With the development and progress of society, the traditional old idea of ​​"women are inferior to men" has long become a thing of the past. Nowadays, female groups play an increasingly important role in the business system. In recent years, countless Outstanding female entrepren

With the development and progress of society, the traditional old idea of ​​"women are inferior to men" has long become a thing of the past. Nowadays, female groups play an increasingly important role in the business system, and in recent years, more and more people have emerged. Countless outstanding female entrepreneurs have created business legends one after another with their wisdom and sweat, and have become a beautiful landscape in the development of the private economy.

Jilin Liaoyuan

Liaoyuan is located in the south-central part of Jilin Province, in the upper reaches of the east Liaohe River. Liaoyuan has a long history and has outstanding people since ancient times. It is an important birthplace of Manchu culture. Today, under the joint construction of the people of Liaoyuan, Liaoyuan The city's urban development has achieved fruitful results that are obvious to all.

BOSS Research Institute brings you the biography of a business legend in this issue. The protagonist is Ms. Li Yanqiu, an outstanding female entrepreneur from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. It is reported that Ms. Li Yanqiu's personal wealth mainly comes from the high-tech enterprise she heads - Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd.). Although Ms. Li Yanqiu has not been on any form of rich list before, based on Shengtong's current stock price and the company's net profit dividends over the years, her net worth is conservatively estimated to have exceeded 1.2 billion yuan. This data is enough for her to ascend to the throne of "Liaoyuan's richest woman" this year. Next, BOSS Research Institute will lead everyone to get to know this strong business woman who came out of Liaoyuan.

The low-key big boss

"Low-key" is one of the most prominent labels on Li Yanqiu. Even though she is the actual controller of a listed company, there are very few introductions about her on the Internet, even in In Shengtong's listing prospectus, there is only one short line of description for Li Yanqiu, who can be regarded as an out-and-out "invisible rich man."

Li Yanqiu

In the early spring of April 1969, Li Yanqiu was born in an ordinary working-class family in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. After graduating from a technical secondary school, like many local aspiring young people in his hometown, Li Yanqiu went to Beijing to work hard and started his career. In 1990, 21-year-old Li Yanqiu entered a printing factory in Beijing and started working in financial management.

Family changes

In 2000, her husband Jia Donglin, brother-in-law Jia Chunlin and father-in-law Jia Zeping jointly founded Beijing Shengtong Color Printing Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Shengtong Shares. Jia Donglin held 34% of the shares and was the largest shareholder. Jia Chunlin and Jia Zeping respectively holds 33% of the shares. At this time, Li Yanqiu was still diligently engaged in financial management work in the company, providing the most solid backing for her husband and his family to start their own business.

Li Yanqiu

With the full cooperation of father and son and the silent efforts of Li Yanqiu behind the scenes, Shengtong Shares quickly developed and grew from an unknown "small workshop" to a large-scale publication. Printing company. However, something unexpected happened. On October 19, 2007, Mr. Jia Donglin died young due to illness. The 30 million shares of Shengtong shares he held during his lifetime were allocated to Li Yanqiu and their two children. Yanqiu obtained 22.5 million shares and became the actual controller of Shengtong shares in one fell swoop.

Goes to the stage

A company cannot be without an owner for a day. After experiencing grief, Li Yanqiu and the Jia family gradually came out of the gloom. They knew that only making the company bigger and stronger would be the best comfort for Mr. Jia Donglin’s spirit in heaven. . In the same year, Jia Chunlin succeeded her late brother as the chairman of Shengtong Co., Ltd., while Li Yanqiu, who had been behind the scenes, officially stepped forward to serve as the vice chairman of Shengtong Co., Ltd.

Li Yanqiu

On July 15, 2011, Jia Chunlin and her sister-in-law Li Yanqiu successfully landed in the capital market with Shengtong shares and successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The stock code: 002599 has since opened a new page in the history of corporate development. As a result, Li Yanqiu himself successfully joined the ranks of "billionaires" overnight and ushered in his highlight moment. According to the information in Shengtong Shares' prospectus, before this listing, Li Yanqiu held a total of 38.64% of Shengtong Shares and was the company's largest shareholder and actual controller.

Shengtong Shares

Now, under the leadership of Li Yanqiu and the Jia family, Shengtong Shares, after more than 20 years of development, has become a leading domestic enterprise group integrating education, cultural publishing and comprehensive service ecosystems. In 2021, Shengtong Co., Ltd. achieved annual revenue of 2.405 billion yuan and created a net profit of 67.6094 million yuan. The company's operating conditions are very good, and it also provided a satisfactory answer to the majority of investors.

Shengtong shares went public

written at the end

A woman, in the darkest moment of life, was able to put aside her grief and stand up, leading the company built by her husband to continue to move forward and climb to new heights. There is no doubt that she will Will be a role model for contemporary female entrepreneurs.

Are you optimistic about the future development prospects of Shengtong Shares?

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