Yeast powder can be omitted when steaming steamed buns! Use it to make the dough, it is softer than bread and has a wheat fragrance

In our country, that is a place full of food, no matter where we go, there is its unique cuisine, which constantly attracts us, let us linger on it. If you have been to the north, you must be the most impressed with the steamed buns in the north. I still remember the first time I went to a friend’s house in the north, the staple food they ate on the table was steamed buns. As a person used to eat rice For me, I don’t really like steamed buns. But when I ate the first steamed bun, my impression of the steamed buns changed. The fragrant and soft white steamed buns tasted too good, not the same as the steamed buns I usually eat.

Later, upon my inquiry, a friend told me that the steamed buns made at his house are made with old leaven, and they are usually bought outside Steamed buns are different. The old yeast noodles are made using the most primitive steamed buns. It can make the steamed buns have a wheat flavor and will be more healthy to eat. There is no need to worry about any additives. For this old-fashioned steamed bun making method, many people nowadays don’t know how to use yeast powder to ferment the flour. Although it can make the steamed buns white and fat, the taste is quite different.

So how to ferment this old leaven? Let's study together.

Method 1: Natural fermentation

Prepare a basin, put about a catty of flour into it, and then add the prepared warm water to it, the temperature of the warm water is about 40 degrees, While adding warm water to the flour, stir the flour with chopsticks until the flour appears cottony, do not add water. Then knead the flour by hand to knead the flour into a dough. After kneading the dough, you need to prepare a clean towel to cover it tightly, and then put it in a place where the temperature is about 30 degrees to ferment the dough. The fermentation time is the longest. Fortunately, more than 10 hours. When the dough has obvious expansion and a large number of honeycombs appear, it is proved that the dough has been fermented, so that the fermented dough is the old yeast.

Method 2: Cooked bun fermentation

Using the cooked bun fermentation method, you need to prepare 3 steamed buns with old leaven in advance, and then These steamed buns are broken into small pieces for later use. At the same time, prepare a washbasin, add the required flour into it, and add warm water to stir it into cotton wool, and then add the prepared buns to the flour, knead it, and knead the flour into a dough. Finally, cover with a clean towel (in winter, it is best to use plastic wrap to cover). Put the dough in a place where the temperature is above 30 degrees for fermentation. When it is twice the original size, the old yeast is ready.

If you have learned the fermentation of the old leaven, follow me and learn more about how to make steamed buns!

After fermenting the old leaven, we need to take it out, then knead it to remove the bubbles in the old leaven. When the old yeast noodles are kneaded until the surface is smooth, they can be rolled into long strips and cut into steamed bun embryos with a kitchen knife.

Then raise the pot to boil water, add a small half pot of water to the steamer, put the cut steamed bun embryo into the steamer, cover the pot, and let the steamed bun embryo ferment in the steamer for another half an hour. Then steam the steamed buns on high fire, and it will be out of the pot for eating in about half an hour.


1. The steamed buns steamed with old leaven are very chewy and full of wheat flavor. Eat Get up healthy and at ease.

2. When steaming the steamed buns, be sure to steam them with cold water in the pot, let the steamed buns embryo ferment for half an hour, and then quickly steam on high fire.

3, steamed bunsDon’t rush to uncover the lid, let the steamed buns simmer for a few minutes, otherwise the steamed buns will not be soft.