It opened your eyes. There are all chickens in the world. How many chickens do you know?

Bian Chicken (Shanxi Youyu Chicken)

Bian Chicken is an excellent local chicken breed with large eggs, good meat quality, strong adaptability, roughness and cold resistance. Produced in the inner and outer areas of the Great Wall adjacent to the northern part of Shanxi Province in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Because the local people regard the Great Wall as a "side wall", this chicken breed is called the side chicken (also known as Youyu Chicken in Shanxi Province). Tibetan chicken

Tibetan chicken

Tibetan chicken is a local chicken species that is distributed in the semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas of my country's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an altitude of 2,200-4,100 meters, the valley area of ​​the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, and the high mountain and canyon areas of the middle reaches of the Three Rivers in eastern Tibet. The agricultural areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are economically developed areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and are also the main producing areas of Tibetan chickens.

Cenxi Three Yellow Chickens

The name "Three Yellow Chickens" was bestowed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and it is one of the most famous native chickens in my country. Three yellow chickens are small in size, "three yellows" (feather yellow, yellow claws, yellow beak), strong viability, high egg production, and tender meat. They are named for their yellow feathers, yellow beaks, and yellow feet. Z3z

Cenxi Sanhuang Chicken is a historically famous chicken supplied to Hong Kong and Macao in Guangxi. It is currently the only high-quality local chicken that has undergone strict systematic selection and breeding without any foreign blood. It is also one of the four famous chickens in Guangxi history. Guangxi has repeatedly used various methods to compare provincial chickens, and finally identified the best quality Cenxi three yellow chickens.

Chongren Mochi

The Chongren Mochi from Zongren County, Jiangxi Province is not an ordinary chicken. It is one of the "Top Ten Famous Chickens in China", and the Moji series products have also won the gold medal of the Jiangxi Province Science and Technology New Achievements and New Products Expo, and the China International Food Expo "International Famous Brand Brewing". Z3z

Chongren Mochi is divided into two types: jute and black hemp. It has the characteristics of "three highs and one low". It has high edible parts, high amino acid and vitamin content, and low cholesterol content. Chicken bones are slender, and the edible part is as high as 55%. The meat is tender and delicious, suitable for nourishing the body and nourishing vital energy.

Big Bone Chicken

Big Bone Chicken (also known as Zhuanghe Chicken) was once ranked among the four major agricultural brands in China with Mongolian horses, Qinchuan cattle, and Landrace pigs. In the 1950s, it also entered textbooks, even in the country. In the list of protected species of poultry resources, it ranks second among 11 chicken breeds. Thank you for reading, our WeChat account is Kitchen Shadow Food, please pay attention! For more exciting content, please follow the WeChat public account "Cooking Food". The first is Jiujinhuang, and Big Bone Chicken is a new breed that was crossed from Jiujinhuang with Shouguang Chicken and local chicken more than 200 years ago. Z3z

has a long history of forming large-bone chickens. According to data records, as early as more than two hundred years ago, Shandong immigrants brought large-scale Shouguang chickens from Shandong to Liaoning and crossed them with local chickens, which were then bred by local people for a long time. Mainly produced in Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province. The Big Bone Chicken is a dual-purpose local chicken breed with a large egg. It has the characteristics of large and solid, strong foraging ability, large and large eggs, thick and firm eggshells, and tender meat.

Dongxiang green shell layer

Dongxiang green shell layer is a kind of egg and meat type. It is native to Dongxiang County, Jiangxi Province, and is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangsu and other places.

The eggs laid by black chickens are green shells.

was later tested by the scientific research department and found that this kind of egg is not only special in color, but also the nutrition inside the egg is also unusual. Cholesterol is 30-40% lower than ordinary eggs, and trace elements such as zinc, iodine, selenium, iron and amino acids are significantly higher than ordinary eggs. , Is a kind of eggs with health-care properties. This is obviously different from Taihe black-bone chickens. After genetic testing, it is confirmed that this is a local breed resource with specific genetic genes.

