I once read an article that said: "When you are eating delicious food, you can always think about it, or you may be greedy. Observe before eating, think while eating, and simmer after tasting. Food is your natural instinct. Chew quietly and gently. Aftertaste, extraordinary charm

once saw an article that wrote: "When it comes to delicious food, you can always think about it, or you may be greedy. Observe before eating, think while eating, and simmer after tasting. Food is your natural instinct, chew quietly, and gently The aftertaste is extraordinary. Eating is a kind of happiness, tasting is a kind of fun, and the spicy, salty and sweet flavor of the transparent ink is a pleasure for those who eat it. Those who know how to eat will find peace of mind. "Taste it carefully and feel deeply!" Food has now become a part of our lives. Life should be walked slowly and lived slowly. Life does not need gorgeous clothes or sweet words. What life needs is to eat three meals a day and live in an ordinary way. Finish every day. Each of us has our own living habits. In order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, we select different dishes to share with you every day, and let's cheer for a wonderful life every day!

Boiled Pleurotus eryngii

Ingredients: Pleurotus eryngii, bean paste, cooking oil, water starch, sugar, salt, pepper, pepper powder, sesame , chili, coriander

Method: 1. Wash the Pleurotus eryngii, Use a paring knife to cut into thin slices;

2. Pour oil into the wok, add bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant;

3. Stir-fry the bean paste until red oil becomes red, add appropriate amount of water, add salt, sugar, dark soy sauce, bring to a boil; add apricot abalone Mushrooms; pour a little water starch, boil again, turn off the heat, pour into a container, add a little pepper powder; sprinkle cooked sesame seeds; add pepper segments;

4. Pour oil into the wok, add peppercorns and fry until fragrant; Cook in the peppercorn oil and add a little coriander.

Steamed small yellow croaker

1. Wash the small yellow croaker , remove the internal organs, slice the ginger, and cut the green onion into sections

2. Sprinkle sugar and salt on the back of the fish. If you add salt, you can add less soy sauce.

3. Pour rice wine and seafood soy sauce. , seafood soy sauce is not very salty, so you can add an appropriate amount of salt

4. Add a few wolfberries to increase the color, and seal it with plastic wrap

5. Put it in the steamer and steam it at 100 degrees for 5 minutes! If you don’t have a steamer, you can use a pot and steam for 5 minutes! But the premise is that the water must be boiled first and then steamed!

6. Take it out of the steamer. Because it is not attached with plastic wrap, there is a little water. Pour a little out and sprinkle with chopped green onion and MSG.

7. Add a little vinegar to enhance the flavor!

8. This is to maintain the freshness and original flavor of seafood!

Cold shredded tofu

Ingredients: tofu skin;garlic;cilantro;oil;light soy sauce;vinegar;sesame oil;chili oil;salt


1. Wash the tofu skin, cut into shreds, slice the garlic, and cut the cilantro into sections. shredded tofu blanch in boiling water and let cool to dry.

2. Put oil in the pot, add garlic slices and fry slowly until fragrant, then turn off the heat. Add shredded tofu and coriander.

3. Add vinegar, light soy sauce, sesame oil, chili oil, and salt and mix well.

Steamed Pork with Hot Sauce

Ingredients: 250g pork, 300g minced chili, 1 tablespoon taro, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, cornstarch, ginger, green onion, appropriate amount of garlic.


1. Chop into slices and soak in the blood. Peel the taro and cut into small pieces. Mince the ginger and garlic. Chop the green onion into finely chopped pieces.

2, put a little salt on the ribs and mix well.

3, add soy sauce.

4. Add ginger and garlic, mix well, and marinate in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

5. Put the steamed ribs in the refrigerator, pour 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, add water 2 times, add the starch in the water and mix well.

6. Heat oil in a pan, add taro and fry over medium heat.

7, add taro to the same pan-fried noodles so that it becomes firmer in appearance and slightly golden in color.

8, Fry the taro in a deep dish as much as possible.

9. Place the ribs on the taro and pour into the marinated ribs.

10, Chop a layer of chopped chili on top, the chili is spicy to a degree, my family can't eat it too spicy, so, just put the amount closer to 15ml.

11. Boil a pot of water, add the ingredients after the water, fire the steam after 12 minutes, and keep the fire on for 5 minutes.

12, mix well.

