Oatmeal fried chicken steak "Ingredients" 300 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams each of oats and flour, 50 grams each of onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes, 1 lemon "Seasoning" Egg liquid, pepper, sweet and sour sauce, salt, vegetable oil "Method" 1. Cut the chicken breast into thi

Fried chicken steak with oatmeal

"Ingredients" 300 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams each of oats and flour, 50 grams each of onions, cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 lemon

"Seasoning" egg liquid, pepper, sweet and sour chili sauce, salt, vegetable oil


1. Cut the chicken breast into thick slices, add lemon juice, salt and pepper, mix well and marinate, dip in flour, add egg liquid, then roll it into oats, and set aside.

2. Wash and cut tomatoes, onions and cucumbers and put them on a plate.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a pot until it is 40% hot. Fry the oatmeal chicken steak until golden brown. Take it out of the pot and put it on a plate. Serve with sweet and sour chili sauce.

Pan-fried chicken breast with pineapple

"Ingredients" 300g chicken breast, 100g canned pineapple, 50g egg yolk

"Seasoning" salt, MSG, sesame oil, sugar, wet starch, Western juice (Cantonese seasoning), soup , salad oil


1. Slice the chicken breasts, lightly marinate with salt and MSG, sizing with egg yolk and wet starch, deep-fry in hot oil until cooked until golden brown, remove and drain. stand-by.

2. Heat the bottom oil in the pot, add western juice and white sugar and stir-fry until red oil comes out, then add the stock, add pineapple slices and chicken breast and stir-fry evenly, pour in sesame oil, remove from the pot and serve on a plate.

Fried gizzard liver

"Materials" Chicken gizzards 200g, 150g chicken liver, 2 eggs, 100g flour

"Seasoning" MSG, cooking wine, allspice, salt, sesame oil, vegetable oil


1. Cut the chicken gizzards open, peel off the skin and impurities, wash them and pat them flat with the back of a knife. Cut them into tic-shaped patterns. Cut them into 3 cm square cubes along with the chicken livers. Put them in a bowl. Add salt and cooking wine, mix well, and marinate for a while. .

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl, mix well, then add flour, MSG, water and sesame oil to make a paste, add the gizzard liver pieces and mix well.

3. Heat the oil in the wok until it is 70% to 80% hot. Fry the gizzard and liver pieces for 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and put on a plate. Sprinkle with allspice powder.

Fried goose breast with lemon juice and cola

"Ingredients" 300 grams of goose breast, 1 lemon

"Seasoning" Coke soda, Shaoxing wine , dry starch, pepper, peanut oil, salt, egg liquid, ginger, minced garlic


1. Cut the goose breast into thick slices, cut the goose breast into thick slices, add salt and Shaoxing wine to marinate, add egg liquid, mix well, and pat on dry starch.

2. Squeeze the lemon juice, add cola and pepper, and mix it into gravy.

3. Heat peanut oil in a pan, put the goose breast slices into the pan, fry over slow fire until both sides are golden brown, add ginger, minced garlic and stir-fry, add the gravy and stir-fry evenly, fry until the juice dries up and remove from the pan Just load it into a plate.

Red wine fried goose

"Ingredients" 52 slices of fresh foie gras, 10 grapes, 1 white radish

"Seasoning" sugar, black peppercorns, salt, beef juice, flour, red wine, vegetable oil


1. Cut the foie gras into large slices, sprinkle with a little salt and black peppercorns, and dip both sides evenly in flour; peel and seed the grapes, cut them into two; wash and peel the white radish, cut into two sections, and place on a plate.

2. Fry the foie gras in the oil pan, remove from the pan, and spread it on the white radish.

3. Put a little oil in the pot, sauté the grapes until fragrant, add beef juice and sugar, bring to a boil and then turn to low heat. When the soup thickens, pour in red wine and pour it over the fried foie gras. .

Home-made fried eggs

"Ingredients" 400 grams of eggs, 150 grams of green onions

"Seasoning" peanut oil, salt


1. Peel and wash the green onions and cut them into short strips. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add shredded green onions and salt and mix well.

2. Put a frying pan on the fire, add peanut oil to heat, pour in the egg liquid, spread evenly into cakes, fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides, cut into pieces and serve on a plate.

Tip: Open the chopsticks a little and dip some salt on the chopsticks so that the eggs can be broken up and flavored faster.

Colorful omelette

"Ingredients" 4 eggs, 50 grams each of chives, red peppers, onions, carrots

"Seasoning" soybean oil, salt, flour, MSG


1. Wash and cut the chives Cut into sections, cut red pepper into rings, shred carrots, and cut onions into strips. Mix the above main ingredients and set aside.

2. Beat the eggs, add salt, MSG and a little flour and mix well.

3. Heat the pot, add soybean oil, pour in the egg liquid, fry over slow heat until the bottom surface is solidified, sprinkle with various vegetables, flip the spoon and fry until mature, take out the knife and put it on a plate.

features: bright color, soft and delicious.

Edamame egg cake

"Ingredients" 50 grams of edamame, 40 grams of carrots, 30 grams of black fungus, 3 eggs

"Seasoning" salt, pepper, vegetable oil


1. Wash the edamame and cook in a hot water pot , rub off the outer membrane. Peel the carrots, cut into thin strips along with the black fungus, blanch and drain.

2. Beat the eggs into egg liquid, add edamame, carrot shreds, fungus shreds, salt and pepper and mix well.

3. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the pan, heat it up, pour in the prepared egg batter, and fry over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes. When the surface is firm, turn over carefully, fry over low heat for another 3 minutes, take out and cut into pieces. Just place it on the plate.

Hometown Omelette Corner

"Ingredients" 3 eggs, 100 grams of mushrooms, 60 grams each of pickles, leeks, and ham

"Seasoning" salt, MSG, vegetable oil


1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them with chopsticks scattered.

2. Chop the mushrooms, pickles, leeks, and ham into small pieces, put them into the pot, add salt and MSG, stir-fry until cooked, and make the stuffing.

3. Wash the frying pan, heat it with oil, pour in an appropriate amount of egg liquid, fry it into an egg skin, put the filling in the center, quickly cover one side of the egg skin to make an egg horn, fry until both sides are golden brown, and assemble Put it into the plate and it's ready.

features: golden color, soft and delicious.

Sweet and sour leek omelette

"Ingredients" 6 eggs, 150 grams of leeks, 100 grams of minced meat, a little chopped tomato

"Seasoning" salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, starch, peanut oil


1. Cut the leeks into small pieces, add minced meat and stir-fry. Beat the eggs, add minced meat, leeks, and season with seasonings.

2. Put the pot on the fire, fry the minced meat and leeks with the egg liquid over medium heat into a cake shape, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

3. Pour a little water into the pot, add salt, sugar and vinegar to make a sauce, pour it on the egg pancake, sprinkle with chopped tomatoes and serve.