"Without watermelon, there would be no summer." Watermelon seems to be a fruit born for summer. It is rich in water and minerals. People sweat a lot in summer and lose a lot of water and minerals, and eating watermelon can replenish these substances.

Don’t pat watermelons with your hands when buying watermelons. The melon farmer will teach you 5 tips to pick out “mother watermelons”, all of which are sweet and juicy.

“No watermelon, no summer.” Watermelon seems to be a fruit born for summer. It contains Rich in moisture and minerals. People sweat a lot in summer and lose a lot of water and minerals, and eating watermelon can replenish these substances. Therefore, watermelon is most suitable for consumption in summer, as it has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving summer heat.

When I was a child, I liked to eat watermelon chilled with well water. It was really refreshing. Eating a piece of ice-cold watermelon made the summer heat disappear.

However, there are still many people who don’t know how to choose watermelon, and they always buy watermelon that is not delicious, does not taste sweet, and does not have much moisture. When buying watermelon, everyone will dress it up, pick it up and take a picture without knowing why.

In fact, if you are not particularly experienced, it is difficult for ordinary people to judge the quality of watermelons just by their sounds. You don’t need to take pictures when buying watermelons. An old melon farmer will teach you 5 tips to ensure you can easily buy fresh, sweet and juicy watermelons. The melons have thin skin and thick flesh. Even the boss will say that if you meet someone who is really an expert, he won’t dare to fool you.

5 tips for buying watermelon

1. Look at the shape and color of the melon vine

The vine is not pronounced màn, but wàn. The vine is the vine of the melon. First look at the shape. If the melon vines are curly, it means it is more mature and has higher sugar and moisture content. If the melon vines are straighter, it means the watermelon is not yet mature. Look at the color. If the melon vines are green, it means the picking time is relatively short and they are very fresh. If the color is yellow and black, it means they are not fresh anymore.

2. Look at the patterns on the melon rind.

On the rind of the watermelon, there are two green patterns, one deep and one light. First of all, the pattern should be clear and complete. If there are many unclear patterns or there are many incomplete patterns, it means it is immature.

Secondly, it depends on the distance between the two dark patterns. The watermelon continues to expand from a flower to a large watermelon, and the patterns are also getting wider. The wider the patterns, the more mature the watermelon is. If the spacing is narrow, don't buy it.

3. Look at the size and concavity of the melon navel

There are big and small melon navels, concave and convex, which one is better? First of all, the smaller the navel of the melon, the better. The skin of such a watermelon is relatively thin and the flesh of the melon is thick. If the melon has a large navel, the skin will be thicker. Secondly, if the melon rind is well sunken, the watermelon will be more mature, juicy and sweet.

When choosing watermelons, you must choose watermelons with small and concave navels. Only such watermelons are delicious. Just look at this place and you can choose good watermelons at a glance. This kind of watermelon with navel, also known as "mother watermelon", is guaranteed to be sweet and juicy.

4. Look at the side facing the ground

At present, most watermelons grow on the ground, and there is always one side that does not get sunlight, so there is always a yellow area on the watermelon. The smaller the yellow part on the melon skin, the more light it receives, the more mature the watermelon is, and the better the taste.

When buying watermelon, you can compare it with your hands. If the yellow part is smaller than the palm of your hand, it means it is more mature. If it is larger than the palm of your hand, it is less mature and will not taste sweet.

5. Look at the weight of watermelon

Two watermelons of the same size, the heavier they are, the more water they contain, because the water content of watermelons is about 95%. If it looks big but is not heavy when weighed, it means it is not mature enough.

When buying watermelons in the future, stop slapping them with your hands. Just use these 5 tips to choose. You will be sure to buy good watermelons easily and no one can fool you. If you think my article is good, please like, comment, forward, collect, and follow me. See you next time.