Work, packing for business trips, catching flights... At 11 o'clock in the night, Bloomberg told reporters on WeChat, "I just arrived in Beijing, but I chose the wrong airport to arrive at. It still takes an hour to get back to the hotel." At 12 o'clock in the night, he finally r

Working, packing luggage for a business trip, catching a plane... At 11 o'clock in the night, Bloomberg told reporters on WeChat, "I just arrived in Beijing, but I chose the wrong airport to arrive at. It still takes an hour to get back to the hotel." At 12 o'clock in the night, he finally returned hotel, but there was still urgent work to deal with; at two o'clock in the morning, he replied to the reporter, "Sorry, I just finished my work." This is almost the normal state of his work, and it is also the response of many young entrepreneurial youths in Hong Kong who believe that "you will win if you work hard" miniature.

Peng Bowen, who has lived in Hong Kong with his parents since he was a child, chose to complete his college studies at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in Guangzhou. While studying, he was interested in developing in the entertainment field and tried working as an actor, model, agent, etc. After graduation, he wanted to set up a cultural communication company, which was a "fantasy" in the eyes of his parents, because they all believed that there might be wider room for development in Hong Kong. "Although there was no concept of ' Greater Bay Area ' at that time, I always believed that this land had great potential. Later, the implementation of documents such as the Greater Bay Area Planning and Development Outline proved that my choice was right."

Peng Bowen, founder of Guangzhou Boxin Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

" chose Guangzhou because it has a strong sense of happiness"

In March 2017, Bowen Peng chose to establish Guangzhou Boxin Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou. In 2020, the company moved into TIMETABLE in Tianyin Trading Building, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. In recent years,

has helped domestic brands such as Café de Coral, Manting , Speedmaster battery, WM Motor and other local brands achieve internationalization by integrating concepts such as creativity, communication, and marketing. It has also helped Nestlé , Coca-Cola , Cadillac and other international brands are localized. Bloomberg introduced that his parent company, Hong Kong Red Media Group, is a diversified multinational enterprise group. "The company's main business is very diversified. In recent years, they have developed a variety of Forbidden City-themed cultural and creative products, which have been popular among young people in both Hong Kong and the mainland market." He said that in cooperation with the Forbidden City Guantang Group Later, the company obtained the external authorization qualification for the commercialization of the Forbidden City IP. The Forbidden City IP is highly recognized by consumers in the international and domestic markets, which has greatly improved the brand's premium capability. Facing the vast mainland market, he sensed unlimited business opportunities, which further strengthened his determination to integrate into the entrepreneurial development of the Greater Bay Area. Thanks to the low start-up costs, the company's team in Guangzhou has grown to about 20 people. Last year, the Guangzhou branch achieved revenue of more than 10 million yuan.

mentioned the reason why he chose to start a business in Guangzhou. He said that as a thousand-year-old city, Guangzhou’s profound cultural heritage can provide fertile ground for the growth of the cultural communication company he plans to establish. In addition, Guangzhou's "happiness" is also one of the important factors why he chose to take root here. He introduced the "happiness" that Guangzhou brings to him in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation: the pragmatic and low-key cultural atmosphere, traditional yet exquisite Cantonese cuisine, and the convenient transportation between Guangdong and Hong Kong, these are all things he admires Guangzhou reasons.

For young people from Hong Kong who come to Guangzhou to start a business, "accommodation" is always an unavoidable problem. In this regard, Guangzhou has introduced a series of policies to relieve them from worries. In 2019, the Talent Apartment in Tianhe District, Guangzhou officially opened for applications, and Peng Bowen quickly received approval to move into the apartment. The one-bedroom apartment of more than 60 square meters is equipped with basic furniture and appliances, and the monthly rent is just over 1,000 yuan. The high-cost rental problem has been completely solved. He believes that it is precisely these favorable circumstances and favorable conditions that have attracted more and more young people from Hong Kong and Macao to start businesses in Guangzhou in recent years.

"Now I have changed from enjoying services to providing services."

The three companies that Bloomberg opened in Hong Kong and Guangzhou all belong to the new media integrated marketing industry. When talking about the different situations faced by entrepreneurship in the two places, he mentioned it many times. And the Guangzhou Youth Home provided meticulous support during his entrepreneurial process. "Before coming to Guangzhou, I knew very little about the mainland's tax laws, industrial and commercial registration, bank account opening and other procedures, especially the relevant rules and regulations for Hong Kong-funded enterprises. Fortunately, I had full guidance from the 'Youth Home' in the process of starting a business. There will be much fewer obstacles,” Bloomberg said.

The Guangzhou Tianhe District Hong Kong and Macao Youth Home Association, which Peng Bowen joined, is a one-stop service platform of "entrepreneurship incubation, public services, exhibition and exchange, and community liaison" created by tianhe district for the innovation and entrepreneurship development of Hong Kong and Macao youths. . In addition to providing discounts on water, electricity, property management fees, office space rentals, etc., it also provides consulting, training, agency and other services in taxation, legal, market and other aspects, allowing Hong Kong and Macao youths to start their entrepreneurial projects smoothly.

saw that his business in the Mainland was on the right track and then improved. Many friends in Hong Kong would ask him about starting a business in the Mainland. Whenever this happens, he will personally take them to Guangzhou. After on-the-spot inspection of entrepreneurial bases and related projects, he will provide targeted interpretations of policies and instructions on the registration process. Today, he has become a director of the association's membership development department. At the same time, he is also employed as a "Tax Propaganda Officer of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City" to explain tax policies to young people from Hong Kong and Macao starting businesses in the mainland.

The entrepreneurial environment and favorable conditions in the Greater Bay Area make him willing to encourage the Hong Kong youth around him to try more and give life a new challenge. At the same time, he will also share his entrepreneurial experience, because starting a business is always risky. , especially under the influence of the epidemic in recent years, we should make decisive decisions in business. "Those who choose to start a business must have enough confidence and commitment to improve their sales capabilities, management capabilities, communication skills, etc."

In his opinion, although Guangzhou currently has a relatively low demand for young people from Hong Kong and Macao who come to Guangzhou to start businesses, It has provided a lot of policy convenience and support, but some processes still need to be optimized. He hopes to use his own experience to promote the completion of this process. He believes that many young people from Hong Kong want to seize the opportunity of the construction of the Greater Bay Area to develop in Guangzhou, but they still have concerns about the unfamiliar fiscal and taxation policies and entrepreneurial environments of the two places in the early stages of starting a business. The detailed answers provided by the service platform Youth Home can bring them more trust and security, and also give everyone a greater sense of belonging in Guangzhou.

"I think Guangdong and Hong Kong are integrating and developing with each other."

Standing at the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Bloomberg was also filled with emotion. Since " Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area " was elevated to a national strategy in March 2017, a large number of young people from Hong Kong have come to the Greater Bay Area to pursue their dreams, and exchanges between the two places have become more frequent and in-depth. He deeply feels that Hong Kong has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. From development concepts and development plans to microscopic things, the habits and cultures of the two places are increasingly integrated. "In the past, electronic payments in Hong Kong may have only been based on Octopus or credit cards, but now payment methods such as WeChat and Alipay have become more and more popular."

He believes that Hong Kong's development must be integrated into the Greater Bay Area, in addition to the flow of people , the integration of its business and products is equally important. In the future, he hopes that mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area such as Hong Kong and Guangzhou can form a good integration mechanism so that both places can leverage their own advantages and promote various industrialization processes.

Producers: Liu Lijun, Xie Jiangtao

Planner: Yang Honghui

Coordinator: Zhan Yuehui

Writer: Nandu·Aoyi News Reporter Lin Shiyan