Taiwan braised pork

Ingredients: pork belly, rapeseed (small), eggs, onions, a tablespoon of seafood soy sauce, a teaspoon of light soy sauce, a tablespoon of sugar, star anise, cinnamon, and dried chili.

Method: 1 Prepare the ingredients.

2 uses pork belly that is evenly fat and lean.

3 Blanch the rapeseed, cut the pork belly into small pieces, and run it under cold water to remove the blood and excess fat.

4 Add chopped onions to a hot pan and stir-fry until golden brown. Add blanched pork belly and stir-fry until golden brown. Add boiling water.

5 Change to low heat and add ingredients, eggs, a spoonful of cooking wine and a large spoonful of seafood soy sauce.

6Add a small spoonful of light soy sauce and simmer for half an hour. Open the lid and add chicken essence and a large spoonful of sugar.

7 fried and colored.

8 Stir-fry over high heat to reduce the juice.


Ingredients for Doubaopao

One piece of tofu, one hot pepper, half carrot , two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoon of oyster sauce, three cloves of garlic, green onions, water starch, and a little salt.

Steps for making tofu bubbles

Cut peppers into cubes, slice carrots, slice garlic, mince green onions.

Light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt water, starch, make sauce. Set aside.

Add oil to a pot, cut tofu into small pieces. Heat the oil, fry the tofu in the pot until the tofu bubbles float, take them out.

Add oil to the pot, stir-fry the carrots, peppers, green onions and garlic. Add the tofu, soak in the sauce and reduce the juice. Remove from the pot.

Mustard mustard and dried bean curd. Stir-fry shredded pork.

Ingredients: 100g pork, 200g mustard mustard, 200g dried tofu, salt, oil, MSG. , chili, garlic, starch, cooking wine

Method: 1. Wash and shred the dried tofu and mustard. After shredding the pork, add salt, cooking wine, and starch, mix well with your hands, and marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Heat oil in a pot. When it is 50% hot, add minced garlic and chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

5, add shredded pork and stir-fry until 8 minutes cooked, add dried tofu and mustard and stir-fry for 3 minutes.

4, add salt, mix well and serve.

Spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: pig's trotters, onions, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, dried chilies, peppercorns, star anise, dark soy sauce, vinegar, salt


1. Wash the pig's trotters, slice the ginger and garlic;

2. Boil water in a pot , add green onion and ginger slices, pour a little cooking wine, after the water boils, put the pig's trotters into the water, skim off the floating foam and fish out the pig's trotters;

3. Put oil in the pot, add dried chili, pepper, aniseed, ginger slices and garlic Fry the slices until fragrant;

4. Add the pig's trotters and stir-fry, add dark soy sauce, mature vinegar, and salt to taste, and add water to cover the pig's trotters;

5. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat until the pig's trotters are cooked and softened to collect the juice.

Potato powder Pan fried meat

Ingredients: 300 grams of potato starch; 100 grams of ordinary flour; water; pork belly; half onion; 1 chili; 2 cloves of garlic; 2 slices of ginger; 15 ml of light soy sauce; 2 ml of salt


1, Using the spoon that comes with the rice cooker, scoop out 3 tablespoons of potato starch, 1 tablespoon of ordinary flour, and add 2 ml of salt and mix well.

2. Add water to dilute it into a batter. Note here that the water can be added slowly at the beginning to avoid the formation of gnocchi. . After mixing evenly, you can add more water at a time. Just add the amount of water to the batter and stir it to create bubbles. The batter ratio here is We usually make pancakes much thinner.

3. Pour oil into the pan, brush evenly, use the rice cooker's own soup spoon to pour two spoonfuls of batter, turn the pot until the batter is evenly spread.

4. Turn over after 2-3 minutes, and fry for another 2 minutes before serving. Remember to put After it cools down, roll the cake up. If it doesn't stick together, you can also use plastic wrap to separate it.

5. I spread out 5 pieces of flour in total.

6. They can be stored in the refrigerator and can be used for making soups and stir-fries. Today Let's stir-fry

7, cut the pancakes into shreds, cut the pork belly into slices

8, cut onions, peppers, onions, ginger and garlic

9, fry the meat with a little oil, wait until the meat is slightly rolled, add onions, peppers, onions, ginger and garlic to the pot, add potato flour cakes to the pot and stir-fry , add light soy sauce, salt to taste, add some water to thicken and serve.

