On June 30, 2022, Jia Fenglei, a member of the Party Committee of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Federation and a first-level researcher, Jiang Xue, vice president of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Henan Branch of Hubei Industrial Construct

On June 30, 2022, Jia Fenglei, a member of the Party Committee of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Federation and a first-level researcher, Jiang Xue, vice president of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Henan Branch of Hubei Industrial Construction Group Co., Ltd., Secretary-General of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Li Wenguang, general manager of Zhengzhou Jiayue Technology Trading Co., Ltd., and a group of 9 people made a special trip to Xinxiang to visit the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Jia Fenglei said that this visit was to promote the friendly development of the two chambers of commerce through exchanges and learning, and to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions with the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce around a series of issues such as the construction and development of the chamber of commerce.

Accompanied by personnel from the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the delegation from the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce visited Qihang International Industrial Port and Tianda Waterproof Building Materials Co., Ltd. The heads of the two companies introduced the development, production and operation of the companies in detail Condition. Through the introduction, we learned about the successful cases and experiences of some Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce member companies relying on their advantages in various fields, integrating industry resources, working together to develop, and innovating to keep pace with the times.

After the visit and inspection, everyone had a discussion and exchange. Xinxiang City Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Li Yan extended a warm welcome to the visit of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce. She introduced the development of the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in detail in recent years, and proposed that the development of the Chamber of Commerce must follow " Unity, learning, mutual assistance, responsibility" eight-character policy , a chamber of commerce that is not united will be a mess, and its fists will definitely be powerless; a chamber of commerce that does not learn is a chamber of commerce that cannot grasp policies, and will definitely not be able to integrate policies and economy organically Together, we cannot lead members to greater development; mutual help is one of the purposes of establishing a chamber of commerce, and only by staying together can we maximize the benefits of members; shouldering social responsibilities is not only to help disadvantaged groups in society, but also to have The sentiment of developing regional economy.

On behalf of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, researcher Jia Fenglei thanked the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Federation for its warm reception and passed on the experience. He sincerely invited comrades from the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Federation to visit Zhengzhou as guests. He hoped to maintain close contact with the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Federation and the Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in future work. connect. He said that the overseas Chinese federations in various places are the "parental family" serving overseas Chinese and have quite good experiences and practices. The brother overseas Chinese federations should establish a daily interaction mechanism to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, build a more efficient and pragmatic platform, and continuously improve the level of serving overseas Chinese. .

Secretary-General Li Wenguang briefly elaborated on the work of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce in recent years. He said that he came to Xinxiang this time with a learning attitude and gained a lot from this visit. He thanked the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Federation and the Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce. With the warm reception and support for the work of the Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, we will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the brother chambers of commerce in the future, gather more advantages and better serve members.

Cui Yanjun, president of the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce and chairman of Xinxiang Yukang Real Estate Co., Ltd., said that this in-depth exchange between Zhengzhou City and the Xinxiang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce provides a good opportunity for the brotherly chambers of commerce to learn from each other and exchange work experience, and provides a good opportunity for the two companies. Local member companies have established friendly relations and formed a friendly alliance to build a cooperation platform. "Zheng·Xin" and "Zhengzhou and Xinjiang" are like one family. The closer brothers get, the closer they get, and the mutual visits between chambers of commerce can lead to mutual development.

At the symposium, both parties stated that they would continue to strengthen cooperation and in-depth docking in the future, further strengthen exchanges and learning, actively carry out various tasks, expand the influence of the chamber of commerce, and build the chamber of commerce into a more open communication platform for entrepreneurs.

Correspondents: Li Wenguang, Yu Lan Editor: Cheng Ying