China Net, July 1 (Reporter Peng Yao) The State Administration of Taxation held a press conference on June 30. Wang Daoshu, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, introduced that currently, the new combined taxes and fees determ

China Net reported on July 1 (Reporter Peng Yao) The State Administration of Taxation held a press conference on June 30. Wang Daoshu, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, introduced that currently, the new combined tax system determined by the Party Central Committee and the State Council The tax support policy is being implemented smoothly and orderly, and the task of tiered centralized refund of existing tax credits and refunds for micro, small, medium and large enterprises has been basically completed.

As of June 25, the new combined tax support policy has added a total of approximately 2.58 trillion yuan in tax rebates, tax reductions and fee deferments. It is expected that the new combined tax and fee support policy in the first half of the year will add about 2.86 trillion yuan in tax refunds, tax reductions, tax and fee deferrals. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have made arrangements for "the confirmed tax refund tasks to be basically completed in the first half of the year." The requirements are well implemented.

On June 30, 2022, the State Administration of Taxation held a special press conference on the implementation of the new combined tax support policy. Photo courtesy of the State Administration of Taxation, photographed by Su Yu

The total new tax rebates, tax reductions, fee reductions, and tax and fee deferrals nationwide are about 2.58 trillion yuan

"This year's new combined tax and fee support policies have many types, large scale, and wide coverage." National Cai Zili, executive deputy director of the Tax Refund and Tax Reduction Office and director of the Revenue Planning and Accounting Department of the State Administration of Taxation, introduced that as of June 25, the country’s cumulative new tax refunds, tax reductions, fee reductions, and tax and fee deferrals were approximately 2.58 trillion yuan, mainly including the following three Part:

First, the value-added tax refund amounted to 1,826.6 billion yuan, which was 2.8 times that of last year. From April 1 to June 25, value-added tax excess tax credit refunds of 1,703.3 billion yuan have been refunded to taxpayers' accounts. In addition to the continued implementation of the old policy of excess tax credit refunds in the first quarter, 123.3 billion yuan has been refunded to Tax refunds from taxpayers’ accounts amounted to 1.8266 billion yuan, 2.8 times the scale of tax refunds last year.

From the perspective of scale, small and micro enterprises are the main beneficiaries. Among the taxpayers who have received tax refunds since April, small and micro enterprises accounted for 94.5%, with a total tax refund of 756.3 billion yuan, accounting for 44.4% of the total amount; medium-sized enterprises received tax refunds of 378.3 billion yuan, and large enterprises received tax refunds of 568.7 billion yuan, accounting for 44.4% of the total tax refunds. Compared with 22.2% and 33.4%.

From an industry perspective, manufacturing and other six industries have benefited significantly. The large-scale value-added tax refund policy focuses on key industries and basic industries such as manufacturing, accurately anchors the key links in the operation of the national economy and industrial chains, and supply chains, and fully embodies the policy orientation of helping stabilize growth, ensuring employment, and benefiting people's livelihood. From April 1st to June 25th, six industries including manufacturing that enjoyed full inventory and incremental tax refunds received tax refunds of 991.2 billion yuan, including 441.1 billion yuan in manufacturing tax refunds, 285 billion yuan in transportation industry tax refunds, and 285 billion yuan in electricity tax refunds. , heating, gas and water production and supply industry, tax refunds of 172.5 billion yuan, and the three industries including scientific research and technical services industry, software and technical services industry, ecological protection and environmental management industry, total tax refunds of 92.7 billion yuan.

Second, 285.9 billion yuan in new tax cuts and fee reductions have been implemented, effectively reducing the tax burden on enterprises. In terms of policy items, the policy of halving the taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises between 1 million and 3 million yuan was implemented, with a new tax reduction of 16.4 billion yuan; the collection rate of small-scale taxpayers was reduced from 3% to 1%. On the basis of this, the value-added tax will be exempted from April 1 this year, with a new tax reduction of 34.4 billion yuan; the ", six taxes and two fees " halved collection policy for small-scale taxpayers has been further extended to small low-profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Tax increases and reductions of 62.9 billion yuan; the policy of additional value-added tax deductions for production and daily service industries, with a new tax reduction of 30.6 billion yuan; the policy of reducing and exempting real estate taxes for enterprises in difficulty, and urban land use tax policies, with a new tax reduction of 8.7 billion yuan ; The policy of phased reduction of work-related injury and unemployment insurance premiums will continue to be implemented, with an additional 67.3 billion yuan in premium reductions.

