On June 30, the spot prices of methanol in various regions are as follows (unit: yuan/ton; latest update time: 06-30 17:55): Varieties, regional market mainstream prices rise and fall Methanol Jiangsu 2620 0 Methanol South China 2620 -5 Methanol Fujian 2670 - 10 Methanol Chengdu

6 30, the spot prices of methanol in various regions are as follows (unit: yuan/ton; latest update time: 06-30 17:55):

varieties, regional market mainstream prices rise and fall

Methanol Jiangsu 2620 0

Methanol South China 2620 -5

Methanol Fujian 2670 -10

Methanol Chengdu 2625 0

Methanol Anhui 2665 0

Methanol Henan 2525 0

Methanol Shandong 2700 0

Methanol Hebei 2575 0

Methanol Shanxi 2415 0

Methanol Lianghu 2735 0

Methanol Shaanxi 240 0 0

Methanol Ningxia 2260 30

Methanol Inner Mongolia 2295 0

Methanol Xinjiang 2100 0

Methanol Northeast 2600 0

Methanol futures stopped falling and stabilized. The market gapped in a narrow range and opened higher. The center of gravity tested the 10-day moving average pressure level upwards, but failed to break through. The futures price fell under pressure and fell back to the support of the five-day moving average, recording a small negative line. The mentality of industry players has improved, and the domestic methanol spot market sentiment has recovered slightly. Prices have stabilized and fluctuated slightly. Prices in some areas have increased, but the amplitude is not obvious. The quotations of enterprises in the main production areas of northwest China are being sorted and run. New orders in the northern region of Inner Mongolia are negotiated at 2,300-2,310 yuan/ton, and in the southern region, the price is 2,280 yuan/ton. Methanol manufacturers have recently signed orders smoothly and shipments have been relatively stable. The upstream coal market price fluctuated within a narrow range , with limited changes on the cost side. However, after the methanol price dropped, corporate production profits declined. The supply of methanol is abundant, and companies have no intention to raise prices for the time being. This year, the equipment maintenance has basically been completed, and the maintenance plan has been reduced. The operating load of the southwest and central China regions has increased. The overall operating load of methanol is 73.44%, and the operating load of the northwest region is 83.03%, both of which are higher than the same period last year. There are many plans to restart the equipment at the end of June, and there are a few maintenance plans in July and August. The methanol operating rate may continue to rebound, and the output will increase accordingly. Traders tentatively raised their quotations, but the actual response was that there was resistance to high-end transactions, spot transactions did not see significant volume increases, and the downstream market currently maintains a purchasing pace for rigid needs. Downstream companies face certain cost pressures, and methanol negotiated prices remain at previous levels. Downstream construction starts are relatively stable, and coal-to-olefin construction starts remain at a high level. Except for formaldehyde , other traditional demand industries have seen a narrow increase in starts. Entering the hot and rainy season, some downstream construction operations are subject to certain restrictions, and the demand side may weaken. The rebound in methanol imports has increased the impact on the coastal market, and port inventories have accumulated to 1.1178 million tons. The short-term supply and demand side has not changed much. The supply of goods is stable and rising. There is an expectation of decline in rigid demand. The continued accumulation of inventories has led to increased pressure on the market. There is no driving force for the upward movement of methanol futures prices. In the short-term, we will pay more attention to the resistance near 2680 above.

The first-hand methanol handling fee is only 2 yuan. ,feel good!