Currently, faced with the complexity, severity, and uncertainty of the economic development environment, the High-tech Zone (Binjiang) faces the "pain points" currently faced by enterprises and industries, and further intensifies efforts and measures to promote economic stabiliza

Currently, faced with the complexity, severity, and uncertainty of the economic development environment, the High-tech Zone (Binjiang) faces the "pain points" faced by current enterprises and industries, and further intensifies efforts and measures to promote economic stabilization and recovery. Binjiang launched the column "Stabilizing Progress, Improving Quality and Promoting Development" to explore the good experiences, practices and advanced models of various departments, platforms and streets in stabilizing growth, stabilizing market entities and maintaining employment, showing that the whole district has overcome difficulties and faced difficulties. A good atmosphere of hard work and hard work.

On May 24, the Finance Section of the District Development and Reform Bureau received a message asking for help from a company within its jurisdiction that had difficulty in cash flow. Huang Qin, a staff member of the Development and Reform Bureau, immediately contacted the person in charge of the company, Mr. Li (pseudonym), after understanding the basic information of the company.

Mr. Li was in a very depressed mood on the phone: "Business accounts receivable cannot be recovered, and cash flow has been cut off again. I have really tried various methods. If I can't get the loan before June 3, I will not even pay my employees' wages." I couldn’t make any money, so I had to go bankrupt. I tried all the methods I could think of, but I came to the government for help when I was desperate.”

Huang Qin comforted him while patiently guiding Mr. Li to explain the current difficulties. We will study plans as soon as possible to help companies tide over the difficulties.

"For such a high-quality and socially responsible enterprise, we must help if we can!"

Although the phone call has ended, the work of the District Development and Reform Bureau has just begun. The staff brainstormed what financing channels and units the enterprise has. Can you help, who can help with ideas...

"The company is a national high-tech enterprise. It has received 5 rounds of financing before. It has won many business projects this year. It is in a period of rapid growth, has good development prospects, and has no problems with its own operations. "The relevant person in charge of the District Development and Reform Bureau said, "On the one hand, due to the epidemic, the payment of some accounts receivable has been delayed, and on the other hand, several employees have gone to other places to discuss business. , trapped in the local area and unable to return. In this case, the company has never owed employees wages. We must help such a high-quality and socially responsible company!”

At around 8 o’clock the next morning, District Fa The reform team raced against time, and within 2 hours, banks, guarantee companies, small and medium-sized enterprise financial services associations, district financial consultants and other units and resources were summoned to meet with Mr. Li. Wang Fengbin, deputy director of the District Development and Reform Bureau, introduced the company's situation and current difficulties, and Mr. Li expressed his demands. At the

site, the district financial consultant made suggestions for the company, proposed three solutions to solve the company's capital turnover problem in the short term, and proposed a service plan to help the company make long-term financial planning for its long-term development.

Because loan financing involves multiple evaluations, although several banking units have the intention to lend, they dare not make a quick decision.

“The business owner frowned the whole time, and his eyes were red when he was excited.” Ding Ruijiang, head of the financial section of the District Development and Reform Bureau, said, “We left him to have lunch in the cafeteria, although we were comforting him , but I can also see that the problem has not been solved yet, and he has no appetite."

Ding Ruijiang said: "It is better to do more than talk. After the meal, we continued to contact the bank, hoping to move forward as quickly as possible."

" It’s only been 7 days, I really didn’t expect it!”

On the afternoon of the meeting, four banks visited the company to discuss loan matters. On May 26, several banks began to do due diligence.

Mr. Li feels that he seems to have seen some hope.

On May 31, a bank finally confirmed the loan, and the two parties successfully signed the contract.

On the first day of June, two days before the deadline for disbursing employee wages, a loan of 1.5 million yuan arrived in the company's account. On June 3, Mr. Li paid wages to employees as scheduled, and the company also had cash flow to maintain daily operations. The good news for

in June does not stop there. As the epidemic situation in various places improves, the company's employees who were trapped in other places have successfully negotiated projects to return to Hangzhou. Many of the company's accounts receivable were received in time, cash flow became abundant again, and the company regained its vitality.

On June 6, Mr. Li specially made a banner and came to the office of the District Development and Reform Bureau.

"Thank you so much. I was really desperate, but actually coming to the government for help was my last resort. I called at 10 o'clock that night. Huang Qin told me that the leader was already making arrangements and would do his best to help the company solve the problem. I thought it was just a formality. When the meeting was told to me the next day, I still thought it was just a formality, so I was still in a bad mood when I left. "Now that the company is back on track, Mr. Li was a little excited and put aside his previous concerns. They all said it out, "But unexpectedly, a bank contacted me that afternoon to do due diligence. Within a few days, the contract was signed and the loan was granted. I counted on my fingers. From the time I asked for help to the loan, I experienced 7 Days later, I really didn’t expect it!”

Focus on helping enterprises solve their “urgent worries”

At the end of May and early June, the national, provincial and municipal policies and measures to stabilize the economy were successively introduced, and soon after, Binjiang also formulated and introduced them. Eight categories and 56 specific measures.

In the process of implementing the policy, the staff of the District Development and Reform Bureau felt that there was a long way to go to help enterprises bail out.

"This experience of assisting enterprises has given us a lot of inspiration for our work. Such high-quality growing technology companies already have a lot of resources, and it is difficult to solve them when encountering financing, let alone other smaller companies. We feel The work is of great significance and the burden is heavy, which also puts forward higher requirements for the work. We must draw inferences from one example.” The relevant person in charge of the

District Development and Reform Bureau said: “Many times, the difficulty and pain point in assisting enterprises lies in information asymmetry. By the time companies turn to the government for help, the problems are often serious and difficult to solve. In fact, many financing problems of companies can be avoided by planning in advance.”

The person in charge also shared some views that some small and medium-sized enterprises lack long-term vision. financial plan. The CEO of a company may be good at business, but he may not necessarily be a professional in finance. The District Science and Technology Financial Service Center under the District Development and Reform Bureau gathers bank investment institutions and professional financial consultants to provide one-stop services such as financing docking, project promotion, exchange training, policy consultation, and listing cultivation for enterprises in the district, helping enterprises solve financing problems. Difficulty and high cost of financing and other issues, improve the awareness and ability of enterprises to prevent and resolve financial and financial risks.

In addition, the best time to help a business is at the early stage of the problem. To this end, the District Development and Reform Bureau has stepped up its efforts to identify the difficulties of enterprises and issued a "Questionnaire on Solicitation of Enterprise Financing Demand Intentions" to enterprises in the district. If enterprises have any financing problems, they can fill out the questionnaire to report.

It is understood that in line with the current overall requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development", the District Development and Reform Bureau (Financial Office) has taken positive actions to draw lessons from one example, identify companies in similar situations, and implement in-depth financing unblocking projects. Better leverage the role of financial services in assisting enterprises in rescuing businesses. As of June 17, the District Development and Reform Bureau has formulated 7 financial support policies for the High-tech Zone (Binjiang) to implement the State Council and provinces and cities to solidly stabilize the economy. It has sorted out and issued a summary of 21 banking and insurance policies to assist and benefit enterprises. Enterprises in difficulty organized 4 special communication meetings on financial relief, held 1 financial service park event, and organized 3 financial consultant visits to the enterprise. At present, a series of financial relief efforts are being carried out in an orderly manner.

text/Zhang Tingting

editor/Liu Ziyin

source/District Development and Reform Bureau