Summary: Trading volume is divided into large volume and shrinking volume! Many people think it is a good thing when they see the increase in volume, so they can buy it. This is quite one-sided. Many people saw that shrinkage was rising, and then sold their stocks in advance. As

summary : Trading volume is divided into large volume and shrinking volume! Many people think it is a good thing when they see the increase in volume, so they can buy it. This is quite one-sided. Many people saw that shrinkage was rising, and then sold their stocks in advance. As a result, the stock price rose sharply afterwards. This is the fear of shrinkage! Trading volume can reflect the volume of buying and selling, but it cannot reflect who bought it or who sold it?

When stocks have experienced a periodic increase in volume, the trading volume will continue to shrink. When it shrinks to a low volume, there will be only a small entity on the volume histogram. This phenomenon is usually called "sesame volume".

When the trading volume of a stock shrinks continuously, the stock price moves sideways with small yin and small yang. This phenomenon is called "volume and price sesame". The main reason for this phenomenon is that the main force of is to wash the market of . After the wash is completed, the volume of such stocks will be enlarged again, and the stock prices will rise simultaneously. What does it mean when

falls and ends with heavy volume?

The difference between a heavy volume decline and a shrinkage fall:

A heavy volume decline is different from a shrinkage decline. Generally, a shrinkage decline is more terrifying than a heavy volume decline. This is because a large volume decline may be maliciously speculated and fabricated by institutions, while a shrinkage decline is Real bear market characteristics.

The volume shrinks and the price falls in the rising market, indicating that the market is full of reluctance to sell, which is an active correction of the market. Therefore, investors can hold shares to wait for the rise or intervene on dips. However, the price drop in the rising market cannot be too large, otherwise it may be a sign that the main force is shipping regardless of cost. The decrease in volume and price in the falling market of

indicates that investors will no longer do " short covering " after shipment, and the stock price will maintain a downward direction. Therefore, investors should mainly wait and see. If

is heavy at the top of and falls, the lethality will be great. If it shrinks and falls at the top, it means that no one will take over the market, and it may continue to fall for a long time, and it will also be very lethal.

If there is a heavy volume drop at the bottom, it is often the behavior of to lure short , and it may be the last drop. If the volume shrinks and falls at the bottom, it means that the bottom is not yet reached, or that the dealer has not attracted enough goods, but at this time the lethality is not great, and you can slowly follow the dealer to attract goods.

has increased its volume, which is the trading volume. The trading volume has been significantly enlarged compared to the previous period.

In stock market operations, it is often found that some stocks have abnormal trends. For example, the trading volume suddenly doubles, and a huge amount of hands changes in a short period of time. The intention of the main force must be judged based on comprehensive information from various aspects. Sometimes it belongs to the main force to ship, and sometimes it belongs to the main force to ship. When changing dealers, investors can judge based on the location of heavy volume, K-line shape and other aspects:

1, "heavy volume stagflation" , which is an ominous sign. If a large number of transactions are continuously released, but the stock price remains stagnant, usually the main force will reverse the volume to attract to follow suit, indicating that the main force has decided to leave, and the market outlook is not optimistic.

2. On the way down, the market has increased its volume and closed the small positive . You need to be careful of the main force building a false bottom. After falling below the false bottom, it is often the beginning of a new round of decline.

3, high volume and falling , this is a reliable signal that the stock price is weakening, and investors should stop losses in time.

Shrinkage means that market transactions are relatively light, and most people agree with the later market trend and have very unanimous opinions.

Shrinkage mainly means that investors and institutions in the market have basically the same views, which can be divided into two situations:

First, market participants are very bearish on the market outlook, resulting in only people selling but no one buying, so there is a sharp shrinkage;

Second, market participants are very optimistic about the market outlook. There are only people buying but no one selling, so the volume has shrunk sharply.

Shrinkage generally occurs in the middle of the trend, and everyone agrees with the market outlook. If the price decreases and shrinks, when encountering this situation, you should pay attention to observation and wait until the price shrinks to a certain extent, then buy again when the price starts to increase and the upward trend begins.

Similarly, when the price rises and shrinks, when encountering this situation, you should resolutely buy, wait for profits, and wait until the stock price fails to rise and there is a huge amount of money to be released before selling.