Where is the best mutton? This is a common question. People from Inner Mongolia said: "Our mutton in Inner Mongolia is delicious because our grasslands are the most beautiful." People in Xinjiang were unconvinced and said, "Our Xinjiang has rich water and grass, and Xinjiang's mu

Where is the best mutton? This is a common question. People from Inner Mongolia said: "Our mutton in Inner Mongolia is delicious because our grasslands are the most beautiful." People in Xinjiang were unconvinced and said, "Our Xinjiang has rich water and grass, and Xinjiang's mutton is the most delicious." This saying spread to Qinghai In human ears, Qinghai people are angry: "Qinghai is located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and has high-quality plateau pastures, so our mutton is truly delicious." Where do the people of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Qinghai have the confidence to be so arrogant? Because they have capital, they do have grassland pastures with rich water and grass. Let’s look at Gansu again. When mentioning Gansu, everyone’s first impression is of the vast Gobi desert, flying dust, drought and little rain. Can good mutton be grown in such an environment? I can only say that you are ignorant! Have you not heard of the thousand-year lament of the Huns: "The loss of my Qilian Mountains has deprived my six animals of their ability to feed?" Don't you know that the fairyland grassland at the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains is called "Thousands of Miles of Brocade" in "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" and rated as one of "the six most beautiful grasslands in the country" by "China Geographic Magazine"?

The fairyland grassland at the northern foot of Qilian Mountain, Gansu

The fairyland grassland at the northern foot of Qilian Mountain, Gansu

The fairyland grassland at the northern foot of Qilian Mountain, Gansu

Sheep and yaks on the grassland at the northern foot of Qilian Mountain, Gansu

So mutton is good It’s not delicious, you have to look where it is available Good grassland. Now even in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Qinghai where there are grasslands, most places that can buy fattening sheep . Those places without high-quality pastures should not say that their mutton is the best, because your mutton is only half the best. Fattening sheep.

Captive fattening sheep

When it comes to whether mutton is delicious, one thing that must be mentioned is the cooking method and eating method of mutton. Beijing's hotpot mutton, sheep and scorpion hot pot . Inner Mongolia's roasted whole lamb, hand-grilled meat . Xinjiang's kebabs are famous all over the world. Gansu and Ningxia are famous for their hand-meoked dishes, especially in Yongchang, a county in Gansu where there is a way to eat it called "mutton rolls". Sichuan people love to eat hot pot, and they use mutton to make hot pot. "Tatar roasted leg of lamb" is everywhere in the Northeast. Which one is more delicious? It can only be said that everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables. Because all the cooking methods and eating methods just want to cover up the mutton smell, and what you eat is the flavor of seasoning, not the flavor of mutton. Some people say that eating mutton means eating the mutton smell, right? Tell you, you are wrong. Really good ingredients celebrate simple cooking methods. The same goes for mutton. Put it in a pot under cold water, boil it to remove the foam, add a few pieces of ginger, a handful of peppercorns, and a handful of salt. If you can't taste the mutton smell and only have the unique mellowness and sweetness of mutton, congratulations, you have eaten the best thing in the world. of mutton!

Really good ingredients advocate simple cooking methods, and the same is true for good mutton.

Why is mutton so bad? In fact, the mutton smell mainly comes from fat. Mutton fat contains: 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 4-methyloctanoic acid and other fatty acids, which are the source of the mutton smell. After reading this, many friends will ask, since there are these three kinds of acids, why doesn’t good mutton become sour?

Lanzhou finger meat

There are many factors that affect the mutton smell, including place of production, feed, variety, age, part, fatness, etc. For example, the odor of male sheep and is stronger, while the odor of Jie sheep (castrated sheep) is lighter. The feed or food of sheep has a great influence on the mutton smell, so the mutton smell of mutton will also have regional differences, because the vegetation and feeding traditions are different in different places. If there is a lack of sulfur in the pasture, the mutton will have a strong smell. If the sheep raised in captivity are fed too many leguminous plants (such as , alfalfa, ), the mutton smell will be stronger.

The free-range sheep in the Huangcheng Grassland at the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains in Gansu drink mineral water. Real mineral water is basically weakly alkaline and contains carbonates and sulfide salts. In addition, it is also closely related to pasture. Free-range sheep Eat all kinds of licorice , many of which contain plants containing carbonic acid alkalizing alkali. These alkaline substances neutralize the fatty acids in mutton, so free-range mutton is not a blessing from heaven.

Huangcheng Grassland at the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains in Gansu

Which is better, sheep meat or goat meat? I saw on the Internet that many friends from the south are saying that goat meat is more delicious than sheep meat. Let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of sheep meat and goat meat for your reference: 1. Sheep meat is more fragrant than goat meat. The meat of sheep is fatter, so the taste of sheep meat is softer and the meat is smooth and tender. The meat of goat is almost all lean meat, with very little fat content, so it has a darker taste. 2. Sheep meat is hot in nature and is particularly nourishing and suitable for pregnant women and patients; goat meat is cold in nature and not suitable for patients. Eating goat meat may cause diarrhea, but goat meat has lower fat content, high protein content, and particularly low cholesterol content. Therefore, eating goat meat can prevent arteriosclerosis , prevent hyperlipidemia and heart disease, and the effect is better than that of sheep. 3. Goat meat has a stronger smell than sheep meat.

Sheep: Sunan Alpine Fine Wool Sheep


What kind of mutton is delicious? I think everyone has understood this, right? It depends on where the grassland is good and where the water quality is good, the mutton there will be delicious. For those who don’t have grassland, or have good grassland but your sheep are raised in captivity, don’t call your mutton delicious. The fattening sheep you raise in captivity may have never even seen grassland, or even tasted the taste of grass. Why is your mutton so delicious? It will mislead others!

Sheep raised in captivity

Where’s the best mutton? Now let me reveal the answer for you: the mutton slaughtered by herdsmen deep in the grassland is the most delicious! Fortunately, the free-range mutton on the grassland is the most delicious!