Recently, some German pro-American media have begun to hype that German companies should withdraw from business with China to prevent being kidnapped by the Chinese economy and becoming heavily dependent on the Chinese market.

Recently, some German pro-American media have begun to hype that German companies should withdraw from business with China to prevent being kidnapped by the Chinese economy and becoming heavily dependent on the Chinese market. They are alarmist and use Germany's current dependence on Russian energy to further highlight the dependence of German companies on the Chinese market. Obviously, these German pro-American media are actually helping the United States to deceive Germany, hoping that German companies will withdraw from the Chinese market, so that the United States can complete the containment and suppression of China. However, the president of Volkswagen told the truth. Without business with China, German inflation would be more serious.

According to reports from Deutsche Welle citing multiple German media on July 1, Herbert Diess, CEO of German car manufacturer Volkswagen , was interviewed by News Weekly " Der Spiegel " (Spiegel). This interview was published on Thursday (June 30). He believes that in Germany, people have seriously underestimated "China's contribution to German prosperity." He pointed out that if it is decoupled from China, the situation in Germany "will look completely different" and economic growth, prosperity and employment opportunities will be affected. . Diess said: "Without business dealings with China, inflation will further intensify. So we need more dialogue."

Pro-American and anti-China media represented by Deutsche Welle are exaggerating the influence of German companies on Setting up factories in Xinjiang, China, would violate U.S. sanctions. Moreover, the German government has obviously had an impact on German companies in terms of attitude. For example, Der Spiegel revealed that the German federal government has refused to provide guarantees for Volkswagen's new investment projects in China. Obviously, such an approach will definitely seriously affect the investment of German companies in China, which will inevitably force German companies to gradually abandon the Chinese market. Deutsche Welle also cited a survey commissioned by China Table, a German online media focusing on China issues, and commissioned by Civey, a Berlin-based polling agency, which showed that 67% of respondents supported Volkswagen's closure of its Xinjiang factory.

Obviously such arguments are forcing German companies to leave the Chinese market. In fact, these practices are the United States using the effect of public opinion to force Germany and even companies to make political changes. But for enterprises, this is tantamount to a disaster, which is forcing the public to go to a dead end. "Neue Zurich" quoted Volkswagen's chief legal expert Manfred Döss as saying: "In the Urumqi factory, there is no sign of coercion of workers." Of course they can pray in the factory and respect their eating habits. "Withdrawing from Xinjiang is of no use." Obviously Volkswagen gave a positive answer, and they showed the real situation to the Western media.

Especially Volkswagen CEO Diess expressed this in an interview with "Der Spiegel" Dissing his views and facts, Diess said: “The factory in Xinjiang was established in 2012. The Chinese government wants to industrialize an underdeveloped region, and we want to be part of it. Currently, 30% of ethnic minorities are working in the factory. We have legal protection there and a prayer room. We can ensure that there is no forced labor there. "Obviously, this statement does not meet the taste of Western media. After all, Volkswagen CEO Diess told the real situation of Xinjiang factories, and there is no so-called "forced labor" exaggerated by Western media.

Obviously, German car companies are They don’t want to leave the Chinese market, let alone the Xinjiang factory, because 50% of the profits of German car companies come from the Chinese market. As early as the end of May this year, Volkswagen CEO Diess emphasized: “Although China is now a global player. The largest car market, but according to the population ratio, China's per capita car sales are still relatively low, with only between 250 and 300 cars per 1,000 people. In Germany, the number is 600, and in the United States, it is as high as 800. Only Looking at this set of figures, we can conclude that China will remain the most important growth market in the world.

This means that German car companies also hope to continue to expand the Chinese market, and this has become the key for German car companies to expand overseas business.50% of profits come from the Chinese market, but once it withdraws from China, it means that German bodywork will completely lose this 50% of profits. What does this mean for German car companies? I am afraid that the final outcome will only be death. Diess's point of view is very clear, that is, the profits created by German car companies in China have greatly reduced the inflation faced by Germany. Without the profits created by Germany in China and the low-price effect brought by Chinese factories, the manufacturing costs of German car companies will skyrocket due to leaving China, which is tantamount to a major blow to the profits of German car companies.

These pro-American German media just want to hype up German companies to withdraw from the Chinese market, thereby helping the United States achieve its goal of isolating China. But the problem is that for German companies, leaving the Chinese market and Xinjiang factories means that German companies may face life or death. This kind of tying politics to companies is tantamount to killing the competitiveness of German companies in the world. Diess knows this very well. In an interview with the German media, Diess expressed the voice of German companies and hoped that the German government and media could deeply understand the importance of the Chinese market to German companies. No matter how other factors interfere, the German government should respect the facts and support the normal business development of enterprises in China. (The pictures in this article come from the Internet)