Gushi chicken

Gushi chicken is an excellent local chicken breed in my country, mainly produced in Gushi County, Henan Province, commonly known as "Gushi Yellow". It is an excellent chicken flock with outstanding characteristics that has been developed through long-term selective breeding under specific geographical, climate and other environments and traditional breeding and management methods. It is a well-known local excellent chicken breed for meat and egg in China, and is a national key protected animal One of the poultry species.

Gushi chicken is tender in quality, delicious in meat, mellow soup, rich in nutrition, and has a strong nourishing effect. Gushi chicken and eggs were court tributes during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were exported to Hong Kong and Macau in the 1950s. They were designated as special products for Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai in the 1960s and 1970s, winning the "King of Native Chickens" and "Ace" The reputation of "egg".

Haidong Chicken

Haidong area is located in the northeastern part of Qinghai Province. It is named Haidong because it is east of Qinghai Lake. Haidong Chicken is also named because it is mainly produced in the Haidong region in the northeastern part of Qinghai Province. It is a relatively primitive chicken breed, suitable for breeding in the ecological environment of alpine, semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas, with fresh and tender meat, low fat content and good egg quality.

Haidong chicken is fresh and tender with low fat content.

Hongshan chicken

Hongshan chicken is a kind of "three yellow" chicken used for both meat and eggs. It was originally produced in Hongshan Town, Sui County, Suizhou, Hubei Province, and was named "Hongshan Chicken". There are breeding in He Town, Changgang Town, Huantan Town, Sanligang Town, etc. In 1956, it was selected by the Hubei Agricultural Exhibition Hall and became known throughout the province. In 1973, Hongshan Chicken was listed as a rare breeder with excellent meat and eggs by the relevant state departments.

The central production area of ​​Hongshan Chicken is located in the low hilly area of ​​the northern foot of the Dahongshan Mountains, with vertical and horizontal mountains, rich water resources, lush vegetation and rich pasture resources. Under the local environmental conditions, according to the people's hobbies for yellow feathers, yellow beaks, and yellow shin chickens, the Hongshan chicken breed has gradually formed after long-term selection and cultivation, which has a history of nearly two hundred years.

Nostalgic chickens

Nostalgic chickens are originally produced in Huaixiang Town, Xinyi City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province. Xinyi was under the jurisdiction of Zhanjiang before 1983. Nostalgic chickens are also known as Xinyi chickens and Zhanjiang chickens. In 1985, it was listed in "Guangdong Province Livestock and Poultry Breeds" and officially became a famous brand chicken breed in Guangdong Province. After the 1980s, due to the development of the breeding industry, the main production areas were all over Xinyi.

Nostalgic Chicken, Qingyuan Mochi and Huizhou Beard Chicken are also known as the "Three Famous Chickens in Guangdong". This breed of chicken has the advantages of crisp bones, tender meat, fragrant taste, three yellows (feather yellow, yellow skin, yellow feet), beautiful appearance, and low fat content. It is the first choice for high-end restaurants and health-conscious people. Appreciation, and included in "Guangdong Province Livestock and Poultry Breeds".

Huaibei Mochi

Huaibei Mochi is originated in Suzhou City, Anhui Province, and is mainly distributed in Yongqiao District, Xiao County, Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province and Suixi County, Huaibei Province. The production area belongs to the Huaibei Plain, with an altitude of 0-40m. Huixiangyuan Roasted Chicken and Fuli Roasted Chicken use this chicken as raw material. The Huaibei chicken grows slowly, and the meat is tender and delicious.

Huainan Three Yellow Chicken

Huainan Three Yellow Chicken, also known as Huainan Ephedra Chicken, Huainan Chicken, Huoqiu Chicken, etc., originally produced in Huoqiu County, Jin'an District, Yu'an District, Shou County and Huainan City, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, Changfeng County, Hefei City , Feixi County, Feidong County and other regions are also distributed. 1

Huainan three yellow chicken is tender and delicious.

