On June 29, the BRICS High-Level Forum on Sustainable Development was held in Fuzhou. Du Yuejin, Vice President of 360, Chief Security Officer, and Director of the Future Security Research Institute, was invited to attend the forum and delivered a speech entitled "Using Digital S

On June 29, the BRIC National Sustainable Development High-Level Forum was held in Fuzhou City. Du Yuejin, 360 Vice President, Chief Security Officer, and Director of the Future Security Research Institute, was invited to attend the meeting and delivered a speech entitled " Use digital security to ensure digital prosperity" speech, sharing China's digital security technology and solutions.

Du Yuejin said that the reason why the concept of network security is not used is because the future digital society is a new world of software definition, interconnection of everything, and data-driven. These have caused essential changes in the traditional concept of network security and include data security. , artificial intelligence, security and other new issues require a new concept to better describe.

"Pervasive, omnipotent, and invisible." Du Yuejin used three words to describe cyber attacks in the digital age. He said that without digital security, there would be no future for digital civilization and no healthy development of the digital economy .

According to statistics, the global losses caused by cybercrime totaled more than one trillion US dollars in 2020, and the losses caused by cybercrime to the world economy exceeded 1% of the global GDP. In this regard, Du Yuejin said: "This kind of loss will continue to increase, because our world is becoming more and more networked and digitalized, which also means that our 'door' is increasingly open to attackers."

Another data is that a ransomware attack interrupts an enterprise's business for an average of 9.9 days, and most enterprises will suffer losses after only one hour of interruption. A ransomware attack causes an average loss of more than 4 million US dollars to each enterprise.

is a so-called ransomware attack, which encrypts corporate data to shut down business and blackmails the company into paying a ransom to decrypt it. This is a type of data security threat. Du Yuejin believes that data security is a basic issue in digital security. "Data is blood. It cannot flow if it does not flow, but now it is unsafe to flow. Digital security covers a wide range, but we should start with data security."

Regarding data security methods, Du Yuejin mentioned that China began to propose a practice-based data security governance methodology and the Data Security Capability Maturity Model (DSMM) in 2015, which "center on data, take organizations as units, and mature capabilities The data security governance model of "degree is the starting point" has been widely recognized. Based on the idea of ​​DSMM, ITU standards were released in 2018 and ISO standard work was launched. They were officially released as my country's national standards in 2019. From 2017 to now, many cities, industries and enterprises are actively using DSMM to manage data security issues, and training for DSMM assessors, registered data security officers (CDSO) and other personnel has become increasingly popular.

"Digital security issues are global issues and require global solutions." Du Yuejin called on BRICS countries to have unique advantages in the field of digital economy and should jointly actively explore digital security solutions. He suggested establishing a mechanism to start from digital security methodology and technology. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation in security, talent training, trust mechanisms, threat response and other aspects to jointly win the future of the digital economy.

This article comes from financial information