The correct way to drink honey to improve immunity, is honey effective in improving immunity?

Honey is an essential food for many health-preserving people. Honey is brewed hard by bees. It is rich in plant extracts and nutrients, and has the effect of improving resistance. But how to eat honey? What is the right way for honey to improve resistance? How to drink?

Honey water is the most common way to eat honey. If you drink water to improve your body’s resistance, the first thing to pay attention to is temperature. Honey contains Abundant active substances, these substances play a key role in moisturizing the body with honey, and these active substances are afraid of high temperature. Excessive temperature will denature and inactivate the active substances and affect the role of honey in improving the body's resistance. So brew honey water The optimal temperature of honey is around 40 degrees, which is more conducive to the body's absorption of nutrients in honey.

Honey water can also be matched with wolfberry, which has a better effect on enhancing resistance. The main components of honey are glucose and fructose. It also contains more than 180 nutrients such as amino acids, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. These ingredients can supplement the nutrients needed by the body and promote the body's metabolism. Honey also has strong It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so drinking honey regularly can improve body resistance, while wolfberry contains betaine, wolfberry polysaccharides, carotene and other substances, which have the effect of tonic and nourishing essence.

And the time to drink honey is actually not fixed. You can drink honey anytime you want. The glucose and fructose in honey can replenish body energy at any time. Water white honey has the effect of improving resistance. You can drink a cup in the early morning. Clean water, half an hour later with 40 degrees warm water into a glass of water and honey water to drink.