Third, 463.2 billion yuan in deferred taxes and fees were processed, effectively increasing corporate cash flow. Among them, the policy of deferred tax payment for small, medium and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry will continue to be implemented, with a total of 455 billion yuan in deferred tax payments, covering all small, medium and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry that declare and pay taxes. For the catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, road, water and railway transportation and other difficult industries that have been greatly affected by the epidemic, as well as all small, medium and micro enterprises, a phased postponement policy of three social insurance premiums for enterprise pension, unemployment and work-related injuries will be implemented from April to May. The cost is 8.2 billion yuan.

National enterprise sales revenue increased by 1.9% year-on-year in May, and Shanghai achieved rapid recovery

Recently, the State Administration of Taxation selected 15,000 typical enterprises across the country to conduct a questionnaire survey. The results showed that 39% of the excess tax refund was used to increase the purchase of raw materials to protect enterprises. Normal production and operation needs; 24% is used for investment and R&D expenditures to help enterprises upgrade and expand investment scale; 10% is used for daily operating expenses such as rent, water and electricity, etc. to alleviate corporate financial difficulties; other tax refunds are used to pay accounts and wages Salary etc.

Cai Zili said that a series of measures to stabilize the economy such as the combined tax and fee support policy have been implemented and have taken effect, especially the gradual release of the dividends from the excess tax refund policy, which has promoted the rapid recovery of economic operations. In May, the sales revenue of national enterprises increased by 1.9% year-on-year, 9.3 percentage points higher than the growth rate in April (-7.4%). From June 1st to 25th, the sales revenue of national enterprises increased by 6.8% year-on-year, a further increase of 4.9 percentage points from May, showing a trend of improvement month by month. From the perspective of key areas, Shanghai, which was severely affected by the epidemic in the early stage, has achieved rapid recovery. From June 1st to 25th, sales revenue increased by 18.2% year-on-year, a significant increase from May, driving the Yangtze River Delta region to grow by 9.4%, compared with May. This month increased by 16.2 percentage points.

In the first five months, there were 5.547 million new tax-related market entities across the country, 99% of which were small, medium and micro enterprises.

This year, the taxation department has given full play to its functions and actively promoted the 2022 "I do practical things for taxpayers and facilitate taxation for the people" Spring Breeze Action ", jointly with the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce to carry out the special action of "Spring Rain and Moistening Seedlings" to help small and micro market entities develop, and launched a small and medium-sized enterprise service month activity with the theme of "Relieving Difficulties and Assisting Development" in May to continue to closely focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. In response to the difficulties and demands faced by the resumption of work and production and innovative development, a series of highly targeted and effective innovative measures have been adopted to effectively assist the relief and development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Among them, through the 12366 tax payment service hotline, collection communication platform, tax service office consultation service post, grassroots grid staff, etc., timely answers to policy issues and handling operational issues raised by small and medium-sized enterprises have been accumulated since the launch of the service month activity. Provided Q&A services to more than 8.5 million households.

"The rapid implementation of a package of tax support policies has effectively boosted the confidence of small, medium and micro enterprises." Han Guorong, director of the Tax Service Department of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the first five months of this year, 5.547 million new tax-related market entities were established nationwide. , a year-on-year increase of 6.2%, of which 99% were small, medium and micro enterprises. Value-added tax invoice data shows that from June 1 to June 25, the sales revenue of small and micro enterprises across the country increased by 6% year-on-year, 14.6 percentage points and 3.4 percentage points higher than in April and May respectively. In response to the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problem of small and medium-sized enterprises,

continues to work hard to do practical things and solve problems for enterprises. Since the start of the service month activity, more than 800,000 loans have been processed for small and micro enterprises through " silver tax interactive ", with a loan amount of more than 300 billion yuan; the "matching and linking" activities have been carried out to use tax big data to support the supply and demand docking of enterprises and their resumption of work. Since May this year, tax authorities across the country have helped 1,896 companies achieve purchase and sales transactions worth more than 6 billion yuan. Among them, 824 projects were completed for small, medium and micro enterprises, involving a total amount of 1.7 billion yuan.

In the next step, the tax department will continue to actively support and cooperate with the competent authorities of small and medium-sized enterprises at all levels, thoroughly implement the new combined tax support policy, jointly help small and medium-sized enterprises to relieve their difficulties, and fully promote the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises..