Our city’s “grasp big projects, seize big projects” once again sounded the charge. This morning, Wenzhou City’s centralized signing event for major projects in the second quarter of 2022 was held. 107 projects were signed and settled in Wenzhou, covering the headquarters economy,

Our city’s “Grasping Projects and Grasping Big Projects” once again sounded the charge. This morning, Wenzhou ’s centralized signing event for major projects in the second quarter of 2022 was held. 107 projects were signed and settled in Wenzhou , covering the headquarters economy, agriculture and rural areas, culture and tourism, commerce and finance, producer services, new materials and other fields , to help Wenzhou’s economy stabilize, improve quality, become stronger and expand into the “third pole of the province”.

html On the morning of June 29, Wenzhou City’s centralized signing event for major projects in the second quarter of 2022 was held. The CBD sector attracted a number of well-known companies to settle in.

This is a fruitful result of Wenzhou's insistence on seeking big opportunities and strong development. It is also the result of the introduction of "famous, excellent, strong" and strong chains following the centralized signing of 12 major new energy industry projects with a total investment of 125.8 billion yuan on April 28. A new breakthrough in the chain extension project. Among the projects signed this time, there are investment layouts of Fortune 500 companies such as Wal-Mart, China Resources, and China Merchants Group, as well as the agglomeration and fission of cooperation projects in Vancouver such as Provincial Energy Group, Provincial Seaport Group, and China General Nuclear Power New Energy. There are expanded investments from well-known Wenzhou companies such as Chint Group , Huafeng Group , and Wanyang Group .

This is a strong support for Wenzhou to become stronger and bigger as the “third pole of the province”. The 107 projects signed this time cover all parts of the city, of which 69 industrial projects have a planned total investment of 49 billion yuan, 36 commercial and financial projects are expected to drive annual sales of 37.8 billion yuan, and the planned implementation fund size is 20.3 billion yuan. There are also 2 cultural projects. Carry out strategic cooperation on major tourism platforms. As the project progresses, it will inject strong impetus into Wenzhou's "two firsts" success.

The picture shows the contract signing site for producer services and new material projects.

  • Window of the city, core of innovation - Oujiang New City

    As the new engine of Wenzhou metropolis, the flashpoint of the new economy, and the main platform for attracting leading enterprises, this time it has attracted Provincial Energy Group, Provincial Harbor Group, China General Nuclear Power Well-known enterprises such as New Energy, Chint Group, Huafeng Group, Wanyang Group, Wenzhou Commercial Bank have settled in.
  • Thousand-year commercial port, warm state - cultural tourism project

    includes strategic cooperation with major platforms such as Ctrip , Scenic Area Lv Mama , as well as leisure vacations, scenic spot development, etc.
  • Financial vitality, Hong Kong connects the world - commercial finance project

    covers e-commerce, first store launch and financial industry and other fields. Among them, the Wenzhou base of Beijing Stock Exchange will provide a new path for Wenzhou enterprises to connect with the multi-level capital market, QFLP The fund will promote high-level opening up of the financial industry.
  • Transformation and upgrading, quality improvement and efficiency improvement - producer service industry project will help local industries expand towards specialization and high-end, and new material project will accelerate the innovative development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains.

  • Rural revitalization, industry first - agricultural and rural projects

    involve the prepared vegetable industry, the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, agricultural product processing, agricultural "double power", digital agriculture, etc., and will contribute to common prosperity.

Liu Xiaotao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, expressed his gratitude to the entrepreneurs for their full support and layout of Wenzhou in his speech. "Working together to plant the seeds of cooperation today reflects everyone's optimism for Wenzhou's future prospects and full of love for the city of Wenzhou." He said, "Millennium Commercial Port, Happy Wenzhou" is a land that nurtures dreams and creates legends. Fertile soil, it is the right time to invest in Wenzhou and take root in Wenzhou, which has great potential. As a comrade in Wenzhou, we must cherish the trust and support of major enterprises, especially value good cooperative relationships, and provide the most professional services with good professional ethics. In particular, in accordance with the principles of marketization, rule of law and internationalization, we must strive to create a first-class business environment with a more open market, more efficient services, and a more inclusive ecology, conscientiously implement various cooperation agreements, and urge projects to start early, build early, and put into production early, so that The seeds of cooperation will bear win-win fruits as soon as possible.

07 signed projects cover the fields of headquarters economy, agriculture and rural areas, culture and tourism, commerce and finance, producer services, new materials and other fields. At the

signing ceremony, many companies extended an olive branch to Wenzhou."Wenzhou is a legendary commercial capital and a city with endless cultural heritage." Wang Wei, vice president of Ctrip Group, said that the group plans to hold Ctrip's top IP, the China Travelers Conference, in Wenluodi to further promote Join hands with Wenzhou to empower industries, innovate products, attract customers and help Wenzhou city brands go global. "Today's Wenzhou is full of vitality and has become a benchmark for private economic development in the new era." Huang Jianing, vice president of Walmart China, said that during the cooperation between the two parties, Wenzhou's economic vitality and development momentum have been truly felt, and they will be committed to radiating and driving Contribute to the development of regional and industry clusters. Nan Cunhui, chairman of Chint Group, said that in the period of major historical opportunities for the digital economy and green and low-carbon high-quality development , Wenzhou has great potential and great achievements. Enterprises will give full play to their own advantages, focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, and provide Chint provides CHINT solutions for smart city construction, green and low-carbon transformation and industrial digital and intelligent development.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Zhang Zhenfeng presided over the signing ceremony. Ge Yiping, Chen Zuorong, Lin Xiaofeng and other leaders of the city's four teams, together with Hu Zhongming, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Energy Group, You Xiaoping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Huafeng Group Co., Ltd., Lin Han, Chief Representative of the East China Region of the Beijing Stock Exchange and other guests , witness the centralized signing of the project together.

The signing ceremony also reported the progress of major new energy industry projects signed in April this year. As of now, special project service teams have been established in the territories to fully promote the implementation of construction. 12 projects are progressing according to the schedule, including 2 The project has started construction.

Information: Wenzhou Daily

Reporter: Yang Shipeng

Photography: Chen Xiang

Editor/first instance: Chen Liya

Second instance: Liu Yao

Third instance: Wang Wen

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