Pan-fried fish pieces

Ingredients: 500g grass carp, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of five-spice powder, appropriate amount of cornstarch, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of light soy sauce

Method 1. Clean the fish and cut it into appropriate pieces big and small pieces;

2. Chop minced ginger, minced garlic, oil, salt, cooking wine, five-spice powder, cornstarch, light soy sauce, etc., mix well, marinate for more than 15 minutes;

3. Put the fish pieces in the double-sided frying pan, cover the lid, and Fry over medium-low heat for about two minutes;

4. When cooked, turn over and fry the other side.

Sesame spicy stir-fried pork ribs

Ingredients: 500g pork ribs, 2 green onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 slices of ginger, 20ml of dark soy sauce, dried chili pepper, 30ml of rice wine, 20ml of tomato sauce, 45ml of vinegar, 10g of sugar, sesame seeds, 20ml of water starch, 5g salt, water


1. Wash and chop the ribs into pieces, slice the ginger, cut the green onions into sections, and mince the garlic.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, add minced ginger and garlic, add dried chili segments, and stir-fry the green onions

3. Pour in Stir-fry the soy sauce until fragrant, add sugar, rice wine, tomato paste and vinegar and stir well

4. Pour in sesame seeds, soak in water until the ribs are 80% full, cover and simmer for 8 minutes.

Alcoholic Peanuts

Ingredients: 300 grams of peanut beans, appropriate amount of dried chili, appropriate amount of Sichuan peppercorns, appropriate amount of chili powder, a little salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of water, a little salt and pepper

Method: 1. Soak the peanut beans in water for at least 2 hours, peel Remove the skin, drain and refrigerate overnight.

2. Heat oil in a cold pot, add peanuts, fry until they change color and take them out. (Don't fry until it's too brown, otherwise it will be too late)

3. Prepare Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers, and cut the dried chili peppers into shreds. The specific amount depends on personal taste.

4. Put a little oil in the pot, heat the oil to 60%, add Sichuan peppercorns and then chili peppers, stir-fry until fragrant, add peanuts and stir-fry, turn off the heat. Add salt, paprika and salt and pepper. Mix well and take out of the pan, let cool until crispy.

Plum Pork Ribs

Ingredients: Pork Ribs (400g), Plums (10 pieces), ginger slices (appropriate amount), green onions (appropriate amount), rock sugar (appropriate amount), cooking wine (appropriate amount), oil and salt (appropriate amount).


1. Prepare the raw materials.

2. Soak plum blossoms in boiling water for ten minutes.

3. Put the ribs in the pot under cold water, add two slices of ginger, blanch them together and take them out.

4. Put a little oil in the pot, add rock sugar and stir-fry slowly over low heat.

5. Fry until the rock sugar melts completely and turns brown.

6. Add in the blanched pork ribs and stir-fry together.

7. Cook until the ribs are completely colored.

8. Add ginger slices, green onions and appropriate amount of cooking wine, stir-fry together.

9. Pour the plum blossoms into the pork ribs together with the soaked water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

10. Cover, turn to low heat, and simmer for twenty minutes.

11. Uncover, add salt and other seasonings, and reduce the juice over high heat.

12. After the juice is almost dry, turn off the heat and put it into a plate.

Spicy stir-fried chicken breast

Ingredients: 1 piece of chicken breast, appropriate amount of Hunan pepper, appropriate amount of millet pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, light soy sauce, oil, salt, dark soy sauce, starch and sugar;

Recipe steps:

1. Cut the pepper diagonally, Slice the garlic, cut the chicken breast into small strips, add salt and dark soy sauce and mix well, add water and mix well, then add starch and mix well, finally pour a little oil and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Pour oil into the pot, heat over high heat, add chicken breasts and fry until the surface is colored, take it out and set aside. .

3. Turn to low heat and stir-fry the garlic until fragrant, then add the chili and stir-fry until raw.

4. Pour in the chicken breast, add light soy sauce, salt and sugar and stir-fry evenly before serving.

Minced Pork and Broccoli with Sea Rice

Ingredients: 3200 grams of broccoli, 60 grams of pork filling, a little sea rice; 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar spoon, 2 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of vegetable oil, a little white pepper, a little starch, 2/3 tsp of salt


1, soak a little dried shrimps for 1 hour in advance, prepare a little pork stuffing and a broccoli.

