In this fast era, everything depends on efficiency and speed. Especially in terms of diet, due to the rapid development of society and high-intensity work pressure, many people spend more time on work, resulting in a greatly shortened meal time. Some people even eat just one bite

In this fast era, everything must be efficient and high-speed.

Especially in terms of diet, due to the rapid development of society and high-intensity work pressure, many people spend more time on work, resulting in a greatly shortened meal time. Some people even eat a casual meal in order to save time. .

Because of this situation, many food industries have spawned, such as street fast food, takeout, etc.

Especially many young people don’t even know how to cook. If they want to eat, they can only go to restaurants or supermarkets to buy it.

is like our traditional Chinese food dumplings. During festivals or every other day, I always have a meal of dumplings to satisfy my cravings. This is also a delicacy in the eyes of the older generation, especially when someone in the family is going out and they will make dumplings when traveling. As the saying goes, dumplings on the car and on the noodles mean peace.

But for contemporary young people who can’t cook, even if they want to cook, they don’t have time, so they will go to a restaurant to order dumplings, or they may go to the supermarket to buy quick-frozen dumplings and put them in the refrigerator for later use. After eating, take it out and eat it.

However, the prices of quick-frozen dumplings in supermarkets are different, some are dozens of yuan, and of course some are only a few yuan. With such uneven prices, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. So, can you eat the quick-frozen dumplings that cost a few dollars per kilogram?

Can you eat the quick-frozen dumplings that cost a few yuan a pound in the supermarket? (Comics)