On June 25, the opening ceremony of Hunan Architectural Design Institute Group Co., Ltd.'s 2022 Youth Backbone Special Training Camp was successfully held in the HD International Lecture Hall.

went to the feast of knowledge and built a communication platform. On June 25, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Youth Backbone Special Training Camp of Hunan Architectural Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as HD) was successfully held in the HD International Lecture Hall.

HD Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Chen Xin, Party Committee Member, Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary and Supervisory Board Chairman Xu Bing, Party Committee Member and Deputy General Manager Meng Huanping, as well as some representatives of the young backbone talent pool, a total of more than 140 people attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was hosted by Long Haishan, Director of HD Human Resources Department.

HD Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Chen Xin, on behalf of the company’s party and government leadership, expressed warm congratulations to the young backbones selected for this special training camp and gave a mobilization speech. He pointed out that holding a special training camp for young backbones is an important step for the company to "strengthen the company with talents" and a key measure for the company to face the future and build a more dynamic and combat-effective talent team, and put forward three requirements for young backbones :

First, we must strengthen our beliefs, sharpen our moral character, and strengthen political cultivation. should have the ambition to be the "big one" in mind, with the belief that no one else can give it to us, and the determination to be at the forefront, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of enterprise development without hesitation.

The second is to integrate knowledge and action, study, think and practice, and improve work ability. We must always have an "empty cup mentality", combine "reading thousands of books" with "based on the position and work hard", and continue to learn true knowledge, understand the true meaning and develop skills in practice.

The third is to emancipate the mind, reform and innovate, and have the courage to shoulder the mission. We must have the motivation to continue to innovate, the courage to dare to reform, and the determination to take on responsibilities, take the road that others have not taken, do things that others have not done, boldly imagine, carefully verify, and drive the entire society with the vitality of youth. The vitality of the group's business.

HD Yuan Tao, deputy director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies, made a speech on behalf of all the students. He said that this training class is not only an opportunity for training and learning, but also a platform for exchange and sharing. Thanks to the high-end deployment of the group's talent strategy and the company's leadership for their deep concern, all trainees in the training class will abide by discipline, achieve success, and give back to the company with satisfactory answers.

HD Human Resources Department Training Specialist Wang Zhongyun mainly explained the various training arrangements of this special training camp, and introduced in detail the class management rules of this training camp in terms of class committee setting, training discipline, point rules, and excellence selection.

This period of the "Youth Backbone Special Training Camp" lasts for 5 months. The students are directly recruited from the young backbone talent pool established by HD. The overall course setting combines theory and practice. It has both centralized general course teaching and There are various activities such as seminars for different types of talents and different classes, reading salons, and personal IDP plans. It aims to quickly improve the capabilities and literacy of young backbones through systematic training, and accelerate the organic integration of the growth of young backbones with the company's overall strategic development.

After the opening ceremony, all members went to Yanghu Sports Park for the first course of the special training camp. This course aims to enhance mutual understanding among students, accelerate team integration, improve team collaboration capabilities, and lay a solid foundation for subsequent training.

Keep on walking and practice to achieve great results; temper yourself and rise up to journey into the future! I hope all students will cherish their time, gain something from their studies, realize something from their studies, and achieve success in their studies!