Huanglang chicken (Hunan yellow chicken)

yellowLangji is originally produced in Hengdong, Hengnan, Hengshan, Yongxing, Guiyang, Liuyang and other counties along the Xiangjiang River basin and the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway. It is also known as "yellow chicken", "hairy chicken" and "xiang yellow chicken". The producing area has four distinct seasons, suitable for poultry breeding. Z3z

Huanglang Chicken has high medicinal value, can replenish deficiency, strengthen the spleen and stomach, strengthen bones and muscles, regulate menstruation and stop leucorrhea. It is an important medicine for gynecology. The stewed Hunan yellow chicken for those who are chronically ill and physically weak and the parturient women have the effect of nourishing, strengthening the body and promoting physical recovery. The soft and tender chicken is a famous local dish.

Huiyang beard chicken

Huiyang beard chicken, also known as three yellow beard chicken, Longgang chicken, Longmen chicken, Huizhou chicken, originally produced in Huiyang, Guangdong Province, is a prominent and excellent local broiler chicken breed in China. Yuxinghuaji and Qingyuan Maji Yixun is known as one of the three famous export chickens in Guangdong Province and has a long-standing reputation in Hong Kong and Macao markets. It is named after it has an open stomach feather that resembles a beard.

Consumers in the Hong Kong market emphasize chicken cooking methods (white cut chicken, salt chicken), and they have unique requirements for chicken flavor, bone softness, and fat distribution. Breeding has a greater impact.

Jining Bairi Chicken

Jining Bairi Chicken is mainly produced in the central district of Jining City, Shandong Province, and distributed in the neighboring Jining City, Jiaxiang County, Jinxiang County, Wenshang County, Sishui County, Yanzhou City and other places.

Jining Bairi Chicken is an egg-type chicken breed. Early maturing individuals can start producing at about 100 days of age, hence the name. The rooster has a red crown and a green tail. Everyone sees it and everyone praises it.

Jianghan chicken

Jianghan chicken

Jianghan chicken originated from the domestic chicken (also known as native chicken) on the Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province. It is an excellent breeder cultivated in Hanchuan for three hundred years and belongs to a local fine breed. Because its feathers are mostly hemp-colored, it is also called Maji. The meat of

Jianghan chicken is tender and delicious, and the simmering soup tastes very good and very nourishing, which is very popular among consumers.

Jiangshan Silkie

Jiangshan Silkie is distributed in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. Jiangshan Silky Fowl has the effect of nourishing the frail, sickly, anemic patients, pregnant women, parturients and people with weak digestion.

Jiangshan silky fowl not only skin black, meat black, bone black, but also most organs such as mesenteric and peritoneum are shown in varying degrees of black, and do not change color after cooking. The meat is delicious and tender, rich in lipids, and has a relatively high content of amino acids. high. Jiangshan White Haired Silky Fowl was designated as a national livestock and poultry protected species by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2002.

Jiangshan White Haired Silkie has been breeding for more than 1600 years. Its plumage is white, its crown and meat beard are crimson, its earlobes are green, its beak, tongue, skin, flesh, bones, and feet are all black. The black color does not change after being cooked. Chicken meat is rich in amino acids, which is a tribute to the finest livestock and poultry breeds in Zhejiang Province, and is a rare medicinal and nourishing rare bird in my country.

has been recorded in Li Shizhen’s book "Compendium of Materia Medica", which clarified the types and indications of white feather silky fowl. The chicken has been used for medicine for at least 400 years. Jiangshan White-haired Silkie contains 8 essential amino acids such as lysine. White-haired silky chicken is a traditional famous product in Jiangshan and a treasure of poultry. It is a must-use formula for traditional Chinese medicine and tonics such as "Wuji Baifeng Pill" and "Chinese Wuji Essence".

Jinyang Silky Chicken

Jinyang Silky Chicken, produced in Jinyang County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan, and recorded in Yi nationality 1, Jinyang Silky Chicken has been raised for more than a thousand years. In the slave society, the Yi people regarded it as a rare bird, and when offering sacrifices, a silky chicken was worth a sheep. The appearance of the Jinyang Silky Chicken is characterized by its whole body feathersThe hair is silky, and the silky feathers on the head, neck, shoulders, back, saddle, tail, etc. are soft and look like pine needles or wool, so the local people call it "gross chicken" or "wool chicken".

