On the morning of June 30, the commissioning ceremony of the Nine Dragons Paper Co., Ltd. project was held in Jianli City. Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Zhou Xiangyang, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress Duan Changlin, Chairm

On the morning of June 30, the commissioning ceremony of the Nine Dragons Paper (Hubei) Co., Ltd. project was held in , Jianli City. The successful commissioning of this project will inject new vitality into the papermaking and packaging industry of Jianli Jianli and even Jingzhou, and bring a strong demonstration and driving effect on the transformation and upgrading of our city's industry and the attraction of large enterprises.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Zhou Xiangyang, Director of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Duan Changlin, Chairman of the CPPCC Jiang Hong, Chairman of Nine Dragons Group Zhang Yin, and municipal leaders Luo Zhongping, Jin Peng, Han Xu, and Yang Yunchun attended the commissioning ceremony.

Zhou Xiangyang expressed warm congratulations on the smooth commissioning of the project on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He said that the municipal party committee and the municipal government will further consolidate and expand the results of early cooperation, strengthen communication and optimize services with extraordinary pace, intensity and efficiency, and promote the first phase to reach full production as soon as possible, so that Nine Dragons Paper can take root in Jingzhou with peace of mind , feel comfortable integrating into Jingzhou, and concentrate on creating wealth in Jingzhou. It is hoped that Nine Dragons Paper will give full play to its role as a "chain master" in demonstrating and leading the industry, promoting vertical chain building and horizontal clustering in the industry, forming a good situation of "one flower attracting hundreds of flowers to bloom", and realizing an industry with "a bright moon in the sky and a sky full of stars" pattern.

Zhang Yin said in her speech that the next step will be to coordinate the production and operation management of the Hubei base, and at the same time carry out the construction of the second and third phases of the project, and make due contributions to promoting the economic and social development of Jingzhou with practical actions. A gift to the 20th National Congress of the Party. After the ceremony, Zhou Xiangyang, Duan Changlin, and Jiang Hong also visited the project factory of Nine Dragons Paper (Hubei) Co., Ltd.

It is reported that the Nine Dragons Paper (Hubei) Co., Ltd. project was signed on June 12, 2020 and settled in Bailuo Industrial Park, Jianli Economic Development Zone, Jingzhou City. The total investment of the project reaches 20.5 billion yuan. After completion, the annual total output value is expected to reach 23 billion yuan, the annual profit is about 3.6 billion yuan, the annual tax payment reaches 1.8 billion yuan, and about 3,500 new jobs are created.

reporter Li Tianran Xia Yubin

editor: Gong Tianshu

reviewer: Yang Changhong

final review: Guan Yongxia

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