The picture comes from the Internet. The picture and text have nothing to do with it. Summer is approaching, and the herbal tea market is gradually booming. Recently, reporters noticed that beverage giant Coca-Cola Company’s Tmall flagship store launched a herbal tea product call

The picture comes from the Internet. The picture and text have nothing to do with it.

Summer is approaching, and the herbal tea market is gradually booming. Recently, reporters noticed that beverage giant Coca-Cola Company’s Tmall flagship store launched a herbal tea product called “Prunella Vulgaris”. Why is herbal tea named after the traditional Chinese medicine "Prunella Vulgaris"? What effect does this traditional Chinese medicine have? As a seasonal drink, is herbal tea suitable for everyone? The reporter asked experts for advice.

"Prunella vulgaris" herbal tea has a higher unit price and is a traditional herbal tea that claims to have an herbal formula.

It is understood that this herbal tea product named after the traditional Chinese medicine "Prunella vulgaris" was launched in June this year. It is the first herbal tea drink launched by Coca-Cola since entering mainland China. . In the Tmall flagship store, monthly sales have exceeded 400 orders. The product bottle highlights the pattern of Prunella vulgaris. In addition to Prunella vulgaris, the formula also includes water, white sugar, Luo Han Guo, licorice, and sophora rice. The picture of

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"herbal formula, traditional herbal tea; no additional artificial flavors and colors added," is introduced on the product details page. Like other well-known brands of herbal tea, this new herbal tea highlights the selling point of "clearing away heat and reducing internal heat". However, it is worth noting that this product is not sold in single bottles, but in whole boxes (24 bottles/500ml). The discounted price is 257.4 yuan, and a single bottle sells for more than 10 yuan. A bottle of other herbal teas of the same volume only costs About three or four yuan, the price difference is nearly two or three times.

In addition to being confused about the higher price, on the other hand, because the name of the herbicide "paraquat" is very similar, the release of Prunella vulgaris herbal tea has also attracted heated discussions among many netizens. Just thinking about this drink makes my back feel cold." So why is herbal tea named after the traditional Chinese medicine "Prunella vulgaris"? What effect does this traditional Chinese medicine have? The reporter consulted experts from Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

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Bitter cold relieves heat. The traditional Chinese medicine Prunella vulgaris is a commonly used medicine for the treatment of scrofula.

"Prunella vulgaris is named because its plants gradually wither in summer. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan and other places, nationwide. It is produced in most areas. " Huang Zihui, chief traditional Chinese medicine physician at the Scrofula Department of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that this traditional Chinese medicine is bitter and pungent in nature and cold in nature. Because Prunella vulgaris has a pungent taste and can be dispersed, it is bitter and cold, relieves heat, is good at releasing stagnation of liver and gallbladder fire, and calms down liver yang. Therefore, it can be used for symptoms such as inflammation of liver fire or hyperactivity of liver yang such as red and swollen eyes, headaches and dizziness. In addition, Prunella vulgaris is good at clearing away phlegm and fire, dispersing stagnation, and relaxing qi. It is also suitable for the treatment of scrofula, galls, carbuncles and other diseases caused by phlegm fire accumulation and liver and gallbladder qi stagnation syndrome. In particular, it is a commonly used medicine for the treatment of scrofula (luǒ lì, cervical lymph node tuberculosis), which is recorded in ancient Chinese medicine books such as "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica".

So does drinking this "Prunella vulgaris" herbal tea have amazing curative effects? Industry insiders bluntly said that herbal tea drinks are beverages after all, with limited content of Chinese herbal ingredients. They are fundamentally just food and are essentially different from medicines. Therefore, the "efficacy" is very small and cannot replace conventional traditional Chinese medicine decoctions, let alone cure diseases.

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Huang Zihui also reminded that the traditional Chinese medicine Prunella Vulgaris is not suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and qi deficiency, and it is not suitable for long-term consumption by the general population.

Herbal tea is not tea, hot drinks are healthier

In hot summer, many people feel quite comfortable eating hot pot or barbecue with iced herbal tea. But Huang Zihui told reporters that real herbal tea is not actually tea, but a medicinal soup made from Chinese herbal medicine. It is better to drink it hot. "Herbal tea has a cold nature and flavor, which can easily damage the human body's yang energy and body fluids. You sweat more in summer. Traditional Chinese medicine says that 'qi is lost with sweating.' If you drink herbal tea after cooling it in the refrigerator, it will not only lose the effect of a hot drink. , it will also damage Yang Qi and the health of the digestive system. "Experts say, especially when you are sweating profusely, you should not drink iced herbal tea to avoid adding cold to the cold, which is harmful to your health. In summer, when summer heat and dampness prevail, drinking hot tea is more convenient for relieving heat, removing heat, and removing dampness.

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Many people think that drinking herbal tea can reduce inflammation. This is actually a misunderstanding. “The internal heat caused by staying up late is generally a ‘deficit fire’, and herbal tea is generally used to reduce excessive gastrointestinal fire."Huang Zihui said that each Chinese herbal medicine has its own unique nature, flavor and meridians, and different people's constitutions are also divided into yin and yang, exterior and interior, deficiency and excess. If they eat incorrectly, they are prone to side effects. So which groups are not suitable? What about drinking herbal tea?

1. The main ingredients in herbal tea are mostly cold. People with weak constitution usually have symptoms such as fear of cold, fear of wind, and excessive sweating, which will not only be aggravated after drinking herbal tea. , severe cases can also damage the spleen and stomach, and even cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

2. People with colds and colds caused by low air conditioning temperatures or exposure to rain in summer are prone to cold and runny noses. Aggravating the symptoms, it is not conducive to the cure of colds.

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3. Women during menstruation. If women drink herbal tea during menstruation, it may cause qi and blood to stagnate due to cold, and menstrual blood will not be discharged smoothly, causing Dysmenorrhea can cause irregular menstruation.

4. Pregnant women and expectant mothers are advised not to drink herbal tea. New mothers who have just given birth are weak, and drinking herbal tea is not conducive to postpartum function recovery.

5. The spleen and stomach functions of the elderly are relatively weak, and the spleen and stomach functions of infants and young children are not yet complete, especially children. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that children are pure yang bodies. If the body temperature does not exceed the normal range and the child does not feel uncomfortable, there is generally no need to deliberately "reduce fire". ". Chief Physician Cui Ni of the Department of Pediatrics of the hospital specially reminded that herbal tea contains traditional Chinese medicine ingredients and is cooler in nature and taste. Children's organs are delicate. Drinking too many cold drinks will damage the child's stomach. Although there are not many Chinese herbal ingredients in herbal tea drinks, most of them are The proportion of sugar is high, and excessive intake may lead to the risk of diabetes, obesity and other diseases, especially for children, it is more likely to increase the probability of obesity and affect appetite, which is harmful to health

(Yangzi Evening News). /Ziniu News trainee reporter Lu Yanlin)