If you want to register a company and apply for a business license, filling in the business scope is also an essential step. As the name suggests, the business scope refers to the production operations and service projects that the enterprise can engage in in the future. It may b

If you want to register a company and apply for a business license, filling in the business scope is also an essential step. As the name suggests, the business scope refers to the production operations and service projects that the enterprise can engage in in the future. It may be a bit complicated for entrepreneurs who are applying for a company for the first time, so Kuaichuangtong has sorted out several misunderstandings and methods, hoping to be helpful to you.

html has 018 years of industrial and commercial service experience and has provided comprehensive services to tens of thousands of companies.

1. Several misunderstandings about filling in the company's business scope

1. Copy the business scope arbitrarily

Common business scopes in various industries are often listed on the Internet. Kuaichuangtong recommends that everyone . This type of post is for reference only. Even companies in the same industry have very different business priorities.

2. The more business scopes, the better

Since businesses beyond the business scope cannot issue invoices by themselves, they need to go to the tax bureau to issue invoices on their behalf. For convenience, the financial staff has written down all the business scopes they can think of. In fact, this approach is just simple stacking. Kuaichuangtong ’s suggestion is not to do this, because from the customer’s point of view, too many business scopes will make customers confused and don’t know what you do. Not only It will make customers think that you are not good at your business, and you will be considered as a cover-up company.

3. Don’t pay attention to the order of the business scope.

Some companies operate businesses in multiple industries at the same time. At this time, the company with the first business item in the business scope belongs to the industry, and the tax bureau often refers to the industry level for case selection indicators during inspections. , arrange in the wrong order, be careful to suffer losses.

4. Newly established enterprises that do not consider approved collection

and plan to apply for approved collection should avoid business scopes that do not allow approved collection.

After seeing the misunderstanding, here are three different methods for filling in the company's business scope.

2. Fill in the company's business scope.

1. Go to the corresponding business administration agency for consultation and let the administrative staff provide us with consulting services.

2. Find the local corporate credit network, which is basically found in every province! Just enter the keywords and company name of the company type you are looking for, and you can find the corresponding company. We can see the corresponding business content directly in the company details.

The picture above shows the Shanghai Enterprise Credit Information System.


1. Highlight the company’s main business

The main business is one of the company’s most important business scopes now and for a long time to come, and is the company’s main business! When registering a company, whether it is a paper application or a full electronic application, the main business must be written in the first line of the business scope! Especially for electronic applications, passing system review is a prerequisite!

2. Clarify the main additional business

The company’s main business determines the direction and scope of the additional business! Additional services should be as detailed as possible, but also need to avoid being cumbersome. Usually, partners can intuitively determine what the company does specifically by checking the company's business scope.

3. Covering future business expansion

The business scope is a legal business license matter, and it may be illegal to exceed the legal license scope. Therefore, for startup company registration, it is very necessary to proactively supplement the registration of projects that the company may operate in the future. For example, companies that provide software technology consulting services will most likely sell software in the future. Therefore, when filling in the business scope, this business item can be included.

4. Learn from the business scope of the same industry

At present, all relevant information about business entities registered in the industrial and commercial registration of enterprises is public, that is to say, the business scope of enterprises in the same industry can be checked. Therefore, when registering a company, entrepreneurs can refer to the business scope of the same industry and fill in the specific selections based on their actual situation! That's all

's answers today. I hope it will be helpful to you. Kuaichuangtong has rich resources and channels, providing companies in various industries in Shanghai with company registration, industrial and commercial changes, equity transfers, company acquisitions, agency accounting, tax planning, trademark registration and other services, and is committed to creating one-stop services Platform, business consultation welcomes private message communication.