2. Break the broccoli into small florets, soak in light salt water and clean; add a little white pepper, 1/2 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, a little starch and a little vegetable oil to the pork stuffing, stir well and marinate for a while.

3. Blanch the broccoli, remove from the water, soak in cold water for a while, remove and place on a plate.

4. Heat the wok and add vegetable oil. Add in the minced pork and stir-fry until it changes color. Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce and 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce and stir-fry until the color changes. Then add in the minced garlic and dried shrimps and stir-fry for a few times. Down.

5. Add a little water, 2/3 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Finally, thicken with water starch to make the soup thick.

6. Pour the fried dried shrimps and minced meat into a plate with broccoli, and stir evenly when eating.

Black pepper beef tenderloin

Method 1. Prepare the ingredients

2. Cut the beef tenderloin into strips, add salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, and water starch to marinate for a while; slice the ginger and garlic, and cut the onion and green pepper into cubes

3. Add to the hot oil pan Saute ginger and garlic slices until fragrant, add beef tenderloin and stir-fry until cooked.

4. Continue sautéing onions and green peppers in oil pan

5. Pour in beef, add rich and fragrant Knorr black pepper sauce, stir-fry for a while, and serve. Can

Palace-fried Pleurotus eryngii

Ingredients: Pleurotus eryngii, green and red pepper, peanuts, onion, ginger, soy sauce, vinegar, white sugar, cooking wine, bean paste, chicken essence, water starch

Method 1. Wash and cut the Pleurotus eryngii into cubes, green pepper and red pepper. Take out the seeds inside, cut into small pieces

2, use one spoon of light soy sauce, one spoon of dark soy sauce, one spoon of sugar, half a spoon of vinegar, two spoons of cooking wine, and half a spoon of bean paste for seasoning.

3. Wash the peanuts and absorb them with kitchen towels. Surface moisture. Heat the pot, add oil, fry the peanuts over low heat until the skin turns dark, then take out

4, sauté the ginger and green onion with the oil in the pot, remove and throw away

5, fry the king oyster mushrooms over medium heat, and stir-fry After two minutes, the king oyster mushrooms will come out of water. Fry until the water slowly dries up. You can be patient and fry for a while

6. Pour the sauce you just prepared into the pot, add green and red peppers and stir-fry for a while.

7. Pour in Thicken with water starch, and finally pour the fried peanuts into the pot, fry for a few times and it's ready.

Spinach with scrambled egg skin

Ingredients: 1 handful of spinach, 1 egg, 1 green onion. Appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon of salad dressing, and a little sesame oil.

Method: 1. Wash and cut spinach and green onions into sections and set aside.

2. Beat the eggs, fry them in a little oil to form egg skins, then cut them into shreds and set aside.

3. Heat the pan, pour an appropriate amount of oil, add the green onions and sauté until fragrant. Add spinach and egg skin and continue to stir-fry evenly. Finally, add the seasonings and stir-fry until fragrant.

Pork wrapped in tofu skin

Ingredients: 8 sheets of tofu skin (or yuba), 200 grams of minced meat, a little minced ginger and garlic, 2 spoons of starch, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 gram of pepper, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 water In a bowl, add a little salt


1, put the oyster sauce, pepper and minced ginger and garlic into the minced meat, add starch and stir vigorously in one direction.

2, buy tofu skin (yuba), soak it for a while and soften it.

3, take a yuba skin about 20CM long, put an appropriate amount of meat filling, and roll it up like a spring roll.

4, roll everything up, with the seam facing down.

5, heat the pan, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the tofu skin to wrap the meat, and fry until both sides are golden brown, do not turn too often.

6, finally add dark soy sauce and water and simmer for 10 minutes, then add salt and serve.

Thai sauce chicken wings

Ingredients: chicken wings. Salt and white pepper rice wine, Thai sweet and spicy sauce. Poke numerous small holes on the chicken wings with toothpicks, add appropriate amount of salt, white pepper and rice wine, spread evenly, and marinate for 1 hour.

