The children have been living on campus since they entered junior high school. They are sent to the school on Monday morning and picked up on Friday night. Many friends ask me if I don’t want to have children? Don’t you feel bad about your child living in school? In fact, I think

My children have been living in school since they entered junior high school. They are sent to them on Monday morning and picked up on Friday evening. Many friends ask me if I don’t want to have children? Don’t you feel bad about your child living in school? In fact, I think it’s good for boys to properly develop their independence. I remember that I started living on campus in junior high school, and I didn’t feel that I suffered very much. In addition, the current conditions of the school are pretty good, so I think it’s not bad. But maybe he wakes up a little early every Monday morning, so he always doesn't eat breakfast, saying he has no appetite. Although it’s okay to skip a meal once in a while, I still feel distressed when I think of an empty stomach all morning, so I pay more attention to breakfast.

My cousin taught me how to make these small wontons. According to her, it was a recipe from the store. She bought it for 5,000 yuan at the time. She found out about it by chance and made it for her family. It's really delicious and the kids love it too. However, the quantity I make at home is small, and the proportions may not be so precise, but it is really delicious.

I personally think that the reason why this wonton is delicious is that adding ice cubes when mincing the meat is the key. The meat filling is very tender and smooth, and it will not fall apart no matter how you cook it. It tastes very elastic, and it is paired with the prepared seaweed and shrimp soup. It's absolutely amazing. One mouthful of wontons and one mouthful of soup, I really can’t stop eating.

I sent my children to school the day before yesterday. I got up early in the morning and made small wontons. As expected, the children ate a bowl. It seems that lack of appetite and not wanting to eat are all excuses, but it is just because the food does not taste attractive enough.

[Sauce-flavored wontons]

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork, 1 spring onion, 3 grams of ginger, 1 spoon of soybean paste, 0.5 grams of five-spice powder, 15 ml of light soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, 10 ml of sesame oil, appropriate amount of ice cubes, dried shrimps Appropriate amount, appropriate amount of seaweed, 50 wonton wrappers.


1, ingredients. The wonton wrapper is purchased. If it feels thick, you can roll it out a little thinner. A thinner wrapper will make it look better.

2. Cut onion and ginger into shreds, soak in boiling water to make onion and ginger water, let cool and then add ice cubes. The addition of ice cubes can make the meat filling more tender and delicious.

3. Cut the meat into large pieces, put it into a meat grinder, add the bean paste, five-spice powder, and light soy sauce, then add half of the ice water, stir it into minced meat, and then add the remaining half of the ice water. , stir again for a few seconds. The wonton fillings are ready.

4. Roll out the wonton wrapper a little thin, scoop out a spoonful of filling and put it on. You don’t need to put too much.

5. Knead them together at will, and the small wontons will be wrapped.

6. Start boiling water in a pot and prepare to cook wontons. While boiling water, mix the bottom of a bowl, place seaweed, shrimp skin, egg skin, sesame oil, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and chopped green onion in the bowl.

7. When the water is boiling, add the wontons and cook until the wontons float and become transparent.

8. First add a spoonful of wonton soup, then scoop in the wontons. A bowl of delicious small wontons is ready, with good color, flavor and flavor.

1. If you don’t like doubanjiang, you can leave it out, it’s also delicious.

2. Choose light salted Shopee.

Do you like these delicious little wontons? Welcome to communicate at the end of the article.

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