#1 Shirako, Japan This is just a lump of fish essence, some are slightly salty, and some are slightly sweet. #2 Balut (Buttery Egg), Philippines This dish can also be found in other Asian countries, but is most popular in Vietnam and the Philippines. A very controversial dish. It

#1 Bai Zi, Japan

This is just a bunch of fish essence , some are slightly salty, and some are slightly sweet.

#2 Balut (hairy egg), Philippines

This dish can also be found in other Asian countries, but is most popular in Vietnam and the Philippines.
is a very controversial dish. It's a hard-boiled egg with an unhatched chick inside. The entire body is eaten, including the embryo, feathers and beak.

#3 Fried Tarantula, Cambodia

A crunchy fried snack that is said to taste worse than it looks. Some say it tastes like crab. Will you try it?

#4 Eraq, Mongolia

This is a beer drink made from fermented mare's milk. It's usually served in a bowl and tastes better when refrigerated.

#5 Casu Marzu, Italy

This cheese is very famous in Sardinia . It is made of pecans as the main material and is a bit spoiled. To give it a unique flavor, cheese fly larvae are introduced.

is a delicious cheese that you can eat with or without bugs.

#6 Locusts, Israel

This fried and chocolate-covered snack is available in Israeli markets.

#7 Surstromming (canned herring), Swedish

Little-known Baltic Sea herring. It is fermented with lots of salt to prevent rot. Because it has been stored in a salt water tank for a long time, it will emit a pungent aroma after being opened, and it usually has to be eaten outside.

#8 Escamor, Mexico

Also known as "insect caviar," this dish consists of edible ant larvae and pupae. It is said to have the consistency of cottage cheese and the flavor of butter and nuts.

is suitable for people who like to experience novel food.

#9 Guinea pig, South America

Guinea pig is more of a pet to many of us. But in South America, it becomes a local delicacy. Usually roasted and eaten whole, it is said to taste like rabbit.

#10 Rocky Mountain Oysters - United States

Although this food has oysters in its name, it is not! These are bull testicles, dipped in flour with pepper and salt and then fried.

#11 Chitterlings

Chitterlings, often called chitlins, are a traditional Southern dish made from boiled or fried pork intestines.

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