Mutton is a type of meat that many people like very much. Although in the south, the most popular delicacy of mutton is kebabs, you can occasionally make some delicious mutton at home, such as braised mutton, garlic mutton slices, braised mutton cubes and other dishes. They are a

Mutton is a type of meat that many people like very much. Although in the south, the most common delicacy of mutton is kebabs, you can occasionally make some delicious mutton at home, such as braised mutton , garlic mutton slices, braised mutton cubes, etc. It is a very good choice to wait for the dishes.

Now that we are talking about cooking, the choice of mutton varieties has become the first step to delicious dishes; among the many mutton varieties in our country, there are six types of mutton that are not only nutritious, but also tender and delicious.

Most of these styles are well-known in the local area, and the related dishes are also rare and delicious among famous dishes. If you also want to know more about mutton, you might as well read on.

: Ningxia Yanchitan mutton

Ningxia is home to many ethnic minorities, the majority of which are Hui people.

As a local specialty of Yanchi County, the local "Tan Sheep" has lean meat. Because the breeding environment is often in the mountains and forests, it is half wild and half domesticated, so the body fat rate of the mutton here is extremely low. Low, bright red meat color, sheepskin and mutton are the best products in the same series.

In addition, the sheep here often eat fresh wild mushrooms, so the meat tastes less muttony, tender and mellow. It is definitely the best choice for cooking such as stews.

: Xinjiang Altay Mutton

When talking about kebabs, many people will immediately think of Xinjiang specialty.

In fact, The key to the deliciousness of Xinjiang mutton kebabs is mainly because the mutton varieties selected are very high-quality, among which Altay mutton is the most famous.

As a sheep breed in high-altitude areas, it is resistant to high cold and easy to raise. It is not only strong in body, but also highly resistant to stress. In addition, the meat of this series of mutton is extremely tender and does not require too complicated cooking techniques. Simply roasting it on the fire can also allow people to taste the delicious texture of the most original flavor.

: Inner Mongolia Ujimqin mutton

Since we talked about the beauty of Xinjiang mutton, we naturally also want to talk about the beauty of Inner Mongolia mutton.

Inner Mongolia itself is vast. It stretches thousands of kilometers from east to west on the territory. This brings the growth cycle of natural forage to the sheep. The rich pasture feeds the local sheep to be fat and tender, especially Xilingol League Ujimqin mutton is particularly famous.

This mutton is not only juicy and delicious, but also contains a variety of trace elements necessary for the human body. As a branch of the Mongolian breed of sheep, this type of sheep not only has a high meat production rate, but also has meat quality that is high in protein and low in protein. The characteristics of fat, no smell and fresh and tender texture make it the main choice of meat in many local mutton restaurants, and the taste is very good.

4: Sichuan Jianyang mutton

Among the many delicacies in Sichuan, there are many famous dishes about mutton, but did you know that there is actually a kind of mutton that is very famous in Sichuan, and that is Jianyang mutton.

Although Sichuan does not have the vast and fertile grasslands of Inner Mongolia as a boost, for the local big-eared sheep , centralized artificial breeding is actually more conducive to the "growth" of this breed.

The mutton of this kind of sheep is fat and lean, with a slightly mild mutton flavor. The taste is light and fragrant when cooked, and the taste is strong to mellow. Moreover, in the local area, this mutton is very suitable for cooking into mutton soup, and its flavor is even similar to that of Xinjiang. The kebabs are equally famous.

5: Shaanxi Dingbian mutton and Hengshan goat meat

There are two types of mutton in Shaanxi that are the most outstanding, one is Dingbian , and the other is Hengshan.

The main characteristics of fixed-edge mutton are strong muscles, tender and chewy, not only has a very low fat rate, but also has no smell, which is especially suitable for soup or stir-frying.

As for goat meat, because it has been eating chrysanthemums, leguminous and herbs in the mountains and forests for a long time, it has more therapeutic properties in terms of meat nutrition. The locals even call it " meat. The ginseng ” shows the high quality of its meat.

6: Jingyuan, Gansu lamb

Many people cannot avoid the lamb category when eating delicious mutton. As for this category of local meat, the lamb in Jingyuan, Gansu is world-famous.

The lambs here are generally fed with raw milk, and the feeding time is controlled between 30 and 45 days. At this time, the lamb meat is the fattest and most tender, and the materials used for cooking are the most tender and delicious, with marble-like texture and low texture. The nutritional properties of fat and high protein made it an excellent choice for nourishing meat.

In fact, compared to the famous brands of mutton, there are many high-quality styles. If you also like this article, don’t forget to like, follow, and comment.