In the first half of this year, a total of 173 China-Vietnam trains were launched, sending 5,196 TEUs of container cargo, a year-on-year increase of 19.3% and 26.3% respectively, showing a good trend of stability and progress. China and ASEAN are connected by mountains and rivers

In the first half of this year, a total of 173 China-Vietnam trains were operated, sending 5,196 TEUs of container cargo, a year-on-year increase of 19.3% and 26.3% respectively, showing a good trend of stability and progress.

China and ASEAN are connected by mountains and rivers and have a long history of economic and trade cooperation. In 2020 and 2021, ASEAN has remained my country's largest trading partner for two consecutive years. Since the beginning of this year, riding on the effective implementation of RCEP (" Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement "), economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN has maintained a strong growth momentum despite the epidemic. In the first five months of this year, the total trade value between my country and ASEAN was 2.37 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1%. ASEAN continues to remain my country's largest trading partner.

Midsummer is the peak season for tropical fruits from Southeast Asia to enter China. At the Pingxiang Railway Port, batches of imported fruits were transferred to Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and other places on cross-border trains. In the first half of this year, the National Railway Pingxiang Port Logistics Center shipped a total of 38,000 tons of cold chain fruits, a year-on-year increase of 164.95%.

Guangxi Wuhua International Trading Co., Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in importing ASEAN fruits for domestic sales. Starting this year, the company changed its previous transportation method and chose railway transportation. Railway transportation has the advantages of one-stop processing, paperless and fast customs clearance, saving nearly two-thirds of the time for cargo clearance, and can better meet the requirements for fruit transportation.

Zhou Qishou, deputy director of the Nanning Freight Center of the Nanning Bureau of the State Railway, said that currently, China-Vietnam freight train collection points have covered more than 20 cities inside and outside Guangxi, and the names of goods have expanded from 205 last year to include industrial machinery, specialties from various regions, etc. 248. Following the normal operation of this train in Nanning and Pingxiang, Guangxi, in April this year, it also opened a new route "Liuzhou-Tongdeng".

In order to improve the efficiency of train operations and meet the needs of cross-border cargo transportation, the Nanning Bureau of the State Railway follows the principle of "one product, one plan" to formulate customized transportation plans for customers, proactively undertake road and sea transportation to transfer goods, and ensure the foreign trade industry chain and supply The chain is smooth and stable. Continue to optimize transportation services, implement priority acceptance, priority transportation, priority emptying, priority loading, and priority shipping for cross-border goods, and open a "one customs declaration, one inspection, one release" green channel with the customs department to improve the efficiency of customs clearance of goods. . In June this year, the "Railway Express" model realized cross-regional two-way connectivity. The transportation time of the China-Vietnam train from Nanning to Hanoi, Vietnam, has been continuously shortened, and "one-day delivery" has basically been achieved.

The State Railway Nanning Bureau also strictly implements epidemic prevention and control work, regularly carries out nucleic acid testing in workplaces, and formulates emergency response plans for samples with positive nucleic acid tests on cargo to minimize the risk of the new coronavirus being imported through imported goods and ensure the safe and stable operation of trains. .

So far, a total of 860 China-Vietnam trains have been operated. In the next step, the State Railway Nanning Bureau will continue to take advantage of the new opportunities brought by the effective implementation of RCEP to promote the continued growth of China-Vietnam trains. It plans to operate 360 ​​trains throughout the year to provide strong support for the vigorous development of China-ASEAN economy and trade. (China Daily Guangxi Reporter Station)