Blue characters follow "China Well-off Network". Small and medium-sized enterprises have always been an important part of the socialist market economy. They are not only the main force in absorbing employment, but also the ballast stone for stable economic development. They are a

blue words follow "China Well-off Network"

For a long time, small and medium-sized enterprises, as an important part of the socialist market economy, are not only the main force in absorbing employment, but also the ballast stone for stable economic development, and are also the key to promoting financial stability in our country. cistern. However, the epidemic and the market uncertainty caused by it have had a great impact on the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally face a series of problems such as unscheduled shutdowns, sluggish market demand, serious unsalable products, and blocked contract performance.


In terms of labor, raw materials and costs, according to The Paper related data, nearly half of the companies have experienced labor shortages since 2020, and more than 80% of companies are facing cost pressures. In terms of corporate financing, a survey by the Economic Daily in July 2020 showed that due to the epidemic, 90% of small, medium and micro enterprises were in trouble, and more than half of the small, medium and micro enterprises had problems with tight capital chains and shortages of working capital. The contradiction between difficult and expensive financing is further highlighted. In terms of business operations, joint survey data from Tsinghua and Peking University show that nearly 30% of small, medium and micro enterprises will see operating income decline by more than 50% in 2020, 58.05% of enterprises will decline by more than 20%, and 85.01% of enterprises will find it difficult to Lasts for 3 months.

Amid multiple difficulties, small and medium-sized enterprises are moving forward under pressure. To this end, governments at all levels have successively introduced a number of policies to "transfuse blood and vitality" for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, while providing short-term assistance to get out of trouble, it is also necessary to establish a long-term mechanism to promote self-help of small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to continue to stimulate vitality and potential. Set off the second wave of rapid growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Guided by the construction of the rule of law,

creates a suitable environment for sustainable growth.

First, further implement the principle of "access without prohibition by law", eliminate policy barriers that violate fair, open, and transparent market rules, and ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises compete with other types of businesses. Market entities compete fairly and small and medium-sized enterprises are encouraged to explore new areas.

Second, further sort out the difficult problems currently encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises in market access, property rights protection, investment and financing, fair competition, etc., to ensure that support policies and resource allocations can be implemented in place.

Third, evaluate and clean up the current laws and regulations that hinder the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, gradually improve the symposium and hearing system for enterprise-related policies, and strengthen the fairness review and coordination evaluation of proposed policies. In terms of legislative implementation, a regular evaluation system should be established to make timely and dynamic adjustments based on the actual situation of policy implementation. At the same time, fair supervision of corporate competition should be included in the functional scope of market supervision departments, and a normalized coordination and resolution mechanism for complaints should be gradually explored.

Taking technological innovation as the leading factor

Enhances the core driving force of sustainable development

Technological innovation is the first driving force. Only by relying on innovation can enterprises win the initiative, gain advantages, win the market, win the future, and embark on the track of high-quality development.

is the first to give full play to the resource aggregation effect of innovation carriers, relying on the advantages of institutions of higher learning, high-end research institutes, overseas high-level technical talents, etc., led by the government, and jointly with leading enterprises, research institutes, industry associations, etc. to establish R&D alliances to strengthen the industry Generic technology research and development and supply, strengthen the construction of industrial innovation service complexes, small and micro parks, technology incubators , etc., to provide strong support for the innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Second, give full play to the guiding role of the government's supportive fiscal and taxation policies, establish diversified private enterprise innovation development funds through fiscal subsidies, government-enterprise cooperation, risk compensation, etc., and guide social resources to gather in innovation fields.

Third, improve the technical service network of universities and scientific research institutions, optimize the income distribution and assessment system for results, promote the transfer of scientific research results to practical fields, and give full play to the bridgehead role of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises in the transformation of results and technology radiation.

Fourth, strengthen talent cultivation and echelon building, carry out training based on the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises in technological innovation, business model innovation, strategic management, brand building, and improvement of investment and financing capabilities, and support educational institutions through cooperative education, entrusted training, etc. The form provides academic education and vocational education for enterprise employees.

Taking scientific and technological innovation as the lead

enhances the core driving force of sustainable development

first and accelerates the transformation of traditional industries. Seize the opportunity of the era of industrial change, make full use of the radiation and spillover effects of digital economy , explore the path of deep integration of the digital economy and traditional industries, and promote the popularization of industrial Internet and enterprise cloud in small and medium-sized enterprises in traditional industries; at the same time, break the industry Eliminate the simple approach of "one size fits all", and work with multiple departments and professional scientific research institutions such as development and reform, industry and information technology, and environmental protection to scientifically formulate guidance and implementation details for industrial renewal based on multiple rounds of opinion solicitation and demonstration, and gradually promote the original industry-based The elimination mechanism based on standards, products, and energy consumption has been transformed into an industrial renewal mechanism based on technological leadership, advanced technology, clean production, and scarcity in the field. While maintaining the regional industrial chain and maintaining the inherent industrial collaboration system, we will promote the self-upgrading of enterprises in each link of the industrial chain.