The silky chicken is a meat-and-egg combined type, with fast growth, early maturity, good meat quality, foraging ability and disease resistance. This kind of chicken is small in size, early maturing, delicious in meat quality and unique in flavor, and is deeply loved by consumers. It is the unique "thousand-year rare bird" in Daliang Mountain.

Jingyuan chicken

Jingning chicken, also known as Jingning chicken and Guyuan chicken, is an excellent egg and meat chicken breed that can withstand the alpine and arid climate in the Loess Plateau. The main producing areas are in Jingning County of Gansu Province and Guyuan County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The current number of breeding animals is about 800,000.

There are yellow chickens, black chickens, white chickens, chickens, etc., with yellow chickens and hemp chickens being the most. The crown type is mostly rose crown, a few are single crown.

Old Yard Black Chicken

Old Yard Black Chicken is named after it is mainly produced in Jiuyuan Town, Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province. It is a meat-and-egg type with black plumage with emerald green luster, black skin and white skin. Species; light brown eggshell, a few blue. Named by the Chinese Academy of Sciences: "Rare in the world, unique to China, unique to Wanyuan", it is known as the source of life green food.

The old courtyard black chicken has dark skin, containing protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, various vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. The rooster warms and nourishes the yang, and the hen benefits the blood. The black chicken in the old courtyard has been carefully cooked, and its meat is tender and fragrant, and it is delicious!

Kangle Chicken

Kangle Chicken, also known as Wanzai Three Yellow Chicken, is a type of chicken with both egg and meat, produced in Wanzai County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province. It is said that Wanzai Sanhuang Chicken was listed as a tribute as early as the first year of Dakang in the Western Jin Dynasty (280 AD). Because Wanzai was named Kangle at that time, it was named Kangle Chicken. In the 1950s and 1960s, Kangle three yellow chickens were exported to Hong Kong.

In autumn and winter, farmers often drive Kangle yellow chickens early in the morning to the rice fields where late rice has been harvested for food, so that "the pellets return to the chickens." Around the winter solstice is the fattening phase of Kangle yellow chickens. It is common to feed grains, raw rice or cooked sweet potatoes mixed with rice bran to raise chickens, and feed them 1 to 2 times a day. One month later, the fattening effect of the Kangle yellow chicken was very obvious, and its breasts showed plumpness. The period from 1997 to 2000 was the fastest development of Kangle yellow chicken in the history of Wanzai County, and the Kangle yellow chicken breeding base was formed mainly in 10 townships including Luocheng, Kangle and Huangmao.

Langshan Chicken

Langshan Chicken is originally produced in Rudong and Nantong counties in Jiangsu Province, and is a well-known breed of excellent meat and egg chicken in my country. According to the color of the coat, it is divided into black and white. The black ones are called "Wolf Mountain Black", also known as "Wolf Mountain Phoenix";. The white ones are called "Langshan White", which are very few in number and have been gradually eliminated.

z2 . Nowadays, the world-famous chickens such as "Opington", "Australian Black" and "Hyboluo" are all bred from Langshan chicken. Langshan chicken has always been known for its large eggs, large eggs, fat and healthy body, and delicious meat. The chicken soup stewed with Langshan chicken has thin skin and thin meat, delicious and tender, the soup is golden in color, and the meat is rich in flavor.

Langya Chicken

Langya Chicken is native to Langya, Zhaili, Boli, Xinyang and other areas along the southern coast of Jiaonan City. Because this area belongs to the "Langya County" in history, it is called "Langya Chicken". It is a very precious Landrace resources.

The rooster has a wide chest and a large and erect crown. The top feathers, shawl feathers and saddle feathers are golden yellow and shiny. The main wing feathers and tail feathers have black and green bright feathers. The whole body is bright and coordinated. The legs are tall and strong. "Flaming rooster" is famous.

