When I was in Beijing, I often ate noodles, and then I went to the food city or restaurants on the streets and discovered that there were many Shaanxi noodle restaurants and fast food restaurants, while there were only a handful of Shanxi noodle restaurants. In my impression, Sha

Shanxi people are very capable in Shanxi. They can make dozens of kinds of pasta, and they can eat the same thing every day for two months. Delicious, filling and affordable. It's also strange. As soon as they left Shanxi, these Shanxi cooks seemed to have collectively lost their memory. For pasta, I only see sliced ​​noodles , and the only toppings are tomatoes and eggs. If you want to eat braised noodles, you have to go to a store that specializes in braised noodles. What are the noodles? It doesn't exist at all.

If you go to any city outside Shanxi Province, you will find that most of the Shanxi noodle restaurants are like this. It seems that Shanxi people can only make knife-shaped noodles, and the fried soy sauce is all knife-cut. Let’s go to the Shaanxi noodle restaurants with the same positioning in the same city. There are always steamed buns, steamed buns, trouser belt noodles, Qishan noodles, , and some also have mochi, fish, , and there are at least seven or eight kinds of soup toppings.

I reflected on this phenomenon: Shanxi’s propaganda is not enough, both internally and externally. Whether a diet becomes popular does not depend on whether it tastes good, but on whether the people who make it can go out, or whether enough people eat it.

There are not enough people making Shanxi noodles and eating Shanxi noodles, so I can't get it out. The flow of food is related to the outflow of residents. For example, Sichuan and Hunan cuisine are available all over the country because migrant workers from Sichuan and Hunan work everywhere. For the market of migrant workers, Sichuan and Hunan cuisine restaurants have been created all over the country. Northeastern restaurants are also everywhere because the technical talents in the Northeast are talented. After the wave of layoffs, workers were lost to other places. Shaanxi people are similar to Sichuan people in this aspect, so they work as migrant workers everywhere, and there are Shaanxi dishes for Shaanxi migrant workers everywhere, but Shanxi people don't have such food, so Shanxi cuisine does not have a strong sense of existence, and it is easy to confuse Shanxi and Shaanxi.

Shanxi people don't like to wander around. Walking to the West Exit only happens in times of war or famine. Once there is no war or famine, Shanxi people would rather eat yam eggs and bask in the sun than go out and wander around. Therefore, fewer people take their food out; Shanxi is not a place with a beautiful natural environment, and its products are not rich. Although there are many cultural relics on the ground, they are scattered throughout the province, and the transportation between them is difficult due to the mountainous terrain. It is considered convenient, so not many people travel to Shanxi, so not many people can eat Shanxi noodles with local characteristics.

Secondly, Shanxi is a mountainous area, with different pronunciations and customs for ten miles. Although the whole of Shanxi is mainly pasta, the taste of pasta mainly depends on braised food and condiments. The noodles in every place in Shanxi are different. The difference is huge, so the ones that come out are all miscellaneous, so the fight can't be successful. Shanxi's brand can only be played in small places, Datong sliced ​​noodles , Linfen beef meatball noodles, Taiyuan Tijian, etc. If you come to several Shanxi noodle restaurants, each noodle restaurant has a different taste, people will evaluate this one as authentic, then If a home is not authentic, the final result will be that it is not authentic, and this card cannot be played. Not only does it feel like noodles, there are many things in Shanxi that cannot be promoted. Nowadays, there are several labels that are commonly used in Shanxi: coal, vinegar, wine and Guan Gong.

In today's competition among Internet celebrity cities, Shanxi Province has not done much publicity. Even making two jokes to ridicule is good. This has also caused many people to forget Shanxi. Some people also think: Oh, I think Shanxi is pretty good like this, and it doesn’t necessarily have to go nationwide. Compared with the same Lanzhou Ramen Xi’an delicacies across the country, I prefer this kind of development ~

I suggest marrying a Shanxi girl Come on, learn more and taste more. Shanxi noodles will satisfy you for a long time. After all, it has been impossible to grow rice on this land in Shanxi since ancient times. Therefore, for thousands of years, Shanxi people have grown up eating all kinds of pasta. No matter what crops are grown, they will be ground into flour. For Shanxi people, pasta is not only a specialty, but also the ration for people to grow up in this land of Shanxi. It is a must-have for every Shanxi person growing up. For Shanxi people, it is not a specialty, because Shanxi people never think it is special. It is something that real Shanxi people eat every day.