Method: 1. Heat a little oil in a pot, add chicken wings and fry over low heat until both sides are lightly browned;

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add Thai sweet and spicy sauce, stir well and bring to a boil;

3. Add chicken wings and cook until the soup is thick. That’s it.

Rice wine chicken wings

Ingredients: 8 to 10 wing center or wing roots, 5 or 6 slices of ginger, 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, enough rice wine to cover the chicken wings, white sesame seeds can be omitted


1, chicken wings Wash, slice ginger, slice or crush garlic cloves. Put the chicken wings and half of the ginger slices into the pot, cover with water, and cook over high heat;

2, a lot of foam will form after boiling. Take out the chicken wings, rinse, drain and set aside. Or like me, carefully use a strainer to remove the scum bit by bit, then take out the chicken wings and set aside. I saved this pot of soup for cooking noodles;

3, heat the oil pan and stir-fry the remaining half of the ginger slices and garlic. slices; add chicken wings and stir-fry until the surface changes color slightly; add light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly so that the surface of the chicken wings is colored;

4. Pour rice wine into the pot. If it is chicken wings, it is best to mix the rice wine with it. Can submerge chicken wings. But I used the base of the chicken wings and a pan. I didn't want to pour so much rice wine, so I only poured half the height of the chicken wings;

5, cover the lid, bring to a boil over high heat and then reduce to low heat.Because I didn't pour much rice wine, I need to turn the chicken wings from time to time; simmer until the soup becomes thicker, then turn to high heat and collect the juice. When collecting the juice, stir the chicken wings frequently. Take out the pan and sprinkle some white sesame seeds.

oil splash fresh bamboo shoots

Ingredients: 1 fresh bamboo shoot, about 20 peppercorns, 4 green onions, 2 oil, 2 tablespoons (30ml) of salt, 1/4 teaspoon (1g) 1 teaspoon of salt in the cooking pot ( 5g)


1. Peel the fresh bamboo shoots and cut into small strips. Wash the red pepper and cut into small pieces. Wash and chop the green onions.

2. After the water in the pot is boiled, add salt, add the bamboo shoots and blanch them for 2 minutes, then remove them. Drain the water and place them on a plate. Sprinkle a little salt and add chopped green onion and pepper.

3. Pour oil into a spoon, add Sichuan peppercorns, heat over low heat until the Sichuan peppercorns change color and become fragrant, then turn off the heat. Immediately pour in some bamboo shoots and stir evenly. (You can use a small strainer to decant the peppercorns, or you can use chopsticks to pick out the peppercorns after splashing.)

plum radish

Ingredients: white radish, salt, sugar, plum blossoms, garlic slices, dried chili peppers, yellow rock sugar, Light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, mature vinegar - appropriate amount


1. Wash the white radish without peeling it, and cut it into long strips.

2. Marinate the cut radish strips with salt for about 30 minutes, and pour out the water that oozes out.

3. In the same way, marinate with white sugar twice, that is, marinate with salt - pour water - marinate with sugar - pour water - marinate with sugar - pour water, a total of about 90 minutes.

4. Pour water into the pot, add plums, garlic slices, and dried chili segments. After boiling over high heat, add yellow rock sugar, then pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and a little dark soy sauce. After boiling, turn off the heat and let it sit. Let cool thoroughly and pour in vinegar.

5. Put the white radish strips into a container, pour in the sauce, the sauce should cover the white radish strips, put it in the refrigerator and marinate for 1-2 days.

Hot and sour rice rolls

Ingredients: 50g pig intestines, 50g vermicelli, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon red oil bean paste, appropriate amount of tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon white vinegar, appropriate amount of green vegetables


1. Soak the vermicelli in water until soft. Cook the good vermicelli in a pot of boiling water and take it out.

2. Pour water into the pot. After the water is hot, add the cut fat intestines and blanch them in water to remove dirt.

3. Heat up the oil pan, add a tablespoon of red oil bean paste and stir-fry the red oil over low heat.

4. Pour in an appropriate amount of tomato sauce, stir-fry over low heat, add the blanched sausages, and stir-fry.

5. Pour in water, bring to a boil over low heat, and add refined salt (red bean paste has salinity, so add an appropriate amount of refined salt).

6. Pour in a tablespoon of white vinegar, add the cooked vermicelli, and bring to a boil over high heat.

7. Add the green cabbage leaves and stir-fry evenly.

Stir-fried pork slices with dried tofu and mushrooms

Ingredients: 100 grams of pork tenderloin, 80 grams of dried tofu, mushrooms, 38 mushrooms, 4 grams of salad oil, salt, 4 grams of chicken essence, 2 grams of garlic, 5 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of water (2 tablespoons)


1. Slice all the ingredients and prepare a few pieces of garlic. If not, add some garlic.

2. Put the meat slices in a small bowl, add some cooking wine and starch, and stir well. Add the garlic to the pot and stir-fry until it changes color. 8 is mature. Remove from the pot and set aside for later use.

