1. Overview of the market: The Shanghai Stock Index opened lower and moved lower, closing at 3361.52, down 1.40% and 47.69 points (lost the 5-day line). The average stock price index opened lower and moved lower, down 2.36% (falling below the 5-day line). The short-term indicator

1. Overview of the market

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened lower and moved lower to the middle, closing at 3361.52, down 1.40% and 47.69 points (lost 5, daily line) . The average stock price index opened low and moved to the bardo, down 2.36% (lost 5, daily line) . The short-term indicator KDJJ value turned downward 179.87 (102.45 yesterday, 105.57 the day before yesterday), and the dimension began to adjust. The total trading volume of

was 1,315.557 billion (1,220.9 billion yesterday), falling on heavy volume.

There were 761 companies that rose (3,517 the day before), and 66 companies were flat or suspended.

The number of companies that fell was 3,894 (1,087 the day before).

has an increase of more than 5%: 113 (373 yesterday), and

has a decrease of more than 5%, including 614 (36 yesterday).

has an increase of more than 10%, 62 companies (148 companies yesterday),

has a decrease of more than 10%, 60 companies (1 company yesterday), 46 companies have dropped to the limit (0 companies yesterday).

sentiment index is 49 points, freezing point (227 points yesterday, climax).

The number of companies that hit the daily limit yesterday was 128 (102 companies the day before) (excluding ST and one-word new stocks), 23 companies (43 companies the day before) continued to stay on the board, and the ratio of companies that continued to stay on the board was 18.0% (42.2% yesterday), There are 0 GEM third board, and 0 Science and Technology Innovation Board .

Yesterday, there were 438 listed stocks html (25 stocks the day before), and 11 stocks continued to be listed (21 stocks the day before).

market echelon (see picture) :

nine boards: 1.

Songzhi Co., Ltd. (Kirin Battery) eight one-word boards and then a broken board .

Seven boards: 1.

Julu intelligent (intelligent machine) two one-word boards.

six boards: 1.

Qin'an shares (car) long legs late plate bad board.

five boards: 2.

Chuanyi Technology (consumer electronics) four one-word boards.

Xingmin Zhitong (new energy vehicle) long legs and strong board .

four boards: 3 pieces.

Almaden ( photovoltaic ) four one-word boards.

Rifeng Co., Ltd. (5G, wind energy) changed hands to a strong company.

Taijia shares (consumer electronics) long-leg board

three boards: 3 pieces. Broken three boards: 1

Yuanda Intelligent (intelligent machine) T-shaped board.

Tahoe Intelligent (smart machine), Zuming Co., Ltd. (food) replacement board.

breaks the three boards: Lijiang shares (tourism) one-word board.

second board: 11 pieces. 1 stock on the second board is off

Today there are 30 stocks on the main board of the first board, 2 stocks on the GEM, and 0 stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board : omitted.

Today there are 23 stocks on the consecutive board (28 yesterday) and 11 stocks on the second board (see picture).

2. Hot spots and main lines

sector ranking of the number of daily limit companies:

1, smart machine {20cm: 0 (increase greater than 10%: 0) + main board daily limit 11}, seven boards: Julun Intelligent leads the rise of .

2, national defense and military industry {0 (0) + 10}, Qi Board: Julu Intelligent led the gains of .

3, 5G{0 (0) + 7}, the fourth board: Rifeng shares led the gains of .

4, PPP{0 (1) + 5}, the five first stocks: Hongrun Construction led the rise of .

5, consumer electronics {0(1)+13}, five boards: Chuanyi Technology led the gains of .

6, new energy vehicles {0 (0) + 6}, nine boards: Songzhi shares led the gains of .

7, smart city {1 (0) + 4}, the second board: special information led the rise of .

There are nearly 27 stocks with more than 3 daily limit stocks .

3. Today’s operation of

positions : Jiu’an -25.72%, Jiu’an continues to hold positions.

buy: without .

sold: Yiling Pharmaceutical - 33.0%, Small Commodity City - 5.0%

4. Pay attention to tomorrow

What is supposed to come will always come, and there will inevitably be fierce differences in the continuous climax. Today's emotional score is 49 points , freezing point . There are 11 second-board stocks today, and we can see the risk-averse action of cutting high and cutting low. This freezing point can be predicted. Yesterday I suggested: control the position of and and wait for the divergence. It has been made very clear. The freezing point of emotions is generally 2-4 days, so emotional short-term funds will not rest.

Today, the track trend category is selling harder than sentiment stocks. Changan Automobile is hitting the bottom limit. New energy vehicles should still have a chance after adjustments. After the

differences, which sector will become mainstream in the next stage?

It’s hard to be sure. Today, five real estate stocks have reached their daily limit, which is not strong enough. We’ll see how it continues tomorrow. Look at deep room A weak to strong.

Consumer Electronics performed well today, with a complete echelon. Chuanyi Technology led the gains, there should be a chance tomorrow.

It is more meaningful to observe the strength of the intraday tomorrow than to predict.