Ingredients for sweet and sour pork ribs: 1000 grams of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of ginger slices, 3-5 pieces of star anise, 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 pieces of tangerine peel, appropriate amount of white vin

Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs


Spare Ribs


Oyster Sauce

Appropriate amount

Ingredients Wine

moderate amount

rock sugar

moderate amount

ginger slices

3-5 slices

star anise

1-2 pieces

bay leaves

1-2 pieces

dried tangerine peel

appropriate amount

white vinegar

Appropriate amount

Light soy sauce

Appropriate amount


One head


  1. Wash the ribs, add cold water to the pot, add appropriate amount of ginger slices, chives, and cooking wine and blanch them. There is no need for any more blood after boiling.
  2. Heat the pan with cold oil and add an appropriate amount of ginger slices. If you like Sichuan peppercorns, you can also add some Sichuan peppercorns in this step and saute until fragrant. Add the ribs. Fry over medium heat until the surface of the ribs is slightly browned. Then add garlic and scallions and saute until fragrant.
  3. Prepare the sauce in advance, as follows: 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 3 spoons of rock sugar (rock sugar will make the color of the meat look great), four spoons of white vinegar, and five spoons of water. Stir the sauce evenly. Pour into pot. And add pre-boiled hot water. No more than the ribs. Add bay leaves and star anise. Bring to a boil over high heat and taste the prepared soup. If the flavor is not enough, add an appropriate amount of seasoning (light soy sauce, rock sugar, or vinegar), turn the heat to medium to low, and cover with a lid. Simmer for at least 40 minutes, during which time you can turn the ribs appropriately. The juice will be collected according to the meat quality of the ribs.
  4. Start to collect the juice, add a small spoonful of tangerine peel! (This step is very important. It relieves greasiness and stimulates the appetite.) Heat the pot over high heat until the juice in the pot remains to a satisfactory level. Add some oyster sauce and take it out of the pot.

Cabbage vermicelli







3 cloves

green onions

1/3 roots




  1. Vermicelli soaked in hot water, pour out excess water before cooking
  2. Shred cabbage
  3. Garlic, onion, small pepper , how much according to personal taste
  4. Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry minced onion, garlic and chili, add cabbage and stir-fry, add cabbage Microsoft , add and remove A fan of water. Add "one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, and a little sugar" and stir-fry.When the cabbage is completely soft, take it out of the pot.

Braised prawns in oil



1 pounds


Moderate amount


a little


5-6 cloves

light soy sauce

2 spoons

cooking wine

1 spoons

old soy sauce

half spoon

oyster sauce

1 spoons

white vinegar

half spoon

tomato sauce

1 spoons

white sugar

half a spoon

room temperature water

4-5 spoons


  1. prepare the ingredients, shrimp, onion, ginger and garlic
  2. chop the onion, ginger and garlic
  3. process the shrimp head and shrimp whiskers
  4. The processed shrimp heads are as shown in the picture
  5. Remove the shrimp threads, use a toothpick to penetrate the 2-3 sections of the shrimp
  6. Pull the toothpick up, take out the shrimp threads
  7. The processed shrimps are set aside
  8. Make a bowl of juice: Two spoons of light soy sauce
  9. One spoon of cooking wine
  10. Half spoon of dark soy sauce
  11. 1 spoon of oyster sauce
  12. Half spoon of white vinegar
  13. 1 spoon of tomato sauce
  14. Half spoon of white sugar
  15. 4-5 spoons of warm water
  16. Stir evenly
  17. Heat the pot, add oil, and sauté the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant
  18. Add the shrimp and stir-fry until both sides turn red
  19. Pour into the bowl of juice
  20. Cover the lid and simmer for about 2 minutes
  21. Remove the lid and collect the juice