3. Pour oil into the pot and stir-fry the mushrooms and dried tofu for a while, about 1 minute

4. Then add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and let it color slightly. Stir-fry for another half a minute. Add two tablespoons (30ML) of light soy sauce to heat. Boil water, turn on high heat for 1 minute

5, turn on high heat for 1 minute, when the ingredients are almost mature, add the previously fried meat slices, stir-fry for another 1 minute, add some salt and chicken essence to taste, and take it out of the pot (chicken essence can be omitted, you can also add some green vegetables and stir-fry) )

Stir-fried pork elbows

Ingredients: 1 pork elbow (about 500 grams) 20 grams of green and red bell peppers 10 grams of chopped green onion 10 grams of ginger, garlic, angelica , wolfberry, spicy sauce, Pixian bean paste, Baoning vinegar , chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, pepper oil, fresh soup, and salad oil in appropriate amounts

Preparation method:

1. After cleaning the pork knuckle, boil the water in the pot first, and then replace it with cold water. Simmer over low heat for 3 hours, then take it out and set aside.

2. Put salad oil in a pot and heat it until it is 70% hot. Put the simmered elbows in the pot and fry until golden brown on the outside. Remove and set aside.

3. Leave some oil in the pot, stir-fry ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add angelica, wolfberry, spicy sauce and bean paste, add 100 ml of fresh soup and add chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar and vinegar.

4. After putting the fried elbow into the pot and cooking for a while, turn to high heat until the soup in the pot dries up. Pour pepper oil and sesame oil into the pot, sprinkle in green and red beauty pepper segments and mix well. When serving from the pan, sprinkle some chopped green onion.

Cucumber with tofu

Ingredients: 300 grams of large cucumber, 50 grams of dried tofu, 20 grams of enoki mushrooms, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 10 grams of celery, and 10 grams of ginger. 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon white pepper, 1 tablespoon sesame oil. 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 200cc water, 1 tbsp cornstarch water, 1 tsp sesame oil.

Method: 1. Peel the large cucumber and cut it into 1 cm segments, hollow out the middle, blanch it briefly in boiling water, remove it and soak it in cold water, remove it and drain it for later use.

2. Mix the remaining ingredients and marinade, stuff into the large cucumbers from step 1, place on a plate, place in an electric pot and steam for about 15-20 minutes (add 1/2 cup of water to the outer pot) until cooked, take out.

3. Take the pot, mix the seasonings and cook evenly, then pour the cucumber inlaid with tofu from step 2.

Stir-fried double mushrooms Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms, white jade mushrooms 50 grams, 500 grams of Chinese cabbage, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 section of green onion, 1 slice of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar,

Method: 1. Prepare the required materials. Pick off the old leaves of the Chinese cabbage and wash them clean. Cut off the roots of the shiitake mushrooms and wash them clean.

2. Cut off the roots of the white jade mushrooms and wash them clean. Cut the shiitake mushrooms into strips for later use. Cut off the roots of the cabbage, then cut it into inch sections, chop the green onion, mince the ginger, and slice the garlic.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, add the chopped green onion, minced ginger, and garlic slices and sauté until fragrant. Add the shiitake mushrooms and white jade mushrooms and stir-fry over medium-low heat. Stir-fry the mushrooms until they are fragrant, stir-fry out the water, and simmer for 1-2 minutes until the mushrooms are cooked through.

4. Add the cabbage segments and stir-fry over high heat. Stir-fry the cabbage until the color turns dark green. Add oyster sauce, a little salt, and oyster sauce. Salty, personal taste is light, you don’t need to add salt, stir fry quickly and evenly, turn off the heat, remove and serve on a plate, a light and delicious dish is ready

Pork Belly with Garlic Moss

Ingredients: Pork Belly with Skin, Garlic Moss , Pixian bean paste, cooking oil, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence


1. Boil the pork belly in boiling water until it is 7 mature, remove and drain.

2. Heat the oil to 60%, add the blanched pork belly and stir-fry.

3. Add bean paste and stir-fry.

4. Add garlic moss, pour in appropriate amount of soy sauce and stir-fry at the same time.

5. Stir-fry until the garlic cloves are broken, add salt and chicken essence and serve.

Stir-fried fungus with cabbage and pork

Ingredients: 3 slices of cabbage, 100g of pork (lean), 10g of black fungus, 1 red pepper, 1 tsp of corn starch , appropriate amount of water starch, 1 tablespoon salad oil, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon chicken essence, 1 teaspoon ginger, 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon water, 1 tablespoon chili sauce , 1/2 tsp of white sugar.


1. Cut the lean pork into thin slices, separate the leaves and stems of the Chinese cabbage and cut into small pieces, the fungus tear it into small pieces by hand, shred the red pepper, mince the ginger and slice the garlic.

2. Mix the lean pork with bacon seasoning evenly, add about 1-2 tablespoons of water in batches and stir until no water is visible. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put about 2 tablespoons of oil in the pot, heat it to 30% heat, add lean pork, and cut it open with chopsticks.

4. Stir-fry until the lean pork 8 is mature, add red oil chili sauce or chili powder and stir-fry until fragrant, remove the meat and oil and set aside.

5. Wash the pot, add a little oil, add minced garlic and garlic slices in cold oil and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Add fine fungus, cabbage stalks and red pepper shreds, stir-fry until the vegetable stalks become soft.

7. Finally add cabbage leaves, salt, chicken essence, and sugar.

8. Stir-fry until the cabbage leaves become soft, add the fried meat slices and oil.

9. After stir-frying evenly, add water starch to thicken the gravy.

Stir-fried kidneys

Ingredients: Pork kidneys 00g, winter bamboo shoot slices, 50g water-fried fungus each; 10g soy sauce, 3g refined salt, 1g MSG, Shaojiu 0g, 15g wet powder;


1 , wash the kidneys, cut them into two pieces, remove the smell from the kidneys, cut them into wheat ears, cut them into strips 2 cm wide and 5 cm long, add soy sauce to taste, mix well with wet starch and set aside;

2, bamboo shoots slices . Boil the fungus in a pot with boiling water, and mix soy sauce, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, Shaoxing wine, clear soup, and wet starch into a gravy;

3. Add peanut oil to the wok and put it on a high fire until it is 90% hot (about 225°C). Dip the kidneys in oil until they curl up into ears of wheat and take them out quickly. Leave a small amount of oil in the wok. When it is 60% hot (about 150℃), stir-fry the garlic slices and minced green onions. Add vinegar and Shaoxing sauce. wine, add sliced ​​winter bamboo shoots and fungus, stir-fry briefly, pour in the gravy, then add the kidney flowers, toss quickly, pour in chicken oil and serve.

Fungus stewed meat slices

Ingredients: lean meat, fungus, ginger, garlic, onion, red pepper, salt, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil, light soy sauce

Method: 1. Slice the lean meat, add cooking wine, pepper and sesame oil, mix well and marinate Prepare for a while, soak the fungus in advance, cut other ingredients and set aside.

2. Heat a pan with cold oil. After it is hot, add the meat slices.

3. Quickly break up the meat slices until they turn white, take them out and set aside.

4. Heat another pot and heat the oil. Stir-fry minced ginger and garlic

5, add black fungus and stir-fry

6, add scallions and shredded red peppers

7, add sliced ​​meat

8, add salt

9, pour in light soy sauce, mix well and serve

Boiled fish

Ingredients Red oil bean paste; black fish ; cooking wine; light soy sauce; salt; white sugar; Sichuan peppercorns; dried chili peppers; garlic cloves; green onions; ginger; coriander; cornstarch; enoki mushrooms

How to make fish boneless fillets, the fish bones can be used separately. Slice the ginger, cut the green onions into sections, peel the garlic cloves and flatten them with a knife. Chop the coriander. Add a little cornstarch, cooking wine, salt, and a little sugar to the fish fillets.

Catch evenly and marinate for a while. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, sauté the onion segments, garlic cloves, and ginger slices. Turn to low heat and add peppercorns. Add the dried chili peppers and stir-fry over low heat (the heat should not be too high so that the peppercorns and dried chili peppers will burn. The peppercorns will be bitter if burnt).

