In the early hours of last night, my country Southern Airlines, Air China and China Eastern Airlines, the three major giants, successively issued announcements and signed an agreement with the French company "Airbus" to purchase 292 Airbus A320NEO aircraft for approximately US$37

In the early hours of last night, the three giants of my country Southern Airlines, Air China and China Eastern Airlines successively issued announcements and signed an agreement with the French Airbus Company to purchase 292 Airbus A320NEO aircraft for approximately US$37.2 billion. is broken down: China Southern Airlines purchased 96 aircraft, Air China 64 aircraft, and China Eastern Airlines 100 aircraft.

Airbus also attaches great importance to this large order from China, and even "congratulates" the Chinese aviation market on its official website, which indicates that the development of China's economy and its prosperity prospects.

But as soon as the news came out, the American media couldn't sit still, especially about Airbus's competitor Boeing !

Bloomberg said: Airbus won a large order of US$37 billion from China, which is a very big marketing for Boeing Company , and will even have an impact on Boeing's dominant position in car manufacturing.

There are even some US media maliciously speculating that Airbus has a connection with the Chinese side, which will cause Boeing to be blocked in the Chinese market.

Seeing this moment, people had to applaud, for three reasons:

First, whether it is China Eastern Airlines, Air China or China Southern Airlines, being able to buy a plane with a lot of money means that you have a certain amount of economic mobility.

Second, with the post-epidemic era, my country's economy has been developing steadily, especially after the itinerary card "reaching for the stars", major airlines have begun to show good news for the air transport market.

Thirdly, this aircraft transaction is also in line with the company's "14th Five-Year Plan", which also reveals the confidence in the future development of the civil aviation industry.

Secondly, the US media’s voice is also expected. After all, the United States is always used to being "self-righteous". No matter what problems arise, they will not look for problems within themselves, but like to use various means to discredit their competitors. can be seen from Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei , ZTE , DJI and so on.

Moreover, the cooperative relationship between China and Airbus continues to strengthen. There are many factors behind this, such as: cooperative enterprises, assembly production lines, technical cooperation, etc. and this time the purchase agreement of the three major airlines also revealed my country's recognition of Airbus aircraft .

What opportunities are coming for the air transport industry?

Since entering 2020, the domestic air transport industry has encountered difficulties. The entire industry has fallen into a "cold winter", so much so that netizens said: It only costs about 100 yuan to fly from Guangzhou to Hainan, and you can have a late night snack and come back. ...

Today, these three major airlines have suffered losses of more than 10 billion for two consecutive years from 2020 to 2021. Air China lost 16.64 billion, China Southern Airlines lost 12.1 billion, and China Eastern Airlines lost 12.2 billion. And with the increase in international crude oil prices, it is even more Alexander for these three airlines.

But since entering 2022, our country has ushered in unprecedented favorable development. With the country's policy support, the "retaliatory" consumption of Chinese consumers has emerged, and the "star-catching" of itinerary cards means that our country has ushered in a new round of economic recovery.

From June 24th to 26th, the number of single-day civil aviation flights nationwide exceeded 10,000 for three consecutive days, with an average daily passenger volume of 850,000. This is also due to the fact that our country has put in place epidemic prevention and control, has put in place economic recovery policies, and has put in place the benefits of promoting consumption.

Therefore, the United States is certainly uneasy about my country's purchase of nearly 300 aircraft. But there is much more than that that they cannot accept.

Whether it is economic recovery, the accelerated development of the chip semiconductor field, the leadership of new energy vehicles, or the popularization of industrial automation and G fields... This is a signal that China has sent to the world after entering 2022. This Eastern Lion is developing Gradually wake up! #Zhongshuo Finance: Looking for you who loves finance#