There are always comparisons between the north and the south on the Internet. For example, northerners like to eat salty tofu pudding, and southerners like to eat sweet tofu pudding; northerners like to eat sweet rice dumplings, and southerners like to eat salty rice dumplings; n

There are always comparisons between the north and the south on the Internet. For example, northerners like to eat salty tofu pudding , and southerners like to eat sweet tofu pudding; northerners like to eat sweet rice dumplings , and southerners like to eat salty rice dumplings; northerners like to eat For pasta, southerners prefer rice, and there are many differences like that.

The Northeastern father-in-law of a southern son-in-law had not seen his daughter and son-in-law for a long time, and decided to go to the south. The daughter and son-in-law took the father-in-law to a restaurant and asked him to order. It was his first time ordering in a southern restaurant, and he thought 2 or 3 dishes plus a staple food should be enough for 4 people. Unexpectedly, I was dumbfounded as soon as the dishes were served, and immediately suggested: "How about adding a few more dishes."

My father-in-law from the Northeast ordered a sweet and sour pork loin first. , sugared lotus root, garlic pork ribs , and a basket of steamed buns. As soon as the dishes arrived, my father-in-law was dumbfounded. This southern dish is too exquisite. Sugar lotus root is a traditional snack in the Jiangnan area. It is made with lotus root, glutinous rice, and osmanthus. It tastes sweet and soft.

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin is a very common dish in the north and south. It is mainly pork tenderloin and is paired with starch, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings. It tastes crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, sweet and sour, and appetizing.

Garlic pork ribs is a famous Shanghainese dish, and the preparation is relatively simple. Blanch the pork ribs, set aside, then add cooking wine, sugar, oyster sauce, pepper and other condiments and marinate for half an hour, then wrap it in Fry the pork ribs with fried powder . Finally, leave some base oil in the pot, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant, a little salt, pour in the fried pork ribs, stir evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onion and sesame seeds and serve. It tastes rich in garlic aroma, tender and delicious.

The xiaolongbao in the south is really exquisite, but the taste is also very good, the skin is thin, and the soup tastes like water. My father-in-law said: These three dishes plus the steamed buns are only enough for one person. Son-in-law, please have some more dishes.

The amount of dishes in the south is really small, so I have no choice but to order a few more dishes. The making of fermented glutinous rice dumplings is also very simple. Use small glutinous rice dumplings, boil the dumplings in water, and cook until the dumplings float. Then add sweet fermented fermented glutinous rice dumplings , add some honey, sprinkle with wolfberry and sweet-scented osmanthus, a bowl The fermented glutinous rice dumplings will be just fine. It tastes smooth, chewy, sweet and chewy.

Vegetarian stir-fry water spinach, put oil in the pot, when the oil is hot, add green onions and minced garlic, stir-fry until it changes color, pour in the washed water spinach, stir-fry over high heat, add some salt and MSG after stir-frying until soft. Stir well and serve. It tastes crispy and tender, and is a great dish to go with rice.

I have to say that the difference between the north and the south is really big. Just when it comes to ordering dishes, there is a big difference between the north and the south. The south pays attention to detail and you can order many different dishes when ordering; the north has large portions and you can eat them when you eat. So cool. However, the south also has dishes with large portions, and the north also has dishes with small portions. Each has its own advantages, which better reflects the richness of Chinese food culture.