LangYaji hens have the characteristics of laying hens. Their eggs are called "langya eggs". They are famous for "red skin, big yellow and good quality". The yolk content is high, accounting for 33.3% of the egg weight. The color is strong and fragrant. Dishes. According to legend, Qin Shihuang occasionally ate this chicken when he visited Langyatai, and praised its tender meat and smooth taste. He gave it the name "Langya Chicken". According to literature, the 1940s to 1980s was the heyday of the Jiaonan Langya chicken family, when the population was pure and numerous. In the late 1980s, due to the introduction of a large number of foreign chicken breeds and blind crosses, the number of Langya chickens dropped sharply and the quality of the breeds gradually deteriorated.

Liyang chicken

Liyang chicken production area is a hilly mountainous area, with lush vegetation and abundant live food insects, while the rural chickens are mostly freed. Generally, farmers often raise dozens of chickens and allow them to run in the fields all day long. The formation of Liyang chicken has the characteristics of thick and long feet, wide breasts, full muscles, strong foraging ability and more eggs.

Liyang chicken is a famous chicken breed in the hilly and mountainous areas of southwest Jiangsu Province. It is also called "three yellow chicken" or "nine catty yellow" locally. On the other hand, farmers in mountainous areas have the habit of pickling salted chicken for the Spring Festival. Usually, a big rooster is slaughtered as a celebration when the baby is full moon. These customs have been around for a long time, prompting the masses to love raising and choosing to keep big chickens.

Liyang County is located on the west side of Taihu Lake and belongs to the "North Slope" of the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces. The central production area of ​​Liyang chicken is in the hilly and mountainous areas of the southwest of the county, with the largest number of places such as Chating, Daibu, and Shezhu. Among them, the big chicken of Chating Xintang is the most famous.

When foreign poultry species continue to be introduced into Jiangsu, farmers for sideline farming have given up breeding. After the 1990s, it was difficult to find Liyang chickens among farmers. Due to the shortage of breeding funds and the rising cost of breeding, purebred Liyang chickens have also disappeared from some breeder farms and have been included in the provincial protection list of livestock and poultry genetic resources by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry.

Liangshan Cliff Eagle Chicken

Liangshan Cliff Eagle Chicken is a local chicken breed in Sichuan Province, also known as big-bone chicken and tall chicken. It is a highly fertile chicken breed with both meat and egg. The local feeding method is mainly grazing.

Lingkun chicken

Lingkun chicken is one of the five local chicken breeds in Zhejiang Province. In the early 21st century, the Lingkun chicken was on the verge of extinction. In 2002, the Wenzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences collected 67 pure-bred Lingkun chickens and hundreds of eggs. After 10 years of purification and rejuvenation, the genetic performance of the breed is stable, and the nucleus population has 1,000 sets, making the endangered Lingkun chickens Save it.

Lingkun chicken is named after it originated on Lingkun Island in Wenzhou City, which is located at the mouth of the Ou River and covers an area of ​​about 18 square miles. The island is flat, the land is fertile, the climate is mild, and the rain is abundant. The tidal flats of river ponds are rich in fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish. The unique geographical environment and feed resources provide good conditions for the formation of Lingkun chicken.

Bashang Long-tailed chicken

Bashang Long-tailed chicken is a chicken breed that is mainly used for egg and meat. It is named after the Bashang area of ​​Chengde and Zhangjiakou in northern Hebei. "Bashang" is a geographical term , Especially refers to the area where the grassland suddenly rises into a stepped shape. The place where the North China Plain and the Inner Mongolia Plateau meet is the Bashang area.


bantam, native to Thailand and Southeast Asia, is the cutest and smallest kind of ornamental chicken and pet chicken. Later, the "Lucky Chicken" was brought into Yunnan and crossed with the local camellia chicken in Yunnan. After years of development, it became the Chinese version of the camellia ornamental chicken. Because the locals did not know the name of "Lucky Chicken", they only knew the hybrid Compared with the Yunnan Camellia Chicken, the chicken that came out had much shorter feet, so I called it a "bantam".

