Fermented glutinous rice is also called rice wine, fermented rice wine, and sweet wine. In the old days, it was called "鴴". Brewed with glutinous rice, it is a traditional home-made wine of the Han people. I have been making glutinous rice for many years, almost every year. Ferme

glutinous rice wine, also called rice wine, fermented rice wine, sweet wine . In the old days, it was called "鴴". Brewed with glutinous rice, it is a traditional home-made wine of the Han people. I have been making glutinous rice for many years, almost every year.

Fermented rice wine is a kind of sweet rice wine made by mixing steamed glutinous rice with koji and fermenting it. Its brewing process is particularly simple and its taste is sweet and mellow. The alcohol content is very low, so it is very popular among people. Glutinous rice was used to make wine in my country about six thousand years ago. "Kong Congzi" says: "Yao and Shun had a thousand bells." This shows that wine was already popular in society during the Yao period. The word "Qianzhong" indicates that this is a junior fruit wine.

In the past, people liked to brew and drink their own wine and enjoy the joy of farming and countryside. In the Tang Dynasty there are poems such as "talking about mulberry and hemp while drinking wine" and "poor winemakers only have old fermented grains". It can be seen that at that time, farmers already had the custom of brewing and drinking rice wine by themselves and entertaining guests with rice wine. Lu Fangweng In "Visiting Shanxi Village", the poem "Don't laugh at the muddy wax wine of farmers". What kind of wine is wax wine? , is a kind of home-brewed local wine made from glutinous rice. It is white in color, slightly turbid, and has the properties of yellow rice wine but a lighter taste and a strong after-effect. In fact, this is an upgraded version of glutinous rice. It is generally brewed in the twelfth lunar month and drunk during the Spring Festival, so it is called "Lajiu" or "Spring Wine".

Over the years, I have always used glutinous rice to make glutinous rice. One day, I suddenly had the idea of ​​using large yellow rice to make glutinous rice. It must be good. Mainly based on two reasons: First, millet and millet are the same species in the plant taxonomy. The comprehensive nutritional value of yellow rice is higher than that of wheat and rice. In particular, yellow rice has obvious health care effects on the human body. , which is incomparable to wheat, rice, etc. Yellow rice has high nutritional value and is a high-quality food source with great health care value. Its nutritional ingredients and content are: carbohydrates 74%, protein 11.8%, fat 3.2%, dietary fiber 4.4%, and rich in Methionine, tryptophan, lysine , a variety of vitamins and trace elements such as zinc, copper, and manganese. According to the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", yellow rice can nourish kidney qi, remove stomach heat, cure thirst (diabetes), diuresis and activate blood circulation. At the same time, because it is rich in tryptophan, it also has a certain hypnotic effect.

At the same time, Fuxin millet is the oldest millet in the world and one of the best millets. It is China's important agricultural cultural heritage . It is known as "China's No. 1 Millet" and is the internationally recognized ancestor of grain. Its quality is even better. It is international-level and rich in resources. Second, rice wine made from rhubarb rice. Rhubarb rice is rice wine brewed by natural fermentation. In southern Shanxi and western Henan, this wine must be consumed during confinement. It has the functions of nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening the spleen and warming the liver, appetizing and digesting food, etc. It is also a good drink for people to maintain their health. In southern Shanxi and western Henan , a simple diet like yellow rice wine can actually make women have enough milk that even their children can't finish. When I was a child, I could often see the women squeezing the excess milk onto the ground.

bought Huangmi and gave it a try. The resulting glutinous rice glutinous rice is very delicious, and has a unique flavor compared to the usual glutinous rice glutinous rice. Although it is not as sweet as glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice , the sweetness of the rhubarb rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice to glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice with glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice with glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinosa , that kind of stickiness, that kind of mutual affection, the feeling cannot be described in words.

There are many ways to eat glutinous rice, but the most classic one is the "three-piece set of glutinous rice", including fragrant glutinous rice cakes, egg drop glutinous glutinous rice dumplings and milk and egg glutinous rice dumplings . These three ways of eating not only maintain the original flavor of glutinous rice glutinous rice to the greatest extent, Some fragrances can also best exert their effects. Let rhubarb rice glutinous rice enter your life. To use an idiom, it is summed up as "beautiful"!

I used the rhubarb rice fermented glutinous rice I made to cook a small pot of yellow rice fermented fermented glutinous rice and eggs small glutinous rice balls. In the strong aroma of wine the freshly brewed fermented glutinous rice can be separated from the water at the bottom of the bowl, and the rice grains are tender and yellow. Take a chopstick and stir it along the edge to keep the rice ball in a circle, making it as light as a marshmallow. At this time, the mash has a blend of pure rice aroma and light wine aroma, giving it an intoxicating sweet aroma.I feel a little confused when I smell this smell. After cooking, the soup is thick and mellow. The wine and sweetness are in perfect conflict. The sweetness suppresses the astringency of the wine, making the wine more fragrant and smooth. The wine sublimates the fermented glutinous rice and has a rich and sweet flavor. The glutinous rice balls are soft and glutinous, and the soup is sweet and fragrant. The golden combination of fermented glutinous rice and glutinous rice balls is very popular. After eating two bowls, I really don’t dare to eat anymore. If I eat another bowl, my milk will definitely come down!