On June 30, the Meishan Tianfu New District Digital Economy Industry Development Summit was held in Meishan. The Tianfu New District Meishan Management Committee and SAP Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Inspur Group, and Wanbang Digital Energy Co., Ltd.

On June 30, the Meishan Tianfu New District Digital Economy Industry Development Summit was held in Meishan . The Tianfu New District Meishan Management Committee and SAP (China) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. , Inspur Group , Wanbang Digital Energy Co., Ltd., Guolian Holdings, China Science and Technology Development Institute, Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd., and Sichuan Haisai Digital Technology Group Co., Ltd. have signed a cooperation agreement with a total investment of 5.26 billion. Yuan.

↑Concentrated signing ceremony at the conference site

In recent years, Meishan has launched the "14th Five-Year Plan" digital economic development plan around the goal of building an emerging digital city in the Chengdu metropolitan area and actively promoted industry digitization and digital industrialization, The digital economy in Meishan City is showing a good trend of vigorous development.

The meeting that day also promoted the advantageous resources for the development of digital economy in Meishan New District, and announced the interpretation of Meishan Tianfu New District’s digital economic industry development plan, opportunity list and supporting policies for the next five years.

Red Star News reporter noticed that the "Meishan Tianfu New District 2022 Digital Economy Industry Opportunities List" covers more than 60 items in 5 aspects including urban renewal, industrial development, rural revitalization, people's livelihood improvement, and ecological environmental protection, releasing more than 10 billion yuan in the digital economy development needs.

Among them, the demand list involves 45 scenarios in 5 fields, including government services, risk prevention and control, community life, and smart logistics; the supply list involves 21 capabilities in 4 fields, including industrial investment, corporate consulting, and information services. The "Several Policies for Accelerating the Development of Digital Economy in Meishan Tianfu New Area" released by

on the same day focused on the six major digital economy industries, focusing on recruiting the best and making them bigger and stronger, and proposed 12 supporting measures. In terms of increasing its efforts to attract strong talents,

will reward high-energy enterprises that settle in the city with a maximum reward of 5 million yuan, and provide new companies with a maximum subsidy of 10 million yuan for leasing and purchasing office space. In terms of supporting enterprises to become bigger and stronger,

supports the construction of innovative platforms and the digital transformation of industries and , with a maximum reward of 2 million yuan; for companies shortlisted for the top 100 in the industry for the first time, a maximum reward of 4 million yuan; for companies listed on the main board or major overseas capital Companies listed on the market, Science and Technology Innovation Board , and GEM will receive superimposed rewards on the basis of municipal policies, with a maximum reward of 13 million yuan.

Zhong Ye Yin Yong Red Star News reporter Jiang Lin

editor Yu Mange

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