[Heart] From the comprehensive stock selection of industry, fundamentals, technical aspects, etc., combined with many years of practical experience, I will share the good stocks that I personally think! For reference!

[心] Based on comprehensive stock selection from industry, fundamentals, technical aspects, etc., combined with years of practical experience, I will share what I personally think are good stocks! For reference!

share stock tracking:

shared on May 19 [ Ruisikonda ] T+17 rose 29%; [Saturday] daily limit, T+20 rose 43%;

shared on June 15 [ Yujing Shares ] T+10 increased by 41%; [ Great Wall Technology ] T+10 increased by 18%

html shared on June 17 [SINOMACH Seiko] T+7 increased by 16%; [Wote Shares] rose by the daily limit, T+ 8 Increased 29%

html shared on June 21 [Hangcha Group] T+6 increased by 15%; [Xianhe Group] T+6 increased by 11%;

html shared on June 22 [ Beixin Building Materials ] increased by 3.8%, T+6 rose by 11%;

html shared on June 23 [ Wan'an Technology ] hit the daily limit yesterday; [Sanxiang New Materials] T+5 rose by 17%;

good stock sharing:

Huanmei has something to do today, It’s a little late to get home, I’m really too tired, so I’m just lazy and won’t write about the stock logic. Let’s just refer to these three indicators!

◇002273 Crystal Optoelectronics

◇002156 Tongfu Microelectronics

◇600893 Aviation Engine

Large Market Views:

Today is another happy, happy, happy day. The opening price of the market was at the lowest point yesterday, just at 3358. No More and less is just right, and then it went up all the way. It completely reversed yesterday's highest point during the session. Yesterday's highest point was 3414, and today's highest point was 3417. It's really interesting. Is this mocking the short sellers? Short sellers, are you afraid?

Yesterday, a barcode made the short sellers cheer. The index finally adjusted. The rising market reached its peak, but today it was slapped again! I saw several big V financial commentators on Douyin . They have been selling bears since 2863 points, and they have been calling for falling below 3000 points every day. As a result, the index has been rising all the way, and today it has reached 3417, which is a new high for this theory. , many netizens are making fun of them. Looking through their comment section, they really can’t stop laughing, “Changsong, Qingcheng, the real crouching dragon and phoenix chick, if you win one person, you will lose both your life and wealth, if you win two people, your family will be ruined!” That’s right! A perfect contrarian indicator! I made fun of it to the point where the comment section was closed.

Now everyone still needs to change their thinking. The market has entered the bull market stage, so don’t be afraid of the wolf in front of you and the tiger in the back. If you have not changed your thinking and hesitated, then you will really miss this round of market; be careful to miss it before It reached 500 points, and now the position feels too high again. I am afraid of adjustments. It is really unnecessary. What Huanmei'er has been emphasizing recently is that "the trend is king, follow the trend"!

The general trend of the world is vast. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. Never underestimate the power of the trend. There is no way out in front of the trend, and we should always look forward; now that we have determined the arrival of the trend, then During this process, we must firmly believe and not change our beliefs just because of some small twists and turns!

So the next market trend is still the same as the previous point of view. As long as there is no clear downward signal, shooting star , volume surge, MACD dead cross , etc., don’t worry; if it is to accelerate the Changyang trend, on the contrary It is a time to be cautious, indicating that the market has entered a crazy stage, and then you should consider exiting; has not yet seen these signals, so there is no need to be frightened!

Shanghai Composite Index Daily Chart

In terms of opportunities, it is recommended to focus on track stocks. New energy vehicles have experienced too high a short-term increase and can be appropriately avoided. Chips, semiconductors, and military industries are still at relatively low positions, and have been repeatedly active recently. There are funds to pay attention to, and it is worthy of medium and long-term attention;

Today's post-epidemic era has seen the rise of sectors. Food, drink, play, entertainment, and travel are all rising. The industry is facing a reversal of difficulties. Many places across the country have relaxed restrictions and encouraged Consumption, coupled with the summer vacation, graduation season, increased population mobility, and everyone's desire to consume. In the evening, Huanmei'er looked at the air tickets in Sanya. The prices have increased, and the fuel cost has risen to nearly 200. Huanmei'er still stayed. When it was 50 yuan before, I have to say that traveling is really expensive now! There should be opportunities for short-term funds to speculate in the direction of , so you can pay attention to it.

PS: If you have any questions that need to be answered, you can leave a message in the comment area. Huanmei'er will reply in time after seeing it~

* The stocks shared above are for reference only and are personal opinions. They are not used as a basis for trading. The stock market is constantly changing. The grasp of specific buying and selling points needs to be combined with the actual market conditions! The stock market is risky, so be cautious when entering the market!