In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we review the glorious history of the party, promote the spirit of love for the party and patriotism, and inspire the work passion of all party members, cadres and workers to work togethe

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we review the glorious history of the party, promote the spirit of love for the party and patriotism, and inspire the work passion of all party members, cadres and workers to work together and forge ahead. On the evening of June 29, the Postal Savings Bank Hejin Branch held a party-building activity with the theme of "Playing a Pioneer Role and Maintaining Advanced Characters forever".

"Celebrating the birthday of the Party not only commemorates the glorious achievements of our predecessors, but also keeps in mind the historical mission we shoulder, and strives to transform infinite loyalty to the Party into a powerful driving force for entrepreneurship. We must always play a pioneering role, strengthen our mission, and focus on our work. Let’s work together and work hard to become a Postal Savings Bank of China person in the new era!” The event kicked off with the opening speech by Lu Rong, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of Postal Savings Bank Hejin Branch...

is fully To give full play to the fighting fortress of the party branch and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, the event set up three team competition projects: "Road to the Examination", "Inheriting the Fire" and "Creating Excellence and Striving for the First". Using party building knowledge and the spirit of rushing for exams as carriers, while releasing stress and relaxing body and mind, party history education is integrated into it through team games, competitive competitions and other forms. This event not only demonstrated the spirit of the Postal Savings Bank Hejin Branch employees to unite and forge ahead, but also further strengthened the ideals and beliefs of all party members and cadres, promoted the great spirit of rushing for exams, and inspired all employees to bravely face the new era. Those who rush to take the exam should integrate the spirit of taking the exam into their work and life to create a better future.

Finally, all employees watched "The History of the Party" to review the glorious history of the Party, appreciate the Party's spirit, and feel the Party's great achievements. And they sang "Tomorrow Will Be Better" together, wishing our motherland a more prosperous tomorrow!

Feed: Postal Savings Bank of China Yuncheng Branch