Australian black chicken

Australian black chicken was introduced from Italy during the Republic of China. Its plumage is black and shiny. Its bill, shin, and toes are black. The soles of its feet are white. It has a strong physique and powerful wings for flying. The variety is excellent and the meat is delicious. Z4z

Bresse chicken

Bresse chicken (Poulet de Bresse) is a breed of chicken produced in the Bresse region in eastern France. This chicken has bright red combs, snow white feathers, and steel blue feet. It is the same color as the French flag and is known as the national chicken of France. . Bress chicken is the first and only chicken to obtain the legal production area rating (AOC). The French National Designation of Origin is responsible for monitoring the entire Bress chicken production system and stipulates that a total of 1.5 million chickens are produced each year. Chickens like

have been raised in the forest and in the wild from childhood to adolescence, and the stocking density also has strict regulations. Nearly before the slaughter, we must concentrate on fattening with grains and insects.

Royal chicken

Royal chicken has a peculiar appearance, with triple crests, five toes and black and white flower feathers as its most typical features. The feathers on the head of the imperial concubine hen are extraordinarily luxuriant, resembling the feather caps used by European noble ladies, hence the name "precious woman chicken". Later, because the term "concubine" is closer to the ancient Chinese culture, the mass acceptance is higher. Then it evolved into the "Royal Chicken".

Royal chicken is petite and exquisite. The crest is a feathered phoenix crest, which is more obvious in adult roosters. There is an independent small cone-shaped crown in front of the crown. The crown is a bean crown. Both sides of the crown are bowl-shaped developed fleshy bodies, extending into a "V"-shaped fleshy horn-shaped crown, bright red in color and delicate, with a posterior shape. A bunch of large black and white flowers like a ball.

Bailuoke chicken

Bailuoke chicken is a famous meat-and-egg breed originating in the United States.

Luo Island Red Chicken

Luo Island Red Chicken, the famous egg and meat chicken breed. It was originally produced in Rhode, USA (Rhode, the old translation of Lot Island), and is now spread all over the world.

Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rock Chicken was bred in New England, USA. It was introduced into my country’s nine catties of chicken blood, which is a dual-purpose chicken. Due to the different feather colors, they are divided into 7 varieties: horizontal spot, white feather, light yellow, silver pattern, partridge, Columbia, and blue. The horizontal spot Rock is often called the reed (Rock) chicken in our country. Cross-spotted Plymouth Rock Chicken grows fast, has good meat quality and is easy to fatten. It is recognized as a high-quality chicken.

Bailaihang chicken

Bailaihang chicken was originally produced in Italy. It is a famous egg-type breed and has now spread all over the world. The Bailaihang chicken is small and delicate.

Sussex chicken

Asakusa Sussex chicken is one of the five famous chickens in the world. Originally produced in Sussex, England, is one of the ancient chicken breeds in the United Kingdom. Now it has spread all over the world.

hawk-billed chicken

hawk-billed chicken is produced in Iceland. It is said that this chicken mainly grows up by eating seaside shrimp, crab, shellfish and other seafood. The meat is delicious, and it is still relatively rare in China.

raw fowl

raw fowls are the wild ancestors of domestic chickens. They are also known as the Camellia Chicken because they cry like "two miscellaneous camellia". The male bird's feathers are colorful and very gorgeous, while the female bird's body is mostly gray-black, which looks much more low-key.

Wild raw fowls mainly inhabit tropical forests and secondary bamboo forests below 1000 meters above sea levelAmong them, it feeds on young plant leaves, fruits, petals, etc., and also catches insects, young moths, and termites.

wild raw fowl is a national second-class protected animal, hunting is prohibited. However, the original chicken has been raised artificially, and both meat and eggs are suitable for consumption.

guinea fowl

guinea fowl, also known as the pearl bird, is native to Guinea, Africa. The guinea fowl is a rare bird with blue-brown feathers and evenly covered white spots. It looks like a beautiful pearl shirt, so it has the reputation of "guinea fowl". Guinea fowl has developed breast muscles, lean meat, fresh meat, high protein, low fat, and has a pheasant flavor.

