Frozen Food Batch meets you at the 14th China Frozen Food, Meal and Food Ingredients Festival

The 14th China Frozen Food, Meal and Food Ingredients Festival of the "Hua Ding" Cup will be held in China · Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center from October 10th to 12th, 2021. There will be many leading companies and industries. Rising star enterprises and industry leaders gathered in Zhengzhou to join in the grand event.

The 14th China Frozen Food Thousand Business Conference, Frozen Cube "Hundred Enterprises and Thousand Products" Selection Festival, China Frozen Food Industry High-end Summit, China Frozen Food Industry will also be held during this exhibition. "Three New" Technology Development Forum.

A variety of new products and new technologies will be unveiled at that time, analysis of new industry developments, and wonderful sharing of new trends in policy development, etc. For frozen products, this grand event should not be missed.

Frozen batch and the exclusive total title of the event China Ting supply chain joint, at T114 booth strong to explore the nationwide frozen products span_strong2span 27 New practice in the frozen product industry, seeking new development of the frozen product industry in the county and township market, and leading the reform of the frozen product industry with a brand-new business model.

As the pioneer of a new model in the frozen food industry, the advantages of the online and offline integrated service platform for frozen food batches have been fully verified in the market. As the current traditional model shackles the future development of frozen products, while major enterprises and frozen product distributors are still exploring directions, frozen product batching has formed a complete set of systems, leading the reform of the frozen product market in counties and townships, and "purifying" standards. In the frozen product market, we will eliminate the three-no products and provide consumers with safe, assured, and affordable products.

The online and offline integrated Internet model provides merchants with marketing, sales, invoicing, invoicing , settlement and other means to realize the interconnection of the platform and the merchant system, forming a seamless online and offline connection. Key to solve the problems of complex operation of the supply chain, high cost, non-standard, inefficient circulation; serious product homogeneity, insufficient advantages; small market coverage, high losses and high storage costs; high cold chain logistics prices.

The partner mechanism supports the whole process, from store location selection, market research to store design, store decoration; from brand promotion, product supply to product promotion, event planning, the headquarters provides full support, making it easier for partners to open a store , Operation is more efficient, management is more worry-free, and profit is easier.

Frozen goods batch self-built cold chain logistics, in view of the cold chain loss of temperature and the dynamic opacity of goods flow, the self-developed SAAS platform, real-time monitoring of the vehicle's location, driving path, temperature and humidity, for customers Provide full-process visualization of cold chain LTL transportation services to ensure quality delivery.

Open up the upstream and downstream, realize the efficient connection of factories, platforms and end users, effectively reduce the purchase cost of end users; at the same time, the system layout central warehouse and chain factory warehouse to realize the efficiency and convenience of distribution services and ensure The advantages of category, quality, price and supply guarantee of food ingredients.

Frozen products are now open to county partners, and each county is limited to one quota, realizing your dream of a first-level agency. You can use the Frozen Food App to buy frozen products, and one piece is also the ex-factory price! sincerely invites interested customers to visit Booth T114 for consultation and consultation!
