Opening words: The 14th Provincial Party Congress proposed that in the next five years, Gansu’s main focus will be to implement the “four strong” actions of strengthening industry, strengthening science and technology, strengthening provincial capitals, and strengthening counties

Opening words:

The 14th Provincial Party Congress proposed that in the next five years, Gansu’s main focus is to implement the “four strong” actions of strengthening industry, strengthening science and technology, strengthening provincial capitals, and strengthening counties, focusing on key areas and key areas. as a breakthrough point to promote an overall jump in comprehensive strength and development quality. Tianshui City regards the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress as an important political task at present and in the future, focusing on the construction of the "one core and three belts" regional development pattern and the implementation of the "Four Strong" Action, shoulder the political responsibility of building a regional central city, and promote the high-quality development of various undertakings in Tianshui with a higher position, a broader vision, and more practical measures. From now on, we will open a column "The 'Top Four' Action in Tianshui" to provide in-depth coverage of the city's specific measures on how to effectively transform learning results into practical results in overcoming difficulties and starting a business in the process of promoting the "Top Four" action.

Xintianshui reporters Hu Jiang Yang Jing Jing Chunyan Zhang Wendu

In midsummer, the heat wave is rolling. When you walk into Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County , you can feel the enthusiasm of project construction everywhere. Since the beginning of this year, Zhangjiachuan County has seized favorable opportunities and accelerated the implementation of major projects. Each of the key projects that have been built or under construction has accumulated potential and gathered momentum to become a strong engine for county economic growth.

"One District and Three Parks" Leads Industrial Transformation and Upgrading

On the way to Zhangjiachuan County, passing through Huchuan Town, the characters "Zhangjiachuan Provincial Economic Development Zone" stood out. Walking into the factory area, you can see mechanical vehicles shuttling back and forth, various building materials stacked in an orderly manner, and modern factories taking shape one after another.

"As a provincial development zone, Zhangjiachuan Economic Development Zone has a functional layout based on 'one zone and three parks', focusing on building a central biomedicine and new energy supporting industrial park, a western food processing and catering supporting industrial park, and an eastern new building materials and new energy industrial park. Industrial Park. What is currently being implemented is an infrastructure shortcomings project with a total investment of 386 million yuan. By increasing infrastructure construction, improving service levels, increasing investment attraction, leading industrial transformation and upgrading, and promoting industrial agglomeration development and cultivate new growth poles for the county economy," Cui Jianming, director of the Zhangjiachuan County Industrial Information Center, told reporters.

Zhangjiachuan Economic Development Zone is a provincial-level development zone recognized by the provincial government in September 2018. Currently, 21 companies are settled and managed. In 2021, enterprises in the development zone achieved a total output value of 500 million yuan, accounting for 84% of the county's total industrial output value.

Cui Jianming pointed to the construction site in front of him and said that the Central Biomedicine and New Energy Supporting Industrial Park located in Huchuan Town currently has 940 acres of available land. It mainly relies on Sinopharm Taiji Xihuang Ejiao Co., Ltd. to develop and expand the biopharmaceutical industry. ; Focus on the construction of wind power, photovoltaic power generation and pumped hydro energy storage projects, and develop supporting industries such as new energy and new materials.

"In the central Biomedicine and New Energy Supporting Industrial Park, the preliminary procedures for a new composite civil air defense door project with a total investment of 150 million yuan have been completed and construction has been fully launched; the Western Industrial Park has introduced a new composite civil defense door project with a total investment of 390 million yuan. The central kitchen project has completed the project site selection and is undergoing the preliminary procedures for project construction; the Eastern New Energy and New Building Materials Industrial Park is undergoing relevant planning and design work," Cui Jianming said, after the industrial park project is completed. , will greatly enhance the overall carrying capacity and investment attraction of the economic development zone, and empower and increase the momentum for high-quality development of the county economy.

Optimize layout to promote education quality and efficiency

Education is the greatest livelihood of the people, related to millions of households, and is also an important foundation for promoting high-quality economic and social development.

The Zhangjiachuan County Party Committee and the county government attach great importance to education. From kindergarten to elementary school, junior high school, and high school, through high-level deployment and overall development, a well-organized education system has been built to further improve the quality of education in the county.

Located at the construction site of the Xicheng Middle School project in Xicheng District, Zhangjiachuan County, there are many tower cranes, roaring machines, and splashing steel. The "construction iron army" of Zhangjiachuan Branch of Gansu Ninth Construction Group Co., Ltd. is busy welding the steel frame, hardening the playground, The enthusiasm for digging trenches and tackling projects in various areas is getting higher and higher. Wei Niusheng, the person in charge of the

project, said that the Xicheng Middle School under construction is a full-time, 6-year complete middle school with a total land area of ​​135,000 square meters and a total construction area of ​​116,000 square meters. It covers teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, teacher apartments, student apartments, canteens, playgrounds, sunken stadiums, etc. It has a total of 96 teaching classes, can accommodate 2,400 students, and can cover multiple surrounding counties and districts.

"In order to ensure the completion of the target task of completing the project and putting it into use this fall semester, the company has mobilized capable personnel, proactively provided services, carefully arranged the process, reasonably arranged the construction, pushed the progress with the target, forced the implementation with supervision, and concentrated on the construction of the project. "Wei Niu Sheng said, "Currently, the four teaching buildings are being decorated indoors and outdoors, the main body of the experimental building is capped, and the masonry of the teachers' apartment and canteen is completed, and the project progress is progressing in an orderly manner. "

New energy industry promotes healthy economic and social development

. In the northeastern part of Zhangjiachuan County, on Maowa Mountain shaded by vegetation, the roar of large-scale machinery can be heard from time to time. The second phase of the Tianyuan Zhangjiachuan Wind Farm project is under construction here.

Tianyuan Zhangjiachuan Wind Farm Project is the first wind energy development and utilization project in Tianshui City, with a total investment of approximately 829 million yuan, a total installed capacity of 100 megawatts, and is divided into two phases. "The first-phase project has been connected to the grid for power generation in 2015, with an annual power generation capacity of 80 million kilowatt-hours; the second-phase project has an approved investment of 307 million yuan, and has completed an investment of 172 million yuan. It is currently under intensive construction." Zhangjiachuan Tianyuan Wind Power Dong Hao, the site manager of the company, said.

It is understood that wind power is a new energy construction project implemented by the state. It uses wind energy resources to improve the regional energy structure, promote local economic development, and help protect the environment. "The operation of the wind farm does not require the consumption of other conventional energy, nor does it emit any harmful gases or consume water resources." Dong Hao said that after the second phase of the project is connected to the grid, the structure of Tianshui City's power grid will be further optimized and the quality of power supply in the county power grid will be improved. The annual power generation is about 103.57 million kilowatt-hours, and the average annual tax revenue during the operation period is 1.64 million yuan. It is of great significance for accelerating the development of the clean energy industry in Tianshui City and Zhangjiachuan County and promoting the sustainable and healthy economic and social development of Zhangjiachuan County.

A project is a new growth point; a batch of projects is a new growth pole. On the battlefield of project construction, Zhangjiachuan County’s big ideas, big projects, and big construction highlights frequently appear. Wave after wave of project construction enthusiasm continues to surge, like a solid pile foundation, supporting the high-quality development of the county economy. . With the help of the powerful engine of project construction, Zhangjiachuan County will surely ride the wind and waves and sail far in the tide of economic and social development.