01 People who love eggs must learn how to make this "Fairy Egg" dish. "Fairy Egg" is the name I gave to this delicacy, because it is really delicious and easy to make. It is simply good news for greedy and lazy people. . 02 Let’s talk about the method first: the first step is to


People who love eggs must learn how to make this "fairy egg". "Fairy egg" is the name I gave to this delicacy, because it is really delicious and easy to make. It is simply good news for greedy lazy people. .


Let’s talk about the method first:

The first step is to boil the eggs. The method of boiling eggs varies from person to person, I personally like to use an egg poacher. Why? Simple and convenient! The eggs cooked by the egg cooker are easy to peel, which solves the biggest problem in production. If you don't peel the eggs smoothly, it will directly affect your mood and be counterproductive.

The second step is seasoning. This step also varies from person to person, whatever flavor you like. My recipe contains light soy sauce, vinegar, dried chili peppers, coriander, etc. Occasionally, it is good to add a red bayberry, or replace the dried chili pepper with pickled chili pepper, Laoganma, etc. Mix these seasonings together, add twice as much purified water, and wait for the eggs to come out of the pan. The third step of

is the final step, production. Find a glass vessel with a lid and toss the shelled eggs into it. Finish!


After soaking in the refrigerator for one night, you can enjoy delicious "fairy eggs" for breakfast!

The taste of eggs is more delicious than tea eggs and cooler than braised eggs. On summer mornings, it is delicious when paired with porridge, milk, soy milk, etc. If you add coriander, when you open the glass jar, there will be a fresh and pleasant aroma of grass and trees. When you close your eyes, you can feel the gentle breeze blowing slowly.