July 1, 2022 Author: Ace Truss On the last trading day of June, the Shanghai stock market opened low and moved high. The three major indexes fluctuated and rose. The ChiNext Index rose by more than 2% during the session, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once recovered 3,400

July 1, 2022

Author: Ace · Tras

html On the last trading day of June, the Shanghai stock market opened low and went high . The three major indexes fluctuated and rose. The ChiNext Index rose by more than 2% during the session, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once recovered 3,400 points. The gains of each index and narrowed slightly in late trading, but still rose by more than 1%. The trading volume of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded one trillion yuan for the sixth consecutive trading day, but the volume shrank significantly from the previous trading day.

On the market, most sectors rose. Commercial retail sales led the gains. Food and beverages are strong, and Kweichow Moutai once rose by more than 3%. Beauty care and social services saw the largest increases. Automobiles led the decline, with computers, construction decoration, steel, etc. leading the decline.

htmlThe Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index in June returned to above the "boost and bust line"

Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 30 showed that the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) and the Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index recorded 50.2 and 50.2 respectively in June. 54.7, an increase of 0.6 percentage points and 6.9 percentage points from May. After being in the contraction range for three consecutive months, it has returned to above the boom-bust line. The improvement in PMI in the two major industries drove the comprehensive PMI to rise by 5.7 percentage points to 54.1 in June. It also returned to the expansion range since March, indicating that corporate production and operation activities are accelerating the recovery.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics

National Development and Reform Commission: If the international oil price exceeds 130 US dollars, domestic gasoline and diesel prices will not be raised temporarily

On June 29, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a supplementary mechanism for domestic refined oil price adjustment. When the international oil price exceeds 130 US dollars per barrel, domestic refined oil prices will be adjusted. Oil prices will not be raised for the time being. This provision is temporarily implemented for two months.

In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance both issued documents on the same day stating that in order to protect the production enthusiasm of oil refining companies and ensure the safe and stable supply of refined oil, when the price of crude oil in the international market is higher than the "ceiling", the central government will provide periodic price subsidies to oil refining companies. , the subsidy standard is the amount of gasoline and diesel prices that should be adjusted during the price adjustment period.

Fitch: It will take at least three years to completely replace Russian natural gas EU

The international rating agency Fitch recently said in a report that if Russia suddenly cuts off natural gas supplies, the European Union may take more than three years. Find alternative sources of Russian natural gas.

Mercedes-Benz CEO: Chip shortage will last until 2023

Mercedes-Benz CEO said on Wednesday that the global semiconductor chip shortage will continue for the entire year until 2023. The situation in the semiconductor industry is very severe, and the industry will still face challenges this year and even next year. As the automobile industry transitions to electric vehicles, Mercedes-Benz will play a "more active role" in the entire supply chain

Shell Research Institute: The rent index in 100 cities across the country in June stopped falling and increased slightly by 0.5% from the previous month

"2022 Nationwide" released by Shell Research Institute The "Hundred Cities Leasing Market Semi-Annual Report" shows that in the first half of 2022, the leasing transactions in 100 cities across the country fell by 8.4% month-on-month and were basically the same year-on-year. Among them, leasing transactions in 100 cities across the country increased by nearly 20% month-on-month in May, and increased by more than 30% month-on-month in June. In the first half of this year, the rent level in 100 cities across the country was 34.6 yuan/square meter, down 5.0% month-on-month and 4.8% year-on-year. Among them, the rent index in 100 cities across the country continued to fall slightly month-on-month from March to May, and stopped falling and rose slightly by 0.5% month-on-month in June.

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