The breakfast for couples born in the 70s is simple and healthy. It is popular in the circle of friends. Friends: Live seriously and stay healthy. Time goes by. In a blink of an eye, we have passed the age of knowing our destiny. My husband and I are both born in the 70s. We have

The breakfast for couples born in the 1970s is simple and healthy. It is popular in the circle of friends. Friends: live seriously and have good health.

Time goes by. In the blink of an eye, we have passed the age of knowing destiny. My husband and I are both born in the 70s. After the wind With the baptism of ups and downs, we are paying more and more attention to health. For three meals a day, we will pay attention to the combination of thickness, meat and vegetables, so that every meal is healthy and delicious. Today's breakfast was posted on my circle of friends. Many friends said: Only by living seriously can you have a better body! Yes, this is not true at all. The older we get, the more we must pay attention to a healthy diet and quality of life.

Let’s take a look at my family’s breakfast. It’s on the table in half an hour. It’s very healthy and delicious, and it can be said to be very down-to-earth. There are scrambled eggs with bitter vegetables, millet cakes, steamed pumpkin, rice porridge and walnuts, which are very nutritious. Let’s take a look at how to make breakfast ~

millet hair cake

millet hair cake recipe: Materials: millet , yeast powder , milk, black sesame seeds, flour.

1, put 500 grams of millet, 3 grams of yeast powder, and a box of milk into the wall breaking machine, beat into millet paste and pour out.

2, add a little flour to the millet paste, stir evenly with chopsticks, pour it into a container and sprinkle black sesame seeds on top, steam over high heat for about 20 minutes, remove from the pot when cooked, and cut into pieces.

Bitter greens scrambled eggs

Bitter greens scrambled eggs: Bitter greens appropriate amount, 3 eggs, a little salt, a little green onion, a little peanut oil.

1. Wash the bitter vegetables, chop them into small pieces and put them into a large bowl. Add salt and eggs and mix well.

2, heat up the peanut oil in a pot, add the shallots and sauté until fragrant, pour in the bitter chard and egg liquid, stir well, stir-fry slowly over low heat for 2 minutes, until fully cooked, and serve on a plate.

Steamed pumpkin

Steaming pumpkin is very simple, just wash and cut ordinary pumpkin into pieces, and steam it until cooked. Pumpkin is rich in zinc, and it is also a low-sugar, low-calorie food. It not only helps in weight loss but also promotes growth. Not only does it have many benefits for the elderly, but it also has many benefits for children.

We all know that walnuts are a good food for brain health. Eat one every day. It is very good for brain health and calcium supplementation. It is the first choice for breakfast. Walnuts are nut foods, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They can regulate blood vessels, help lower blood lipids, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and also have certain effects on atherosclerosis. Benefits, and the content of vitamin E in walnuts is relatively rich, which can remove excess free radicals in the body and delay aging. Walnuts are rich in lecithin and DHA. For the elderly, adding lecithin and DHA can prevent Alzheimer's disease and improve memory. For babies, supplementing lecithin and DHA can promote the development of the nervous system and improve intelligence. Of course, there are many more benefits of walnuts. I won’t list them all here. You must eat walnuts often in the future. It would be a pity if you don’t know how to eat them.

Do you like breakfast like this? Recommendation: Middle-aged and elderly people should eat regular meals, such as brain-boosting calcium supplements and body-building bars. Don’t underestimate these whole grain nuts.

Feng'er's words:

Thank you for reading my food articles. They will be updated every day. They include time-saving breakfast, Chinese food, various pastries, baking, jam, sorbet, desserts, etc. Everyone is welcome to visit. If you like my various home-cooked delicacies, please like~share~collect~follow~I'm waiting for you here~~Original pictures and texts by Xuefeng'er, theft will be punished!!