Yunyang white-feathered black-bone chicken

Yunyang white-feathered black-feathered chicken, also known as Yunyang black-feathered chicken, produced in Yun County, Hubei Province, is an excellent local breed of Hubei Province, and is hailed as "the treasure of Hubei" by domestic experts. The white-feathered black-bone chicken is a type of chicken with both meat, egg and medicine. It has ten characteristics such as "single crest, green ears, piece feathers, white hair, black skin, black meat, black bones, raised tail, smooth shin, and four toes". High nutritional value and unique medicinal value.

Yunyang chicken

Yunyang chicken was originally called Zhushan chicken, commonly known as "three black chickens" (black legs, black mouth, black skin), which is a type of egg and meat, because it is mainly produced in Zhushan County, which is the remaining vein of the Qinba Mountains In the territory, it is also called Zhushan Yunyang Chicken. It is a representative and unique local high-quality variety of Zhushan "native chicken".

Zhengyang three yellow chicken

Zhengyang three yellow chicken

Zhengyang three yellow chickens are distributed in the area of ​​the junction of Zhengyang, Runan and Queshan counties in Zhumadian City, Henan Province, in the Wenshu River area of ​​29 townships with a radius of more than 100 miles.

Three yellow chickens are named for their yellow beak, yellow hair and yellow claws. Due to its wide distribution, large quantity and good quality in Zhengyang County, the Sanhuang Chicken was named Zhengyang Sanhuang Chicken by "Henan Provincial Excellent Local Livestock Breeds". The meat and eggs of Zhengyang Sanhuang Chicken not only taste good, but also have the functions of invigorating qi, nourishing blood and diuresis. It is known as Sanhuang Medicine Chicken and Chinese Rare Chicken Breed. It is one of the rare and excellent local chicken breeds in China. From the 1960s to the 1970s, the three yellow chickens were included in the textbooks for primary and secondary schools as a symbol of the Chinese nation’s hard work and wisdom.

Hetian chicken

Hetian Town, Changting County, Fujian Province, China, and hence the name. Changting Heffield Chicken is one of the five famous chickens in the world. It has a high reputation in Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi and Hong Kong and Macao, and has a great influence in Southeast Asia. Especially the overseas Chinese compatriots who are mainly Hakka like to eat this chicken.

Big Bone Chicken

Big Bone Chicken (also known as Zhuanghe Chicken) was once ranked among the four major agricultural brands in China with Mongolian horses, Qinchuan cattle, and Landrace pigs. In the 1950s, it also entered textbooks, even in the country. In the list of protected species of poultry resources, it ranks second among 11 chicken breeds. Thank you for reading, our WeChat account is Kitchen Shadow Food, please pay attention! For more exciting content, please follow the WeChat public account "Cooking Food". The first is Jiujinhuang, and Big Bone Chicken is a new breed that was crossed from Jiujinhuang with Shouguang Chicken and local chicken more than 200 years ago. The

big-bone chicken has a long history. According to data records, Shandong immigrants brought large-scale Shouguang chickens from Shandong into Liaoning more than two hundred years ago, crossed them with local chickens, and were bred by local people for a long time. Mainly produced in Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province. The Big Bone Chicken is a dual-purpose local chicken breed with a large egg. It has the characteristics of large and solid, strong foraging ability, large and large eggs, thick and firm eggshells, and tender meat.

Dongxiang green-shell layer hens

Dongxiang green-shell layer hens belong to both egg and meat type. It is native to Dongxiang County, Jiangxi Province, and is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangsu and other places.

Huaibei Mochi

Huaibei Mochi is originated in Suzhou City, Anhui Province, and is mainly distributed in Yongqiao District, Xiao County, Lingbi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province and Suixi County, Huaibei Province. The production area belongs to the Huaibei Plain, with an altitude of 0-40m. Huixiangyuan Roasted Chicken and Fuli Roasted Chicken use this chicken as raw material. The Huaibei chicken grows slowly, and the meat is tender and delicious.