Summary: Starting from June 29, catering merchants under Bailian Co., Ltd. have returned to dine-in in an orderly manner, and have joined hands with Dianping to launch the "Bailian Delicious YEAH List" and give out consumer coupons to benefit consumers. “As of now, Bailian Co., L

Summary: Starting from June 29, catering merchants under Bailian Co., Ltd. will return to dine-in food in an orderly manner, and will join hands with Dianping to launch the " Bailian Delicious YEAH List" and give out consumer coupons to benefit consumers.

"As of now, Bailian's three business formats: department stores, shopping malls, and outlets, covering 22 stores in Shanghai and more than 500 catering merchants in municipal business districts and urban and suburban areas have been restored in an orderly manner. Dine-in, the recovery rate of dine-in is over 90%. "I can finally have a familiar taste in the store!" On the first day of resuming dine-in, on the basis of strictly implementing epidemic prevention and control measures, Bailian South Shopping Center catering merchants. We welcomed waves of diners, who scanned the QR code to enter, took seats at different positions, and ordered food to dine in? ? Done in one go. The long-lost dine-in meal is back as usual, and consumers can't hide the joy and excitement on their faces.

Greater Shanghai is regaining the “smoke of fireworks on the tip of the tongue”. According to a notice from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, starting from June 29, dine-in dining will be allowed in an orderly manner in areas under the jurisdiction of Shanghai’s streets and towns that have no moderate risk and have not had social epidemics in the past week. This is a good thing for businesses and customers. The long awaited good news.

At 11 a.m., although it is not the peak dining period, many consumers are already seated in the restaurant. When we walked to the Furukawa Buffalo Tripe Hotpot Restaurant, we were greeted by the aroma and the restaurant was filled with steam. At the scene, staff said that customers need to scan the venue code at the door to enter the store. After being checked by the store staff, only those with a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours and no abnormality in body temperature measurement can enter the restaurant. Before and after meals, , all need to wear masks regularly. In order to ensure safe and orderly in-store dining, merchants have implemented epidemic prevention measures in advance for separate dining, so that customers can eat safely and with confidence.

"We came here after 10 o'clock. We are so excited to come to the store to eat hot pot. Only when you eat hot pot in the store can you truly taste the delicious beef." Customer Mr. Wang said.

The person in charge of Bailian Southern Shopping Center said that in order to welcome the resumption of dine-in dining in the catering industry and ensure consumers' orderly dining and consumption, the shopping mall has also tried its best to help catering stores stock ingredients and disinfect kitchen spaces, and also requires catering store employees to implement Daily nucleic acid testing ensures the safety of all-round epidemic prevention in the entire process from "clerks" to "ingredients", from "back kitchen" to "front office". At present, the catering stores in the mall have fully resumed dine-in dining.

"In the dining area, we strictly control the flow of people. We expand the distance between tables and adopt non-contact ordering and checkout. We have set up ' one-meter lines' in areas where people are likely to gather, such as the meal pickup area, checkout area, and waiting areas inside and outside the store. ', reminding customers to keep a safe distance. Refine the granularity of service procedures and epidemic prevention measures to provide a safe, comfortable and pleasant dining environment for the majority of dine-in consumers," said the person in charge of the mall's catering.

Before resuming dine-in dining, the mall has carried out comprehensive preventive disinfection of the business premises. Place codes and "digital sentinels" have been set up at the entrance of the mall, and dine-in traffic limit management has been implemented. According to the area of ​​the restaurant, expand the distance between tables, control the number of diners, and implement spaced and staggered seating. When taking out food, the courier rider's valid nucleic acid test report will also be checked when picking up the meal, and the incubator, logistics vehicle and turnover equipment will be cleaned and disinfected every day.

In Bailian Central Shopping Plaza , 90 of the 95 catering merchants have now resumed dine-in dining, with a dine-in recovery rate of 95%, including Starbucks and Lavazza beverage stores, as well as Hutchison, Xiaocaiyuan, Xibei , Zuoting Youyuan and other various cuisines. In addition to Jinshan and Fengxian stores that have fully resumed dine-in dining before, Bailian's subsidiaries such as World Expo , Bailian Century Shopping Center, Bailian Outlets Plaza (Shanghai? Qingpu ) and other shopping malls The recovery rate of dine-in dining in the catering industry has also reached more than 90%.

In order to stimulate consumers' enthusiasm for dining in stores and help the catering industry attract customers with the help of online traffic, Bailian has launched the "Bailian Delicious YEAH List" in conjunction with Dianping since June 29. Consumers can scan the code to receive over 100 The coupons are 20 off, and can be used when a single transaction of more than 100 yuan is spent at designated catering stores. They are distributed in an unlimited amount every day. Each Bailiantong member ID can receive up to 3 coupons, and a total of 20,000 coupons are planned to be distributed.

is full of fireworks in the world, which most comforts the hearts of mortals. The restart of dine-in dining has suddenly improved the city's "fireworks" and "business spirit". More importantly, it has also allowed consumers to truly "taste" the return of commercial vitality.