New Gansu Client, June 30 (New Gansu·Daily Gansu Network reporter Guo Xiurui Wanji Min) The report of the 14th Provincial Party Congress pointed out that our province has entered a stage of gathering momentum, climbing over hurdles, and catching up. The critical stage of carry.

New Gansu Client News on June 30 (New Gansu·Daily Gansu Network reporter Guo Xiurui Wanjimin) The report of the 14th Provincial Party Congress pointed out that our province has entered a stage where it is ready to go and climb over the hurdles , the critical stage of catching up with the carry. In the next five years, it is necessary to promote the construction of a "one core and three belts" regional development pattern and drive the coordinated and interconnected development of the province; it is necessary to implement the "four strong" actions of strengthening science and technology, strengthening industry, strengthening provincial capitals, and strengthening counties to focus on key areas and key areas. as a breakthrough point to promote an overall jump in comprehensive strength and development quality.

The epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stable, and development must be safe. Gansu New Media Group and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly launched a special report on "Stabilizing the Economy Together·Policy Interpretation" and invited experts and scholars to interpret the "Implementation Plan". Wei Liqiao, researcher at the Gansu Provincial Research Institute, registered consulting engineer, and member of the "Gansu Province Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development Expert Database" said: "The implementation of 53 specific policies and measures in these 11 aspects can not only ensure The province's economy stabilized and developed in the second quarter and made steady progress throughout the year. This also enabled the province to successfully complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" goals, fully implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress, and basically achieve modernization in 2035. Lay a solid economic foundation."

Wei Liqiao said that the "Implementation Plan" elaborates on policies and measures to stabilize industry in considerable space, and there is much to be done by focusing on "strengthening industry." We must unswervingly follow the new industrialization path , maintain sustained and stable growth of industry, persist in strengthening heads, supplementing chains, and clustering groups, and fully leverage the role of industry as the ballast stone and main force in stabilizing the economy. How does

implement this key link? Wei Liqiao believes that we must focus on the "one core and three belts" regional development pattern and the "Four Strong" actions. The package of policies and measures is a comprehensive and long-term plan that coordinates the current and long-term development pattern of the "one core and three belts" regional development pattern and the "four strong" actions, takes into account both stability and growth, and is compatible with both temporary and root causes. More importantly, focusing on the "one core and three belts" regional development pattern and the "Four Strong" actions can better demonstrate the value and comprehensive effect of a package of policy measures, avoid the deviation of fragmented implementation, and better cohere The concept that confidence is more important than gold, and the spirit of perseverance to climb over obstacles and catch up, make progress steadily.

In accordance with the "Implementation Plan", we will connect with the independent innovation demonstration zone and increase the support for Lanzhou New District , Lanzhou High-tech Zone, Baiyin High-tech Zone, Lanzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone " seven connections and one level ", public service platform, standardized factory building, sewage treatment and investment in supporting infrastructure such as inspection and testing facilities; connect with characteristic industry cluster development areas, strive to help companies bail out, reduce the cost of water, electricity, gas and network for market entities, promote phased reductions and exemptions of relevant rents for market entities; connect with comprehensive transportation and logistics hubs The carrying area supports the construction of Lanzhou dry port-type and commercial-type national logistics hub and Lanzhou national backbone cold chain logistics base, improves the hub's cargo distribution, warehousing, transit transportation, and emergency support capabilities, accelerates the integrated development of multimodal transport, and accelerates The construction of emergency material transfer stations will improve and improve a number of large warehouse bases that integrate warehousing, sorting, processing, packaging and other functions.

In terms of clean energy, promote the implementation of major projects that basically meet the conditions as soon as possible, promote the entry of Long Electric Power into Shandong to start construction as soon as possible, strive for approval within the year for Long Electric Power to enter Zhejiang, Jiuquan to the central and eastern regions of the UHV project to be clearly approved, and fully promote the "Ten Ten The first batch of 12 million kilowatt photovoltaic projects in the Fourth Five-Year Plan and the first and second batch of national 12.8 million kilowatt large-scale photovoltaic base projects in deserts, Gobis, and deserts have started construction in Yumen Changma, Zhangye Pandaoshan, Sunan Imperial City, etc. Pumped storage power station, Wuwei Sheep and Jinchang Yongchang pumped storage power station were approved; in terms of characteristic and efficient agriculture, we will improve policies such as grain income guarantee, actively strive to assume the national task of coordinating and replenishing cultivated land, and increase subsidies and implementation of cultivated land fertility protection. Support policies such as one-time subsidies for grain farmers and pilot land rotations have mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers and new business entities to grow grain.

In terms of comprehensive energy, we will release high-quality coal production capacity in an orderly manner while ensuring safe, clean and efficient utilization, continue to increase the supply of coal in the province, improve the level of safe, clean and efficient utilization, promote the Zhengning Power Plant expansion project to start as soon as possible, and accelerate the implementation of energy conservation in coal power The "three reforms linkage" of consumption reduction transformation, heating transformation and flexibility transformation will further improve the province's coal reserve capacity; in terms of advanced equipment manufacturing industry, efforts will be made to revitalize existing assets and funds, improve the efficiency of capital market financing, and become a key enterprise Provide financing support.

In terms of water source conservation, we will accelerate the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grass and sand in the water source conservation area of ​​the upper reaches of the Gannan Yellow River, promote projects such as the comprehensive management of the Jing River and Zuli River watersheds, and comprehensively promote the Yellow River main stream ecological corridor. Key projects such as road connection and flood control and management of the Gansu section of the Yellow River; in terms of water and soil conservation, we will accelerate the implementation of key projects such as comprehensive management of soil and water loss on sloping farmland, and innovate financing models to attract social capital to participate in ecological restoration.

Wei Liqiao said that strong science and technology will be implemented with a focus on gathering scientific and technological innovation resource elements, promoting the on-site transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and ensuring that scientific and technological innovation becomes the main driving force for stabilizing the economy. Give full play to the role of park business incubators, innovative employment bases, standardized factories and other incubation platforms, appropriately lower the entry threshold for small, medium and micro enterprises, relax the incubation period, fully implement rent reduction and exemption policies for various incubation platforms invested and operated by the government and operated by state-owned enterprises, and effectively reduce the cost of enterprises operating costs; actively strive for national scientific and technological projects, and cultivate more private enterprises to become "specialized, special and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises and "little giant" enterprises.