrambled Eggs

If you want to count down the vegetables suitable for summer, then bitter melon must be on the list. Although bitter melon tastes bitter, it is rich in nutrients and is very suitable for consumption in summer. Bitter melon can be made in various ways, Bitter Melon Scrambled Eggs is one of the most popular dishes.

The preparation of bitter melon and scrambled eggs is simple. You only need to slice the bitter melon and stir-fry it with the eggs. The yellow color of eggs and the green color of bitter melon, this color combination can easily increase people's appetite, and stir-frying with eggs can effectively reduce the bitter taste of bitter melon, making it taste fresh and refreshing.

2, Cold okra

The editor believes that many people like to eat cold dishes in summer. Various cold dishes emerge in an endless stream. Because of its cool and refreshing taste, people can have a better appetite in hot weather. In the eyes of many people, okra is also a very suitable ingredient for summer, so cold okra is very popular in summer.

The method of making cold okra is to blanch the okra first, then pour in the sauce prepared with minced garlic, soy sauce, millet chili, etc. and stir together. The cold okra is ready. The okra tastes very crisp, and when paired with the refreshing and greasy sauce, it will whet your appetite immediately after eating it. This is a delicious dish that is very suitable for summer.

3, Minced Pork and Pickled Beans

As we all know, eating more sour foods can increase appetite, and Minced Pork and Pickled Beans is one of them. Although is simple to make, its unique flavor is very popular. The main raw materials used in are pork and pickled beans.

The method of making minced pork and pickled beans is to chop the main ingredients such as pork and pickled beans into small pieces, and stir-fry them with chili, soy sauce, pickled peppers, etc. The pork prepared by perfectly absorbs the sour taste of other ingredients. does not taste greasy, but makes people feel very appetizing. The spicy, sour and fragrant taste of the whole dish makes people like it very much.

4, Pineapple Sour Pork

Dishes created with fruits as the main ingredients are also very suitable for summer. When it comes to dishes created using fruits as ingredients, I think most people’s first reaction is pineapple sweetened pork. This is a very famous traditional food. The overall color is bright and red and green, which makes people look very appetizing.

The tenderloin that has just been fried is fresh and crispy. At this time, the refreshing pineapple is added and stir-fried over high heat. In an instant, a rich aroma comes directly to the face. One bite is sweet and sour, and the fat but not greasy texture instantly whets your appetite. This dish is very suitable for eating in hot weather.

5, Winter Melon Meatball Soup

The editor believes that many people will think that because of the hot weather, summer is not suitable for soup. In fact, this is not the case. has many fresh soups that are very suitable for consumption in summer. Winter Melon Ball Soup is one of them. The main ingredients used in this dish are pork and winter melon, which taste delicious.

The main method of making winter melon meatball soup is: chop the pork and marinate it, then beat it into meatballs by hand and put them into the pot. After the meatballs are set, add the sliced ​​winter melon slices, salt and pepper.The prepared winter melon meatball soup is not greasy, the meatballs are tender, smooth and salty, and the winter melon is fresh and refreshing. In hot weather, it is definitely a pleasure to take a sip of delicious soup.

The above 5 dishes are definitely delicious dishes that can increase your appetite in summer. Have you tried any of them? Do you know what other delicacies are suitable for eating in summer? Welcome to leave a message and share in the comment area.

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