BBQ means wine, and the more you drink, the better. Especially in summer, at night, the barbecue stalls on the roadside are full of people drinking and eating barbecue. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and drinking cold beer can be said to be one of the great pleasures o

Barbecue is all about wine, and the more you drink, the better.

Especially in summer, at night, the barbecue stalls on the roadside are full of people drinking and eating barbecue.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Drinking cold beer can be said to be one of the great pleasures of summer. But for loyal fans of baijiu, drinking baijiu in the scorching summer is a kind of spiritual practice. Use the mellow aroma of liquor to soothe the hot soul in summer and bring peace to the impetuous mind. Facts have proven that drinking liquor in moderation in summer is more beneficial to your health.

However, as all drinking friends know, today’s liquor market is a mixed bag, and some low-quality alcoholic liquors are extremely good at disguising themselves. People may fall into this trap if they don’t pay attention. In order to avoid drinking low-quality liquors, be sure not to drink the following three kinds of liquors after encountering them. bump.

The first type - liquor with various flavors added to the raw materials

As we all know, liquor is divided into different aroma types, light aroma, strong aroma, sauce aroma, rice aroma, etc., the large and small aromas add up Countless.

Wines with different aromas are classified into aroma types due to differences in their brewing raw materials and production processes, which lead to differences in the flavor substances in the wines they produce and the sensory effects they bring to people.

For example, light-flavor liquor is characterized by a smooth entrance, sweet finish, and pure aroma. sauce-flavor liquor is mellow and delicate in entrance, with a long aftertaste on the finish.

These are all formed by the fermentation of pure grain wine. The production cost is high and the production cycle is long. For those merchants who only pursue profits and ignore the quality of the wine, they will choose to add flavors and spices to fake the flavor.

The second type - Baijiu with fake vintage

The older the wine, the more fragrant it becomes. I believe everyone has heard of this saying, and many wine drinkers will give priority to wines with longer vintages when choosing liquors, thinking that the longer the vintage, the better. The better the wine.

But in fact this is not the case. Some merchants have taken advantage of this and made great efforts to falsify the vintage of the wine.

Buried the wine in the soil and turned it into an old wine that has been stored for many years. In fact, it is made of low-quality alcohol and a bunch of chemical additives. It cannot be drunk at all, so be careful.

The third type - hop counterfeiting

When everyone knows that wine with dense hops and smooth wine lines is a good wine, in fact, merchants have already mastered the secret, and this kind of hop additive that specializes in hop fraud has appeared.

Just add a little bit to produce dense hops with uniform particle size and plump hops. It looks very attractive, but in fact it is formed by adding a large amount of chemical substances.

This kind of fake hop wine is often found in bulk wine without packaging and not produced by regular manufacturers. The beautiful hops can make people mistakenly think it is good wine, thereby inducing consumers to buy it. Therefore, be careful, because dense hops do not necessarily mean good wine. Liquor.

So how can you buy high-quality wine? Wine lovers need to remember that truly good wine does not need to be made up of stories as a marketing gimmick. It can still win the favor of consumers with its good quality. This is the case for the Lai Zhengheng Wine mentioned below. Since its launch, it has basically not been advertised. Although it is not well-known in other places, in Guizhou, all wine drinkers who have tasted it praise it.

Wine lovers all know that you can initially judge what kind of wine it is by looking at the label on the bottle.

Generally speaking, the "quality grade" will be marked on the bottle, which proves that the wine has been tested by professional departments. Only when the quality of the wine reaches the standard can it be marked with the corresponding grade. Only pure grain wine has grades. The pure grain wine currently on the market is divided from best to second: superior grade > first grade > second grade.

Take this Lai Zhengheng wine as an example. Its bottle label clearly states that it is a "superior" wine. This is enough to prove that the quality of this wine is extraordinary.

In order to meet the standard of premium wine, Lai Zhengheng wine has only three raw materials: water, waxy sorghum, wheat, without any other added substances.

products strictly implement the standard number - GB/T26760 (sauce flavor), (GB/T10781 (common for light and strong aroma)), and the quality level is superior (first-grade wine comes second, and second-grade wine is not touched) .

Lai Zhengheng wine has strict requirements in terms of raw materials and technology. It adopts the method of "1 year of production + 5 years of cellaring". It takes 6 years to get a wine. It has the fragrance of opening the bottle, prominent sauce aroma, elegance and delicateness, empty Cup has the characteristics of long-lasting fragrance.

As the saying goes, "the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley", as a new generation of liquor, it can stand out in Guizhou, where there are many sauce wines. This is its uniqueness.

Since the author has been dealing with wine, I sincerely hope that all wine lovers can see through the pretense of some businesses, find reliable channels, and drink real good wine.