Add the red oil bean paste and stir-fry for a while, add a little light soy sauce to enhance the flavor, and a little sugar to enhance the flavor. Pour water. . . Of course it would be better if it has chicken soup or something.

Bring to a boil over high heat (if it is not salty enough, you can add some salt to adjust the taste, and continue to cook for 2 or 3 minutes. At the same time, fry the enoki mushrooms, remove and drain. Add the fish fillets. Bring to a boil over high heat.

Add a little cooking wine. The fish fillets are cooked It doesn’t take long, sprinkle with coriander. It’s done! Pour in the boiled fish in a big bowl!

Chopped pepper fish fillet

Method: 1. Thaw and cut the fish fillet. Cut into pieces, add shredded green onion and cooking wine and marinate for 5 minutes.

2. Chop the pepper, ginger, garlic and black bean into pieces.

3. Drain the fish pieces with kitchen paper and dip them in a thin layer of dry starch. , fry in a pan until both sides are golden.

5. Leave oil in the pan, add chopped peppers, minced onions, garlic, and minced tempeh and stir-fry over low heat until red oil comes out of the chopped peppers.

Yam Stewed Chicken Soup

Ingredients: Farm Chicken. One, yam One, a small handful of wolfberry, green onion and ginger, cooking wine, salt

Process: 1. After the chicken is slaughtered, clean the abdominal cavity, chop into small pieces, wash the green onion and ginger, slice the ginger, and tie the green onion into knots. ; Put the cut chicken pieces into the pot, add enough cold water, bring to a boil; skim off the foam; add a tablespoon of cooking wine; add ginger slices and green onion knots;

2. After boiling, turn to low heat, cover and simmer About 30 minutes (because I use a cast iron pot, it takes less time to stew the soup than a regular pot, so if you use a casserole or other pot to stew the soup, you need to extend the stewing time);

3. Peel the yam and cut it into small pieces, and add it. In the pot, continue to cover and simmer for 10 minutes; rinse the wolfberry with water, open the lid and add it, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, open the lid and add salt to taste.

Braised vegetarian chicken with spareribs

Method 1. Wash the ribs and cut them into sections. , peel and slice the garlic. Put the cut ribs into a pot of cold water, boil over high heat, and continue to cook for 2 minutes. Remove the foam from the surface of the meat with warm water, and drain the water. Cut the carrots into cubes and cut the celery into sections.

2. Pour oil into the pot, sauté star anise, carrots and celery over low heat (about 30 seconds), add green onion slices, ginger slices and garlic slices and continue to fry for 1 minute.

3. Then add the pork ribs, pour in the rice wine and change to medium heat. Stir-fry until the surface of the pork ribs turns slightly yellow. Add the cut vegetarian chicken . Add an appropriate amount of water to exceed the ingredients.

4. After the meat has stewed for about 1 hour, open the lid, add salt, and turn to high heat to drain the soup.

5. Finally, add two celery leaves to the spare ribs chicken and place it on the plate.

Stir-fried pork with snow peas

Ingredients: 200g lean pork, snow peas 00g, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 spoon of light soy sauce, 1/3 spoon of sugar, 1/3 spoon of starch, 1/2 spoon of cooking wine, 1/2 spoon of salt , 1/4 spoon of chicken essence


1. The pork has been cut the night before, add starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce, and sugar and marinate for 10 minutes. Remove the gluten, wash and set aside.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot and heat until 50% hot, slide the marinated pork into the pot, turn up the heat and stir-fry quickly until it changes color, add a little salt, take it out and set aside

3. In another pot, add oil and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the snow peas and stir-fry quickly

4. As soon as the snow peas change color, add salt and chicken essence

5. Return the fried meat slices to the pot and fry for a few seconds, turn off the heat and serve.

Stuffed winter melon

Method: 1. Put water in the pot, add the mushrooms after the water boils, and wait After the water boils again, take the mushrooms out and put them in cold water.

2. Chop the blanched mushrooms, chop the onion and ginger, add them to the meat filling, add five-spice powder, light soy sauce, peanut oil, and salt and mix well.

3. Cut the winter melon into thin slices, blanch the slices in hot water until soft, and blanch the leeks as well. Lay the winter melon slices flat, add the meat filling, roll them up along the curve of the winter melon slices, and tie them with leeks. Come on, you look very good, just put it on the plate!