Black fungus is a frequent visitor on our dining table. It is known as "the meat of vegetables" and "the king of fungi". Not only is it rich in trace elements, but it also contains mushroom polysaccharides and a large amount of dietary fiber, which is helpful for protecting blood

Black fungus is a frequent visitor on our dining table. It is known as "the meat of vegetables" and "the king of fungi". Not only is it rich in trace elements, but it also contains mushroom polysaccharides and a large amount of dietary fiber, which is helpful for protecting blood vessels, preventing constipation, and improving immunity. It is very suitable for friends who want to control their weight and blood lipids.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black color enters the kidneys, and black food often has the effect of replenishing the kidneys. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that black fungus has the effect of "replenishing qi, preventing hunger, lightening the body and strengthening the will". The "chi" here is Refers to the tonic effect of fungus on the kidneys.

Black fungus has always been crunchy and is often used to make cold dishes or stir-fries. Have you ever wondered why black fungus cannot be used to stew desserts like white fungus ?

Let’s take a look first. What is the difference between black fungus and white fungus?

Both white fungus and black fungus are fungus vegetables, but black fungus belongs to Agaricaceae, and white fungus belongs to Tremellaceae (so white fungus is also called Tremella). Their energy, carbohydrate and dietary fiber content are very similar. Among them, black fungus vitamin E, calcium and calcium content are much higher than white fungus.

Key nutrients comparison / per 100 grams

White fungus can cook a thick soup, which must be attributed to the polysaccharides in the white fungus! If cooked over low heat for a long time, the cell wall of and will be destroyed. The polysaccharides in it will dissolve into water and absorb water and swell, and the state will become sticky.

Although the polysaccharide content of black fungus and white fungus seems to be similar, the cell wall of black fungus is thicker and it is more difficult to dissolve the polysaccharides, so we usually boil white fungus to make soft and waxy Tremella soup .

It usually takes a long time to soak dry fungus. The waiter will teach you a trick: soak the fungus in 3 minutes!

Break off or cut off the roots of the fungus, put it into a glass lunch box, add 1 spoon of starch or flour, which can clean and absorb the wrinkles on the fungus that are difficult to clean;

Put a little sugar to help the fungus rise, and add Warm water at about 50℃, stir it;

cover the sealing lid, shake for 3 minutes, open the lid, the fungus will basically rise, so you can eat it as you like, avoiding the risk of contamination caused by overnight foaming.

This method can also be used to soak yuba, mushrooms, etc. In addition, it should be noted that black fungus should not be soaked for too long to reduce the growth of bacteria. It is best not to cook too much at one time and eat it now.

Cold fungus , fried fungus meat, scrambled fungus eggs, stir-fried yam fungus, fungus dumplings, fungus stewed in chicken soup...

In addition to these common ways to eat, the waiter recommends a new way to eat!

Fungus with garlic to make sauce can be used as a side dish with porridge or rice. It is not only beneficial to the body, but also very convenient. People with bad teeth will also feel more comfortable eating it.

I strongly recommend that you add some peppercorn oil, the taste will be very unique.

Tip: The iron contained in black fungus is non-heme iron, and the absorption and utilization rate is low. In order to improve the utilization rate of iron, it is recommended to eat it with fresh fruits and vegetables, because the vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables can promote the absorption of non-heme iron. absorb.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner