China News Service, Nanning, June 29th Zeng Zhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat, said on the 28th that China will rank as Thailand’s second largest source of investment in 2021, and the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has a

The picture shows a bird's eye view of Chia Tai-Guangxi Jiangong Science and Technology Industrial Park in Thailand. Picture provided by the CAEXPO Secretariat

The picture shows a bird’s eye view of Chia Tai-Guangxi Jiangong Science and Technology Industrial Park in Thailand. Photo courtesy of the China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat China News Service, Nanning, June 29 (Huang Lingyan and Wei Tiancong) Zeng Zhong, deputy secretary-general of the China-ASEAN Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "ASEAN Expo") Secretariat, said on the 28th that 2021 In 2017, China ranked as Thailand's second largest source of investment. The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has achieved fruitful results and has huge potential. The China-ASEAN Expo will give full play to its role as a platform and pragmatically promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and Thai industrial parks.

On the same day, the CAEXPO Secretariat, Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce, China Illuminating Society jointly held a special promotion meeting for Thailand of the ASEAN Industrial Park on the cloud-based CAEXPO platform. At the

promotion meeting, Liu Meiling, director of the Guangzhou Office of the Thailand Investment Promotion Board, gave a detailed explanation of Thailand’s investment environment, preferential policies and development opportunities for Chinese companies in Thailand. Representatives from Thailand’s Rogana Industrial Park, Thailand-China Rayong Industrial Park, and Thailand’s Chia Tai-Guangxi Construction Engineering Technology Industrial Park respectively introduced the investment promotion policies of the parks and had in-depth exchanges with representatives of participating companies. Answer questions for enterprises.

The China-ASEAN Expo has been held for 18 years and has been actively promoting Chinese companies to "go out" and invest in ASEAN countries. Since the beginning of this year, the CAEXPO Secretariat has held special promotion meetings for ASEAN Industrial Parks Cambodia and Indonesia respectively on the cloud-based CAEXPO platform, with guests from Cambodia’s Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, the Royal Group of Cambodia’s Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone, and China ·Representatives from the Indonesian Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone and Indonesian Kipei Kamshi Special Economic Zone introduced the latest investment environment to participating Chinese companies.

It is reported that the CAEXPO Secretariat will hold promotion meetings for ASEAN industrial parks by country every month to effectively build an authoritative platform for enterprises that are willing to "go global" to invest in ASEAN and better serve China-ASEAN investment cooperation. (End)