Second, encourage small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging industries to become bigger and stronger. Based on the resource conditions and development characteristics of each province in the country, scientifically plan the layout of a new round of emerging industries nationwide, and on this basis, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to actively participate, and promote small and medium-sized enterprises to become the backbone of the development of emerging industries in various regions through layered cultivation, rolling support and other means. strength.

Third, strengthen the construction of collaborative ecosystem. Encourage large enterprises to make full use of the production and manufacturing capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises, implement OEM, ODM, EMS and CRO, outsource processing and even non-core design R&D and low-end services, and build an enterprise innovation ecosystem containing open innovation resources; encourage and Support qualified enterprises to jointly carry out strategic technology roadmap development work with their partners and even competitors under the framework of the Industrial Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance , to give full play to complementary effects and achieve efficient allocation of innovation resources.

uses financing expansion to support

and provide rich nutrients for sustainable growth

First, improve the loan and credit mechanism. Further improve the credit reporting system, learn from Zhejiang Taizhou Micro Financial Reform's "Three Looks and Three Don't Looks" risk identification methods, focusing on non-financial information such as business owners' personal characteristics, quality and safety, law-abiding operations, and social responsibilities; seize the digital technology Development opportunities, accelerate the creation of standardized enterprise cloud platforms, promote small and medium-sized enterprises and credit reporting agencies to join the cloud, while reducing the cost of building enterprise information systems, lay a hardware foundation for opening up information transmission channels between credit reporting agencies and private enterprises; promote digital reporting The credit service model guides credit reporting agencies to use big data technology to make up for the inherent shortcomings of private enterprises such as lack of financial information and insufficient asset mortgage.

Second, properly deal with corporate difficulties. While giving full play to the seed effect of fiscal funds and taking the lead in government funding to help small and medium-sized enterprises with good growth prospects alleviate short-term difficulties, we will further expand the scale of policy financing guarantee funds, build a multi-level guarantee system, and advocate " renewal of loans without principal repayment" " and "emergency re-lending", and do not blindly stop, suppress, withdraw or cut off loans to small and medium-sized enterprises that have operational difficulties due to the epidemic, and avoid "one size fits all".

Third, actively expand financing channels. Give full play to the role of financial infrastructure such as accounts receivable financing service platforms, accelerate the popularization of new financing models such as supply chain financing, innovate financing methods, simplify financing procedures, reduce financing costs, provide convenient conditions for small and medium-sized enterprise financing, and better attract traffic Financial water irrigates small and medium-sized enterprises.

To ensure the reform of the mechanism,

has established a strong atmosphere for sustainable development.

It is necessary to further clarify the service functions of the government and create convenient conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

No. 1: Promote governments at all levels to further streamline administration and delegate power, accelerate the digital transformation of government affairs, make full use of the advantages of digital technology to improve work efficiency, and achieve "business has concerns, governments have solutions; businesses have expectations, and governments have responses." , smooth communication channels between government and enterprises, and explore face-to-face consultation mechanisms between key government officials and entrepreneurs in some pioneer areas.

Second, speed up the construction of the public service system and plan and lay out the public service network for small and medium-sized enterprises at the national level as soon as possible. At the same time, in accordance with the idea of ​​"the government supports intermediaries and intermediary service enterprises", increase financial support for public service platforms, institutions, projects, and activities. Expenditure, truly ensure that the most basic public services for small and medium-sized enterprises are paid for by the government.

Third, based on publicity to expand effectiveness. On the one hand, we should effectively increase the publicity of a series of policies and measures issued by governments at all levels to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, so that the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises can know the policies, master the policies, and apply the policies, and effectively play the support, guidance and incentive effects of the policies; on the other hand, , summarize and promote the successful models of small and medium-sized enterprises that have made progress in "turning crises into opportunities" during the epidemic, and set examples through selections, awards, etc., to boost confidence for the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, and demonstrate to drive sustained and stable development.

(The author Chi Renyong is the dean of the China Small and Medium Enterprises Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology, and Guo Yuanyuan is an associate professor of the School of Management of Zhejiang University of Technology)

▼Previous highlights are not to be missed~

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (12): A small and medium-sized enterprise Enterprises’ three-year fight against the epidemic

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (11): A sharp sword with innovative innovative inclusive finance to help enterprises bail out

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (10): How inclusive finance can help small and micro enterprises in rural areas Relief

Survey on the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprises (9): Strengthening policy linkage to "protect" enterprises

Survey on the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprises (8): "Quick, accurate and stable" implementation of tax refund

Survey on the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprises (7) ): Enterprises enjoy policy dividends

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (6): N keywords of bailout policies

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (5): Relief policies, "real" take the lead

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (4): Optimists move forward, digital transformation enters the fast lane

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (3): Two-thirds of small and micro enterprises fail to enjoy policy support

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (2): Three big mountains that trouble enterprises

Survey on the survival status of small and medium-sized enterprises (1): Less than 20% of small and medium-sized enterprises are fully operational

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Source: "Xiaokang" magazine, early June 2022 issue

Author : Chi Renyong, Guo Yuanyuan

Editor: Huang Weijia

Proofreading: Yuan Kai

Review: Gong Zimo

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